


I read to fill the void inside of me. I write down my wishes and dreams.

2020-09-19 BeigetretenGermany



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  • Lukas_Wagner
    Antwortet auf Wandering_super123
    Gladius was immensely delighted to be able to out as now it can be with 'Father' a lot more. Liam was more than happy with that, and one of the reasons he had put in Gladius a leather armor with bronze plates to protect its vitals and vulnerable areas in case of a sudden fight. And it gave a fantasy sci-fi vibe to his tame too.
    Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora
    Filme · The_Bip_Boop2003
  • Lukas_Wagner
    Antwortet auf One_Eyed_Odin
    Four dozen meters away was a 3.5 meter (~10ft5) long predator lurking closer, its hairless tapered body built for speed hidden within the tall blades of grass. A slinth or txumre' depending on either English or Na'vi.
    Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora
    Filme · The_Bip_Boop2003
  • Lukas_Wagner
    Antwortet auf PGriff72
    This wasn't Liam's intention but the young bird's own machination, apparently they shared this same animosity with anything non-him. 
    Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora
    Filme · The_Bip_Boop2003
  • Lukas_Wagner
    Antwortet auf Eberton_Rodrigues
    This wasn't Liam's intention but the young bird's own machination, apparently they shared this same animosity with anything non-him. 
    Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora
    Filme · The_Bip_Boop2003
  • Lukas_Wagner
    Antwortet auf LeCat69

    The Navi are cat-like and not monkey-like.

    What he was met with wasn't his face, it was the face of a man in his late twenties-early thirties, he closed his eyes and sighed. His skin was now tanned, his eyes now a soft grey with a hint of azure, almost ethereal. 
    Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora
    Filme · The_Bip_Boop2003
  • Lukas_Wagner
    Antwortet auf Ototsu_Yume

    Great ... thats wort stealing😂👍

    Status- ? giving Harry - +2 VIT, +2 DEX and the ability to?
    Harry Potter System Gamer
    Filme · William777
  • Lukas_Wagner
    Antwortet auf The_reader_ofnovel
    Harry Potter is a ?, the son of Lily Potter and ?. He has bad eyesight making it difficult for him to do well in class. His ? has gotten him trouble over the years in various schools. Strange things seem to happen around him. Harry is unaware of who he is, and wishes to find meaning in his life. Harry hates the Dursleys.
    Harry Potter System Gamer
    Filme · William777
  • Lukas_Wagner

    Shadowkin ... a Obscurus with Selfcontrol😎😈 I like it when the mc is something quit dangerous and not human but tries to play human ... or in thes case wizard!

    Harry Potter System Gamer
    Filme · William777
  • Lukas_Wagner
    Antwortet auf WhiteWizardIan
    Nick noticed Dumbledore's breathing change drastically when he saw this symbol and a temptation to put the ring on came from the soul shard within the metal. Nick definitely noticed that the stone itself was entirely unconnected to the horcrux magically speaking. Before Dumbledore could reach out with his hand Nick waved his wand through the spiritual coercion of the soul shard snapping Dumbledore out of it. "You almost fell victim to the shards influence but lucky for you I can directly counter it." Nick said and the old man had a horrified look.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Lukas_Wagner
    Antwortet auf Anime_Admirer
    After all why would the ministry punish Arthur for the magical car when it may be the last functional car on the planet in the next few years. Instead the ministry had encouraged Arthur to disclose his cars enchantments so they could secretly try and fill the muggles vehicles with them. It wasn't much but the ministry hoped it would lower the death toll at least a little. There was one tiny little hiccup in that plan however in the form of Arthur not actually knowing the enchantment by heart. See he had been very secretive when doing the enchantments and thus didn't write them down meaning he simply didn't know what they were by heart.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Lukas_Wagner
    Antwortet auf SCP_1915
    Throwing Flamel under the bus
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Lukas_Wagner
    Antwortet auf _Scarlett_Dawn
    The memory was so tinted by rage after that that I had to activate my own occlumency abilities to keep it from infecting me as well. I was impressed by Nick's self control in the face of such raw violent emotions even if the rather hard kick to Lockhart's legs to knock him over showed he felt the need to hurt the man. Once I returned to reality from the memory I could only look at the paralyzed man on the stone transfigured horse with a frown. Taking out my wand I pressed it forward "EXPECTO PATROMUM!" I said and a spectral phoenix flew out of the tip before rapidly vanishing down the hallway in search of Severus.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Lukas_Wagner
    Antwortet auf Mannymangos
    Mcgonagall also passed out the reintroduction schedule for the second years which included Nick and his friends. After that the schedule would go back to the way it was for the previous year minus a slight adjustment in the times. For the first week though it was headache inducing cramming on the menu. An example of this was monday in which they had herbology followed by potions and the finally dada. Nick was especially not looking forward to herbology since they were going to be working with actually dangerous plants this year and he didn't exactly get along with most magical plant life.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Lukas_Wagner
    Antwortet auf transcribed_master
    Mcgonagall also passed out the reintroduction schedule for the second years which included Nick and his friends. After that the schedule would go back to the way it was for the previous year minus a slight adjustment in the times. For the first week though it was headache inducing cramming on the menu. An example of this was monday in which they had herbology followed by potions and the finally dada. Nick was especially not looking forward to herbology since they were going to be working with actually dangerous plants this year and he didn't exactly get along with most magical plant life.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Lukas_Wagner
    Antwortet auf Orixo7
    He wasn't evil but starved of true companionship and bitter at the world over it. This meant that when he found companionship he held onto it tightly and would get violent at outside interference which Dumbledore learned personally. He was now sporting a slightly shorter beard after Dusk's warning strike when he tried to get the bird to leave his office while it was communicating with Fawkes. 'Like master like bird it seems.' he thought remembering how badly Nick had reacted to his actions as well.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Lukas_Wagner
    Antwortet auf OofMySenpai
    It was only after Luna sat down that he realized he was literally surrounded by girls with the only other male in the compartment being Steve who was currently getting pampered by Daphne with a content expression. 'Traitor' Nick thought with a slight twitch in his eyebrow at the nifflers willingness to submit to the tender mercies of softhearted girls. Still despite this Nick was mostly unbothered by it since each of the girls were far too young to interest him in a romantic or sexual manner.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Lukas_Wagner
    Antwortet auf C_Meta_Freedom
    Nick laughed "Not at all , he is a fantastic teacher. I even got my veritology license." Nick said showing them his recently updated license that now had three golden stars on it each with a large O in them. Daphne and Tracy both looked dumbfounded but Hermione only looked impressed but not like she understood the meaning of the stars or letters in them. "I swear that it's like you aren't even human sometimes , like how in Merlin's name are you already as good as a person with three or fours years experience in only so many months!?" Tracy asked in exasperation and Daphne was nodding in agreement.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Lukas_Wagner
    Antwortet auf proganerx_Dave
    Still despite how antagonistic that whole interaction was it was fairly clear to Nick that he enjoyed teasing the blonde. 'Her reactions are simply too good not to.' he thought with a smirk. Luna had obviously never learned how to control her own emotions very well as she was practically an open book once you ignored any strange words or actions she may say or do. Unfortunately Nick missed the perfect opportunity to snatch the diary away due to working during the Weasleys confrontation with the Malfoys. It was a little strange how Lucius Malfoy was still willing to go through with his plan after the whole event with Nick freeing Sirius while simultaneously taking Peter out of the picture.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Lukas_Wagner
    Antwortet auf LongSongGolden
    It did not fail to dawn on Nick that the ring was growing more powerful with each soul shard he fed it and was also growing smarter as well. 'Perhaps if it is fed enough it may turn into a full blown creature.' Nick thought now feeling slightly reluctant to destroy the ring once it's purpose was through. It was obvious loyal to him if it's apparent eagerness to please him was any indication so he decided to wait and see if it eventually becomes a problem or a boon.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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  • Lukas_Wagner
    Antwortet auf Exalted_Commoner
    First and foremost was that this was causing his mere presence to begin to shift ever so slowly which isn't a problem yet but is bound to be noticed eventually. This was the beginnings of his elvish self starting to become clear. See according to Celebrimbor even though they looked almost identical to humans no elf could ever be mistaken as such due to this sort of natural presence they had that felt almost unearthly to the mortal races. In magical terms once he fully transforms into an elf Nick will feel qualitatively different than most other wizards.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
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