


New author trying my luck and seeing if people will actually like my stories! :D

2020-08-08 BeigetretenUnited States



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  • Bietarnu
    Antwortet auf Uchiwa_Madara

    havent had to deal with that bug yet just the random balls ghosting through pals and unable to toggle off attacks lol loving it so far though

    Ch 155 Hunters Collide
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasie · Bietarnu
  • Bietarnu
    Antwortet auf Noah_Jacques_7965

    I'm actually in contact with a couple artists that are interested in coming up with floor designs, pictures of what the characters and monsters look like, and landscapes of the area's in the dungeon and world. It sadly takes time and I refuse to let someone put in that much work for free so its taking awhile to figure it out.

    [Blueprint for Satyr Zombie Received] [Loot received-Iron hatchet, Leather Armor Set, Quiver of Swiftness, Magical Tattoo Tome: Flame Burst]
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasie · Bietarnu
  • Bietarnu
    Antwortet auf SunMetal

    Squishy is gonna be fun when they finally appear lol.....your not quite there but not quite wrong either :D

    "They're trying sir, looks like the trouble starters are retreating towards the dungeon, with about two thirds of the slaves that are actually intelligent. The feral's are helping us surprisingly by taking out anything that gets close so we've just been leaving them be until we can contain them again. As for the corrupt dungeon bosses, the deathknight and troll were seen making their way towards the dungeon as well, the minotaur is on the south end now and the lich as you know is no longer a threat. That damn creature though is still loose and eating everything it can. Last seen in the center of the camping area, devouring a centaur we captured a few weeks ago. Ate him...hooves and all." Anissa says with a shiver as she recalls the gelatinous red creature with flailing tentacles slowly pushing the horse creature into its body, the still living man screaming in agony as his body dissolved while still breathing.
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasie · Bietarnu
  • Bietarnu
    Antwortet auf InsaneJoker

    hey be nice to all my ex's! :P

    "Such an adorable little puppy! Oh let momma Dawn help put you to sleep little one, I promise you won't feel a thing!" The woman says gently as a manic giggle escapes her throat and she covers her mouth with her hand to block it. Spooky, sensing something extremly off, darts into the nearby brush and stealths itself while watching the giggling woman stand still while staring at the ground smiling.
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasie · Bietarnu
  • Bietarnu
    Antwortet auf John_Guinnrss

    I try to release as many per week as I can. Sadly I work 3 jobs outside of writing as well as in the process of opening a food truck so my writing time much less than I want :/ but I do have chapters coming out in the next week and i'm sorry for the wait!

    Ch 145 Leafing the Sands
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasie · Bietarnu
  • Bietarnu
    Antwortet auf Uchiwa_Madara

    lol I know right its a lil nuts :P

    Ch 145 Leafing the Sands
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasie · Bietarnu
  • Bietarnu
    Antwortet auf Mr_zero_san

    im trying friend! two jobs overtime and writers block is an epic battle im currently losing! lol

    Ch 140 Through the Woods
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasie · Bietarnu
  • Bietarnu
    Antwortet auf Notanegg

    Since the beginning! And more as he evolves! lol thats why i had the poll on my patreon for free. all the locations are attached to a random person in the dungeons past

    "Not at all mun, dis be the natural order of tings here. Da people and such be reliant on da energy that da bard girl be giving of. We take it from dem and dey start to regress to what should be not what we be wanting. Dis earth be screaming of unnaturalness when we enter but now it be at peace." Slax explains calmly as he kneels down and gently scoops up a pile of dead earth before carefully putting it into a small satchel and returning it to his inventory.
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasie · Bietarnu
  • Bietarnu
    Antwortet auf Uchiwa_Madara

    ty for the advice. New to the whole patreon deal. Just made it to be able to better talk to everybody who reads my stuff and give everyone a chance to influence where the story goes.

    Ch 136 Race to the Finish
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasie · Bietarnu
  • Bietarnu
    Antwortet auf Wsp12_

    When Henwick died he gave a quest to the dungeon. Basically track down my peoples killers and end them and I'm yours. Kyle cannot move so instead chose his strongest creature to stalk and hunt the killers. And since Gorask is a high tier and high level boss he can spend months out of the dungeon without any repurcussions

    "Simple child, us lanyo can only grow stronger and eventually evolve by absorbing the powers of others of our kind. I am dread, which means that if I could take terror as well then I could be of more use to bother my Lord and my future progeny. As for the gear and items, I am a dungeon creature from those dead lands, pacted to a dungeon with a rather unique outlook. I believe at this time he may be attempting to destroy the parasite that's been feeding on that land and I am sorry to not be involved in that battle but this quest is much more important. I say seriously as a wave of dread hits me as I mention my dungeon ruler before the girls body thumps forward, her mind passing out in dread as I chuckle darkly.
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasie · Bietarnu
  • Bietarnu
    Antwortet auf Uchiwa_Madara

    NOT A LOLI!!! You lovable heathen! lol Tila is late teens to early twenties. She's based off someone I knew at one point as well ^_^

    {Item Obtained- Summoning Contract for Tila Mean the Scene Queen Description-This contract can be used to summon The bardic Terror Tila Mean to a dungeon as a miniboss. Once summoned Tila must be given a stage and the acoustics to flaunt her art for the masses.}
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasie · Bietarnu
  • Bietarnu
    Antwortet auf Hunter_Roberts

    Has nobody ever wondered where exactly summoned creatures come from? Lol as if a living creature capable of skills and combat just came out of thin air...

    'Enemies! Lunge! Attack! Kill enemies! Protect the child!' I think as I lunge towards one of the stronger enemies and rip its arm off with my jaws, its bitter blood running down my face as I slurp up the appendage and swallow it with a burp.
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasie · Bietarnu
  • Bietarnu
    Antwortet auf Wsp12_

    I like Gharoosh and Belzit lol.....I was NOT going to waste them on only a few chapters. Plus it says employee's and it was a fairly large building.....

    {Item Name- Guild Scroll of Summoning Item Rarity-Legendary Description- This scroll bestows a fully equipped and built Adventurers Guild hall to its owner. Only the owner of this scroll may use it to establish their new guildhall. Must have the necessary space needed for all additions of the hall to be built. All soul pledged employee's of the guildhall will be put into a hibernative state until hall is established allowing them to continue their duties.}
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasie · Bietarnu
  • Bietarnu
    Antwortet auf Wsp12_

    its always been my goal to write at least one chapter a day whenever I have the time. Now that I have time I'm writing fairly nonstop and building the next enemy dungeon level as well as a few bonus chapters about some forgotten people

    Ch 129 Warriors Woe
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasie · Bietarnu
  • Bietarnu
    Antwortet auf Wsp12_

    for the next few weeks yes...considering I lost both jobs due to lay offs and am now home all the time.

    Ch 129 Warriors Woe
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasie · Bietarnu
  • Bietarnu
    Antwortet auf THANATOS_

    sorry bout that lol I wanted to get the majority of introduction done in one go so I could focus on character and world building >_<

    {Welcome Sir/Madame/Genderless mortal being to the exciting role of a dungeon core! I'm sure you have many questions so I will start of by saying that sadly...your dead! But don't fret friend for you were chosen to be reborn as one of the most powerful creatures alive! You are now a Dungeon Core, a creature of pure magic that can create entire worlds within itself. As a Dungeon Core your new job and ultimately your survival is all reliant on training those who enter your territory. You shall provide monsters and loot as well as challenges that will help those who enter grow stronger. In exchange you get a portion of their energy to keep your own core fed, strong, and healthy! If one of these people or beings that enter die you will gain the ability to create a basic copy of that species as a new creature in your dungeon. These creatures have no thoughts or emotions and are solely made for combat but in certain cases these being may begin to grow souls and eventually personalities if they survive long enough. All equipment or items that those who enter your dungeon have will be absorbed by you upon their death and you may create and even improve these items and give them as loot to a certain extent! Exciting isn't it? Well you don't have much choice so oh well! As you progress you will obtain objectives and quests and if your lucky you shall level up! And if your not so lucky adventurers will beat your creatures, raid you for riches, then take your core, ultimately killing you! If your core leaves your dungeon you will DIE as in real death, no second chances! To start concentrate on the area around your core and imagine eating the surrounding dirt and minerals, once your core room meets requirements the next tutorial shall begin!}
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasie · Bietarnu
  • Bietarnu
    Antwortet auf Biro

    very true but if the dungeon needs information its not a guarantee that adventurers will bring that to him. If he needs specific materials for growth it may need to be searched for instead of brought to him by chance. If he gets a quest outside of his dungeon he may need a follower to finish or complete the quest using the power given to them since he can't leave. My thinking of the skill isn't something to help the dungeon itself but let it show off the outside world in the future and all the glories within it :D

    "Might seem that way but before I joined the bandits I was a party member of a small group and we hit dungeons regularly. Without that exp boost this place will only be able to grow so fast, yes it powers up the adventurers but you forget that it also helps the mobs learn and that's where the challenge and fun of a dungeon comes in. If a castyr or a bat suddenly learns to cast a fireball or use healing magic then that means a surprise to the next person who faces them instead of the same boring fight. The immortality thing is selfish yes but also a safety measure because I've witnessed small dungeons lose all of their bosses. Without the boss they become to easy to farm and sooner or later they're spending more on respawning basic stuff than what they're receiving. Eventually an adventurers guild or rich noble will put in a request and that dungeon core will be removed. The familiar is also usually captured for study but a living familiar has never been removed from the dungeon with the core, and if its kidnapped then a war can break out where the dungeon can mass attack whoever stole their familiar. Seen it happen twice and its terrifying, especially with insect and dragon type dungeons. Anyways this way Kyle won't lose any boss regardless but they will get weaker, and in that case her can just swap one out for a backup if he has one until the original is back up to stuff. The last is because I remember a chosen from when I was a kid, it was a troll but instead of being stupid and savage he was a gentle creature with great strength. He recommended the dungeon to my older siblings saying that the dungeon was looking for a worthy test and would reward them. And it did with gold and armor and an epic rarity weapon. We NEED someone who can fight for us and help us that isn't stuck returning here after a day or two. Happy?" Tyr rambles on, barely taking any air in as her voice gets angrier and more indignant.
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasie · Bietarnu
  • Bietarnu
    Antwortet auf Suny869

    its explained much later in the story. Sorry for your disappointment in my works but there are a multitude of living being reincarnation novels. for you to enjoy on webnovel :D

    {Welcome Sir/Madame/Genderless mortal being to the exciting role of a dungeon core! I'm sure you have many questions so I will start of by saying that sadly...your dead! But don't fret friend for you were chosen to be reborn as one of the most powerful creatures alive! You are now a Dungeon Core, a creature of pure magic that can create entire worlds within itself. As a Dungeon Core your new job and ultimately your survival is all reliant on training those who enter your territory. You shall provide monsters and loot as well as challenges that will help those who enter grow stronger. In exchange you get a portion of their energy to keep your own core fed, strong, and healthy! If one of these people or beings that enter die you will gain the ability to create a basic copy of that species as a new creature in your dungeon. These creatures have no thoughts or emotions and are solely made for combat but in certain cases these being may begin to grow souls and eventually personalities if they survive long enough. All equipment or items that those who enter your dungeon have will be absorbed by you upon their death and you may create and even improve these items and give them as loot to a certain extent! Exciting isn't it? Well you don't have much choice so oh well! As you progress you will obtain objectives and quests and if your lucky you shall level up! And if your not so lucky adventurers will beat your creatures, raid you for riches, then take your core, ultimately killing you! If your core leaves your dungeon you will DIE as in real death, no second chances! To start concentrate on the area around your core and imagine eating the surrounding dirt and minerals, once your core room meets requirements the next tutorial shall begin!}
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasie · Bietarnu
  • Bietarnu
    Antwortet auf Wsp12_

    I read all comments daily even if I don't have time or energy to write lol. This novel is something I really care about so I love going through everyones thoughts and idea's. Sometimes I even see someones off hand comment that gives me ideas for something crazy :D

    Ch 127 [Bonus chapter]A Glimpse into the Past
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasie · Bietarnu
  • Bietarnu
    Antwortet auf Owen_Rhoden

    not broken just at that time I was exhausted and maybe a little bit into the bottle lol Tyr gets a giant bear hug from a large crying woman in front of her old squad basically

    "Big sis Tyr, your alive!!" Bawls the woman as she runs to Tyr and lifts her in a bear hug in front fo the large crowd of fights.
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasie · Bietarnu