

2020-08-17 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • MobsterShark20 days ago
    Antwortet auf Indiskyz

    I fixed the order of the chapters. Thank you for pointing that out.

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  • MobsterShark20 days ago
    Antwortet auf Indiskyz

    Someone told me it needed more exposition and chances to get to know the characters. I wasn't sure how to do that. So that's why some of the chapters feel repetitive.

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  • MobsterShark21 days ago
    Antwortet auf The_man_The_myth

    Idk what you're talking about. I've been pretty honest and up front. This is the only review I gave myself. I wrote this story for fun. Not for money. Or contest. or Recognition. I wrote it cause I wanted to try writing. I'm sorry if it sucks but I have no reason to try and hype myself up or do anything else. It would not be worth it to create emails to make other accounts to give myself other reviews.

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  • MobsterShark21 days ago
    Antwortet auf TaterRumble

    Mine only had 1 weakness. He became dazed when his rage wore off. I would run around while he was enraged then hit him as much as I could. But no executions because then he would become enraged again. A Legendary Cursed Terror Berseker.

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  • MobsterShark21 days ago
    Antwortet auf Rk6T

    You're reading a Fanfic about a man who put a ring in his finger that tied him to an ancient elf ghost who gave him the power to teleport, raise the dead and dominate Monsters part of an army controlled by an eye that floats above a Mountain. but me saying Talion walked from the Wall to Winterfell is the part that really grinds your gears?

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  • MobsterShark21 days ago
    Antwortet auf Taragorm

    I'm sorry you didn't like it. But I swear it's not AI I worked on it for 7 months and had people give me feedback on what I should write, chapter structure, dialog, battles. Again I'm sorry you didn't like it.

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  • MobsterShark21 days ago
    Antwortet auf TaterRumble

    Na. I just could not lock down the Characters or dialog. That shit is here like honestly. writing dialog is really hard. I also figured some people are really hard headed. Like we've characters in Movie, TV and Video Games where they see magic happen. Then turn and say it's impossible. I'm not sure if it's Denial but that's where my thought process was writing it. Sorry for the over explanation

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  • MobsterShark21 days ago
    Antwortet auf Jarod_Lane_8547

    I just wanted everyone to hate Brandon

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  • MobsterShark21 days ago
    Antwortet auf Jarod_Lane_8547

    He meant Ned can help in Winterfell. Not that Ned is the heir. Ned being the 2nd son would assist Brandon in managing Winterfell

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  • MobsterShark22 days ago
    Antwortet auf TaterRumble

    what level you get too? Hardest Uruk you fought? or the one that wouldn't leave you alone

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