


Uh, pretty hard to write a bio about yourself, huh? Well, I'm English, I enjoy fishing and cooking, and most of all I want to try my hand at writing!

2020-08-17 BeigetretenUnited Kingdom



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    Antwortet auf torrelsav1

    Possibly the most pessimistic thing I've ever seen but okay, I'll try to keep it in mind.

    Ch 7 A Talk With An Argent and A Talk With The Salvatores
    Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born
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    Antwortet auf Seud

    It's like 1AM where I am and I'm not nearly tolerant or awake enough to entertain this, so yes, you're correct, it's extraordinarily dumb. Yada yada yada. Happy?

    A colossal bang went off as I pulled the trigger. The rifle bucked backward against my shoulder and even with my intense workout regimen, the recoil hurt immensely. But I ignored the pain and held the gun down as I continued looking through the scope.
    Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born
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    Antwortet auf Scientistx

    But how's he supposed to make it so he evolves with that situation as the condition? Humans aren't made for strength or speed. We're made for endurance and to be intelligent. Human's who evolved for war, wouldn't even look remotely human. They'd be humanoid, sure, but they'd look as foreign to us as we do to a Gorilla. But the main question is, how is he gonna get that genome information? There's actually no way he can. MC only kills them because that's his duty to keep humanity safe. He won't, however, use them for ritual sacrifice. That's demented and sick. There's no way the MC would do it. And to answer your first part where you say ''you are bassically saying he is only good at planning facing enemys of that leauge so yeah you bassically amditted that he is still a ant'' what I meant when I said that is if the MC, as he is now, had to go up against them that's what he'd do. Give him a few months, maybe even a year or two, and he'd be able to fight on par with an Original easily. Slayers grow stronger the longer they're Slayers and the more they train. Plus, an outburst of emotion (anger, usually) can give them a tremendous boost in power.

    Ch 7 A Talk With An Argent and A Talk With The Salvatores
    Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born
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    Antwortet auf torrelsav1

    Not when it concerns knowing their talents and potential. He knows Allison can become a pretty competent huntress even with limited training, so Allison who's been trained for 3 extra years should be even better. Plus whatever training and tips he can give her and she could be a good ally to have. It's like knowing Goku's good at fighting. I wouldn't be able to answer any personal questions about him, but I sure as hell know his talent for fighting is godly. Same goes for Allison here: MC doesn't know everything about Allison in this universe but he's going out on a limb because of the knowledge that she's got potential and talent.

    Ch 7 A Talk With An Argent and A Talk With The Salvatores
    Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born
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    Antwortet auf blueDaoist

    Sure, whatever. Yes, the MC would eventually stop being partial towards Damon when he finally gets to know him and treats him more like a friend than a character from a TV series.

    Ch 7 A Talk With An Argent and A Talk With The Salvatores
    Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born
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    Antwortet auf torrelsav1

    Because in the future it wouldn't hurt to have a semi-competent person to call upon when sh*t hits the fan, maybe?

    Ch 7 A Talk With An Argent and A Talk With The Salvatores
    Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born
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    Antwortet auf blueDaoist

    No, it was a thinly veiled complaint and you know it was.

    Ch 7 A Talk With An Argent and A Talk With The Salvatores
    Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born
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    Antwortet auf Ahmed_Maged

    Go cry somewhere else. No one cares if you've dropped.

    Ch 7 A Talk With An Argent and A Talk With The Salvatores
    Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born
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    Antwortet auf blueDaoist

    Go cry somewhere else.

    Ch 7 A Talk With An Argent and A Talk With The Salvatores
    Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born
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    Antwortet auf Scientistx

    Did he? Where? I might've been incredibly tired when I wrote it and not known what I was writing. Because what he has is more than enough. He can utterly wreck most Vampires that show up in the series with nothing but pure physical strength and when an Original comes about, he'll just have to use his training and brain to outsmart the Original. If Klaus becoming a Hybrid is really that much of a problem, he'll just have to stop Klaus from succeeding. Same goes for Marcel and Lucien when they try to become Upgraded Original Vampires. Nor is he some sort of magical/science-based genius who would be able to do any of the enhancements you've suggested. No super soldier serum, no special witch spell that evolves him or whatever--nothing like that. Because 1) How's he gonna get a super soldier serum? Like seriously, my guy. That's completely out of nowhere. And 2) If he used a ritual like that, he'd gain weaknesses. Nature doesn't like being cheated like that and would revolt back at him, giving him weaknesses to the things that gave him power just like how the Originals gained weaknesses to the things that gave them power in the first place. But the major problem? How's he supposed to trust a witch to make such a spell like that? Once such a spell has been made...Jesus, it'd cause pandemonium. Every human hunter would want to have it done to them and it'd completely flip the balance of nature, and just like I said, Nature doesn't like sh*t like that happening. Something bad would happen if a spell like that was let loose. Plus, the sacrifices/things needed for a spell like that would be...preeetty extreme and I doubt the MC is willing to mass sacrifice people to fuel the spell.

    Ch 7 A Talk With An Argent and A Talk With The Salvatores
    Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born
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    Antwortet auf Ortrox

    Less so than Supernatural. MC is strong enough to survive in a Buffy storyline. But a Supernatural storyline? Hell no. Not when there's literally Angels around, and God and his older sister are constantly bickering between one another.

    Ch 6 Mystic Falls High and A Run-in With A Vampire
    Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born
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    Antwortet auf Seud

    If I was wrong, I would've just changed the paragraph lol. Not like it's hard to do or anything. Snipers who've been snipers for years can make mistakes that end in bruised shoulders and whatnot. It's only human to make a mistake, especially in such a high stress environment like Vampire hunting.

    A colossal bang went off as I pulled the trigger. The rifle bucked backward against my shoulder and even with my intense workout regimen, the recoil hurt immensely. But I ignored the pain and held the gun down as I continued looking through the scope.
    Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born
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    Antwortet auf Werph

    Enhanced physical prowess and an invulnerable mind that can't be effected by Vampire Compulsion and other similar powers.

    I'm not gonna let that woman get out. Well, I'm gonna try at least. Damon's crafty as hell and he's got a century on me when it comes to lying and manipulation. Alas, the only weakness I have so far is a lack of experience.
    Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born
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    Antwortet auf Prince_of_Thieves

    He doesn't need to confront his dislike of killing but he can ignore it in a completely human way - he can repress it. The guilt, the regret and the dislike of what he has to do in this new world - he can repress it all. Simply because he has to do it to prepare himself to survive in such a dog-eat-dog world. He can either lie to himself and become a coward like he calls them in this paragraph or he can repress those feelings and act like he's fine when he's really not. Eventually he'll have to come to terms with what he's done, sure. But I have something planned for that anyway.

    This...surprised me as well. It was odd to think she'd call me decent. I'd been to war. I'd killed people to survive in those harsh war zones. Those things had always struck me as...bad. Even if you kill in self-defense, it's still killing. People who lie to themselves and say it's acceptable are only cowards who hide from the truth of their actions.
    Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born
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    Antwortet auf Ruoshan

    Probably not. That'd be a bit too complicated if I added Supernatural lol.

    Ch 6 Mystic Falls High and A Run-in With A Vampire
    Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born
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    Antwortet auf blueDaoist

    No. I'm fairly sure I mentioned in an earlier chapter that he doesn't have the talent/genetics for it.

    Ch 6 Mystic Falls High and A Run-in With A Vampire
    Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born
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    Antwortet auf Prince_of_Thieves

    Yeah, he will rack up quite the kill count, actually. Hell, he already has a kill count. What I'm getting at is that killing is killing. There is no righteous killing, only killing for different reasons. If you don't agree and see some killing as above others and acceptable, then you're a hypocrite. Simple as that. Now, don't get me wrong. This is what the MC believes. The MC who was a soldier and died in battle. He's not gonna have positive opinions of war or killing, is he? Plus, it's not like I'm saying it's evil. Kill in self-defense all you want, just don't try and make it out like it's not still you taking another human's life. You need to come to terms with such a thing and face it head-on instead of hiding behind excuses like it being self-defense. Like I said before, no matter the reason, killing is killing.

    This...surprised me as well. It was odd to think she'd call me decent. I'd been to war. I'd killed people to survive in those harsh war zones. Those things had always struck me as...bad. Even if you kill in self-defense, it's still killing. People who lie to themselves and say it's acceptable are only cowards who hide from the truth of their actions.
    Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born
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    Antwortet auf RookofBlack

    I mean, if you shine a light at him in the dark, yeah. But probably not as much as a cat's.

    'Bright and full of light' lit up? Not really. But 'I can see enough to not fumble around like an idiot' lit up? Sure.
    Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born
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    Antwortet auf Darden

    Well, it's not like he wanted the fame. He just fought to stop an even bigger war from breaking out and showcasing the supernatural to Humanity at large. Plus, if a Vampire used Compulsion to get a few Military personnel to kill Arthur on site...how exactly would that be kept secret? The military don't just take strolls into civilian populations and they definitely don't take the amount of weapons you'd need to kill Arthur with them. Someone would quickly realize a squad had gone rogue and they'd be dealt with. Also, there's no way a few squads could take out Arthur. He'd be able to take them out (non-lethally) and give them enough vervain to cancel the Compulsion without breaking a sweat.

    ...I hate to say it, but I'm quite used to this type of stuff. You shouldn't fight in a deadly supernatural war, have a personal hand in it being ended, and expect to not get recognized by other hunters. I'm practically the poster boy for the Jäger Family as well, so anyone in the know probably knows my name or has seen a picture of me.
    Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born
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    Antwortet auf RookofBlack

    There's just no point in that though. If he can't have his gun in a situation, he probably wouldn't have a combat knife either. Relying on his superhuman body is his most reliable bet because he'll always have access to it.

    So that meant I didn't have the ammo to take out these guys quickly enough. Even with my reload speed, they'd have crossed the distance and made my gun advantage pretty useless. Meaning I'd have to take them down via CQC.
    Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born
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