

2020-05-01 BeigetretenEgypt



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  • TyrantPharaoh
    Antwortet auf the_fat_taoist

    My friend the blade is the metal part in a glaive so we are still talking about the glaive here.

    The Ironborn were caught unaware when a man approached them swiftly and swung his glaive horizontally cutting two men at the same time, he kept pushing through their loose lines cutting and slashing left and right. He leaped into a man holding a giant axe and clashed blades with him, he kept adding strength to his arm till his enemy kneeled down holding his axe horizontally to keep the glaive away from his neck. Sirius kicked him in the guts suddenly and pierced his torso with the tip of his black valyrian blade and moved on to the next target.
    Game of Thrones: Wolf of the East
    TV · TyrantPharaoh
  • TyrantPharaoh
    Antwortet auf SUBSCRIBE_MY_LIST

    You know about misdirection, a village with a keep will have less spies so know one will know where he came from, so less chance people like Varys will connect him to Sirius.

    "Mesy, here is the town island where House Mormont resides. They are a poor house, but they are deeply loyal and they have some of the best northern men and women. Here on this island, a young girl would not be given toys to play with, but a morningstar instead to learn how to crush skulls with."
    Game of Thrones: Wolf of the East
    TV · TyrantPharaoh
  • TyrantPharaoh
    Antwortet auf ChayceMT

    No my man read the book or at least the wiki Brandon was Lord after Torrhen but he was not his son. Below is an excerpt from the asoiaf wiki Torrhen's sons did not agree with the Targaryen rule. Some of them spoke of rebelling, and raising the Stark banner.[2] Whether Torrhen gave his consent or not is unknown. No rebellions by House Stark are known thus far.

    His leaving was painted in the crypts as his father Torrhen considered him dead and made a statue of his image in the crypts. The statue depicts him wearing a crown of an open circlet of hammered bronze incised with runes of the First Men, surmounted by nine black iron spikes in the shape of longswords adorned with wolf head made of silver. He donned a black runic armor adorned with wolf head pauldrons and on his waist lay Frostmourne sheathed in silver. Frostmourne was a claymore with a howling wolf head handle and a bluish silver blade protruding from the wolf's jaw. Jon was a handsome youth with icy blue shining eyes with winter rose between his teeth.
    Game of Thrones: Wolf of the East
    TV · TyrantPharaoh
  • TyrantPharaoh
    Antwortet auf A_British_Person

    Dear these are literally the words in the Ma'at, these are the only part that I did not change so yeah it was frowned upon and it is just in the text it has nothing to do with my opinion.

    I have not committed adultery, I have not lain with men.
    Game of Thrones: Wolf of the East
    TV · TyrantPharaoh
  • TyrantPharaoh
    Antwortet auf Riqu

    Daenerys will always have the claim not him, it always happened when the King is latching on his Queen's claim for the throne, people consider him just a consort so they wait till he has an heir they kill the King and make that heir the new King as he has the royal blood through his mother. It happens millions of time in history. In Westeros you can only have claim through birthright or conquest so he does have to conquer the Kingdoms.

    Sirius remained in his solar pondering over a crucial matter that he avoided for a while. He was debating whether to sail to the North to awaken Ned Stark's genes and make him phase. Ned Stark is a foolish man who will lead the northern Stark House to ruin. Does he deserve this gift, and more importantly will he keep a secret like that? Whatever Sirius will need he can get from Ned's children, does he need Ned? He needs to make a decision as soon Ned will pass the age of phasing. The advantages are that Ned has no idea that Sirius is already an alpha, so no wolf in his pack can betray him. The pack idea is that basically the feeling and thoughts of the pack members are freely shared among their brethren in the pack. The greatest use of Ned is that he is the current Lord of Winterfell, so him bending the knee will make Sirius's claim much stronger.
    Game of Thrones: Wolf of the East
    TV · TyrantPharaoh
  • TyrantPharaoh
    Antwortet auf MisterImmortal

    NEVAAAAAR! Don't worry I just had a couple of presentations and exams that got me busy the last couple of days. A new chapter is coming today. Just bear with me this week and starting June 1st I will be totally free so chapters will keep rolling.

    Ch 19 House Mormont
    Game of Thrones: Wolf of the East
    TV · TyrantPharaoh
  • TyrantPharaoh
    Antwortet auf p7idrEcrewihifa7re

    Okay, first of all, you can not compare the style of writing in an original novel to fanfic, cuz in fanfic I can depend on the fact that most of the world-building is already done through the original book/show. I only focus on developing my character and his Kingdom. He did not rebuild any city, he just renamed it and barely added a few statues instead of Harpy's and renovated the existing walls or so. I also explained clearly why he is going North, what are his plans, motives, and so on. I added dialogue to keep the story flowing and fun as others said it was a bit dry in early chapters. When I went too much into details in the first few chapters everyone commented they need to see more dialogue and fewer details, so I amended my writing style and most seem satisfied with the style now. I honestly don't think it is fair that you summarize almost 30K with two sentences, but hey that is your opinion and it is fine. I do not have the arrogance to believe no one will dislike my story, so that's perfectly fine. Btw, I read at least part of it and dropped it after being tormented by the obvious lack of knowledge or bias when recounting the history of the Ottoman-Byzantine conflict, it also had so many historical errors that I could not bear, but for a non-history reader, I guess it could be fun.

    Ch 17 Bear Island
    Game of Thrones: Wolf of the East
    TV · TyrantPharaoh
  • TyrantPharaoh
    Antwortet auf Brezer

    Hey dude how about actually reading instead of skimming, because I wrote a whole paragraph before explaining in DETAIL everything about his Valyrian Steel Glaive Black Reaper.

    The Ironborn were caught unaware when a man approached them swiftly and swung his glaive horizontally cutting two men at the same time, he kept pushing through their loose lines cutting and slashing left and right. He leaped into a man holding a giant axe and clashed blades with him, he kept adding strength to his arm till his enemy kneeled down holding his axe horizontally to keep the glaive away from his neck. Sirius kicked him in the guts suddenly and pierced his torso with the tip of his black valyrian blade and moved on to the next target.
    Game of Thrones: Wolf of the East
    TV · TyrantPharaoh
  • TyrantPharaoh
    Antwortet auf Akisu

    Thanks, dude, you are a lifesaver.

    Ch 19 House Mormont
    Game of Thrones: Wolf of the East
    TV · TyrantPharaoh
  • TyrantPharaoh

    Dacey Mormont

    Ch 18 Ironborn Raid
    Game of Thrones: Wolf of the East
    TV · TyrantPharaoh
  • TyrantPharaoh

    Sirius Stark

    Ch 18 Ironborn Raid
    Game of Thrones: Wolf of the East
    TV · TyrantPharaoh
  • TyrantPharaoh
    Antwortet auf lightbringer_007

    Just wait and see, hehehe.

    Ch 17 Bear Island
    Game of Thrones: Wolf of the East
    TV · TyrantPharaoh
  • TyrantPharaoh
    Antwortet auf p7idrEcrewihifa7re

    Sigh!! I explained it to you a couple of times already. North has the Wall, the Night King who could lay waste to the whole world if he conquered the North and added all population along his march to Dorne into his Night Army. North is also his roots and seat of power of his ancestors, It is much larger and has water sources when compared to the desert-infested Dorne. The climate issue can be dealt with mass production glass to make greenhouses, by then the North will be the largest, will have massive food production, will be the most fortified at the Neck and Moat Cailin, and also will present a double threat to Westeros, from North and South. Attacking any of Tyrosh, Lys and Myr, will basically guarantee a response by the alliance from all the other free states and this will prove a tough nut to crack for the current Winter Kingdom. Attacks from West from Tyrosh, Lys and Myr, from the North from Volantis, Pentos and possibly Braavos, from the East through Qarth, no matter how strong the Winter Army is it will crumple when fighting on so many fronts, and their forces will be stretched so thin to defend all these sides. Also, he has no standing in Dorne so he will have to invade it which will bring forward fierce retaliation from Westeros and Robert no matter their disagreements with Dorne they will not stand by for a foreign invasion. When compared to the North which will validate his claim in Westeros as the King in the North as a Stark, while also obtaining the biggest Kingdom with no bloodshed. War is not won by numbers only the quality of the warriors is a big element in that world. in the second century AC in the HOUR of the WOLF, Cregan Stark marched South into King's Landing crushed a rebellion, and put a new King on the Iron Throne and ruled as Hand of the King for one night brought peace and then swaggered back to Winterfell and no army could stand in his path. The North has so much potential that does not make sense to waste. Dorne is a bad choice either way, if North doesn't work Sirius would unify Essos instead and control the Stepstones to siege Westeros economically and crush them in a long battle of attrition, but this will weaken his future alies against the Night King.

    Ch 17 Bear Island
    Game of Thrones: Wolf of the East
    TV · TyrantPharaoh
  • TyrantPharaoh
    Antwortet auf p7idrEcrewihifa7re

    Great ideas, for now, communication is done with gyrfalcon as mentioned before through Alaric the Spymaster as he has a team of wargs who tamed gyrfalcons which are far more robust and also faster than normal ravens in Westeros, they are also controlled by the council giving more control to the King than in Westeros as there is no Citadel or maesters who could virtually control the information that is given to the King. Propaganda is fulfilled through his instilling of ideas like Nationality and loyalty to the Winter Kingdom and their status as chain breakers guarantee the loyalty of the freed slaves, who are like 80% of the population of the previous Slaver Cities (According to Canon). Also, the economic development through glass making and steel factories in Memphis, along with the shipyards in Heliopolis, the flourishing trade in Alexandria are what guarantees the welfare and thus the loyalty of the people as they can't make such a great living elsewhere. Please notice that in the times of Slaving in Essos safety is what matters the most for the freed slaves, a strong army is what guarantees their status as free men as the Winter Kingdom is the only place that guarantees that for them, so their loyalty stems from both their economic wellbeing and also the apparent strength of their Kingdom as the strongest military power in the area guarantees that their lives, social status, money, and properties are safe. If you re-read you will notice these points implied. I do not opt for the obvious explanations as I got feedback from some readers that this disrupts the flow of the events. Thank you for your awesome advice. Promise will try to explain it more as the novel progresses.

    Ch 17 Bear Island
    Game of Thrones: Wolf of the East
    TV · TyrantPharaoh
  • TyrantPharaoh
    Antwortet auf lightbringer_007

    Either way, he will have to fight all seven because the King of the other six will fight him if he took the North.

    Ch 17 Bear Island
    Game of Thrones: Wolf of the East
    TV · TyrantPharaoh
  • TyrantPharaoh
    Antwortet auf Abyssal_CrabGOD

    Theoretically yes, but he can not change her, she does not have wolf blood.

    They had their fun to no end, she even started to sleep with him on the same bed. Nothing sexual would happen as she was still approaching 11 namedays. Sirius had no problems as his growth spurt due to his phasing was still going on and his physical body now was 20 years old although he was born 11 years ago. This will keep on till his body reaches the full maturity which is around 25 years, after that he will stay the same as long as he keeps phasing. Immortality is one aspect that he greatly appreciates in this world.
    Game of Thrones: Wolf of the East
    TV · TyrantPharaoh
  • TyrantPharaoh
    Antwortet auf berserkbarath008

    That's exactly why he made a wish to be able to imprint on more than one woman to fight off cases like that even though it is unlikely.

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    Game of Thrones: Wolf of the East
    TV · TyrantPharaoh
  • TyrantPharaoh
    Antwortet auf Herb_6573

    It has to be that way. While the Winter Kingdom has a strong army it is not yet strong enough to fight the collective armies of the Seven Kingdoms, Also he needs to avoid bloodshed as much as possible for the Battle of Dawn against the Night King.

    Ch 17 Bear Island
    Game of Thrones: Wolf of the East
    TV · TyrantPharaoh
  • TyrantPharaoh
    Antwortet auf MisterImmortal

    Thank you. I am working on editing those typos. Just stuck with lots of exams in the coming two weeks but first of June will be free to edit and double the release schedule.

    Game of Thrones: Wolf of the East
    TV · TyrantPharaoh
  • TyrantPharaoh
    Antwortet auf Daoist254579

    No just martial cuz they already had their balls cut since young.

    "Black Beetle, you shall join me in Meereen; I need you to gather the most elite Unsullied to form a team of 10 leaders by the time we reach Meereen. Also, the training of the youngsters never stops. I want to have 20,000 battle-ready Unsullied in a couple of years." I only received a nodding grunt as a reply; I guess he is a man of few words. Well, it is not like I care. I could see in his eyes and all the Unsullied that they really worshipped me as their breaker of chains and liberator.
    Game of Thrones: Wolf of the East
    TV · TyrantPharaoh