


im new to writing but im excited to see what i can do

2020-04-24 BeigetretenUnited States



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  • ender181
    Antwortet auf Silvoid

    I'll try my best to go through and add more I'm a one man team at the moment so I'm unable to produce these fast without making a few mistakes I appreciate you reading my story tho and will do my best to improve

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    Pokemon Delta Welcome to the Kiran region
    Anime und Comics · ender181
  • ender181
    Antwortet auf WeedsNsht

    understood I'll go back through and try to make it easier

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    Pokemon Delta Welcome to the Kiran region
    Anime und Comics · ender181
  • ender181

    thank God rays alive Quinn needs voices in his head to survive

    'I am...but don't focus on me…look at the screen, you idiot. Your people, they need you right now.' Ray replied.
    My Vampire System
    Fantasie · JKSManga
  • ender181

    I think having Layla and the sister fight the dalki that looks like Helen is a bad idea cause feelings might prevent them from killing it or they might get two caught up in killing it and lose sight of the goal

    The two groups were as follows. Vincent, Layla, and the two Daisy sisters were to take on the Humanoid Dalki. While Sam, Dennis, and Logan would lead the rest of the group to raid the fortress and go for the other strong Dalki.
    My Vampire System
    Fantasie · JKSManga
  • ender181

    I wonder if he remembers the bone claw exists we havent seen it in forever

    'A penalty? This is the first time the system has ever assigned such a thing. Why at a time like this? What would the penalty even be? Since the rewards are usually stats and level ups, could it be that it intends to take some of those away?'
    My Vampire System
    Fantasie · JKSManga
  • ender181

    Quinn will need to use his twin tail chain or shadow overload along with the boneclaw soon for 1 he hasent used any of the three in awhile and 2 they could help even the field

    The sounds of alarm blaring throughout the Cursed ship were of course related to the unending influx of Dalki attack reports happening throughout the beast solar system. Supreme Commander Sach had ordered to share their intel in real time with not only the main groups' faction leaders but also all their known affiliates.
    My Vampire System
    Fantasie · JKSManga
  • ender181
    Antwortet auf Cdplayer

    huh that was Ray I'm on on chapter 200 of my dragon and I'm reading through it fast and enjoying it but I just barely got past Gary giving up the sword so I rember it details but I guess there's alkt to learn

    While having the sword temporarily in his position, Quinn had attempted to use his shadow powers on the weapon as well, but it had failed. It couldn't even be stored in his dimensional space, it was as if the sword had the ability to negate everything, including Qi, abilities and perhaps even more.
    My Vampire System
    Fantasie · JKSManga
  • ender181

    that sword belonged to Gary which means the dark guilds gear Is still around does that mean Ray is still around also I wonder how ki and mana relate to qi

    While having the sword temporarily in his position, Quinn had attempted to use his shadow powers on the weapon as well, but it had failed. It couldn't even be stored in his dimensional space, it was as if the sword had the ability to negate everything, including Qi, abilities and perhaps even more.
    My Vampire System
    Fantasie · JKSManga
  • ender181

    why not just kill the demon tier beast of the dalki need its crystal kill it and turn it into some good gear so it takes care of the problem permanently

    When facing a Demon tier beast, large forces were never a good idea, least of all with this type of Demon tier beast. Quinn was worried that a similar situation that had happened to Owen could happen to the Cursed faction as well. Sam was right, even with his ability to travel to their side instantly, now situations were starting to arise where he had to be in two places at once, and that was impossible. He had to rely on the people around him.
    My Vampire System
    Fantasie · JKSManga
  • ender181
    Antwortet auf Marie_Noneya

    well Quinn nice knowing you have a good after life

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    My Vampire System
    Fantasie · JKSManga
  • ender181

    he better put it away so only he gets its also defensive type weapon gauntlets anyone probably not since it took 3 each time to make the last pairs but maybe

    [Obtain the demon tier crystal]
    My Vampire System
    Fantasie · JKSManga
  • ender181

    so if Paul and Sam turned them and not Quinn will they be able to count towards his 10 or are they like Timmy and Edward where he can appoint them to positions that are temporary cause he didn't make them himself and if they do count does that make Quinn have 11 spots now

    Based on all the people Quinn had turned so far, and their situations, the most likely answer was they would turn into undead types due to the situation they were in. It was also possible that they were just more likely to turn into these and could turn into something else, but all of this was based on when Quinn turned people. 
    My Vampire System
    Fantasie · JKSManga
  • ender181

    See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon

    Ch 710 Useless Beast gear
    My Vampire System
    Fantasie · JKSManga
  • ender181

    I think Quinn should purchase Layla a higher level ability book so she feels more confident or turn her into a vampire subclass

    When Layla had left her room in the morning, she went out and started to head to the target practice area. While walking, her legs were a little wobbly, and she had quite the bags under her eyes. Her body felt weak, and the energy was drained from her. One wouldn't expect this type of reaction from some of the participants, as they really cared for an event like this.
    My Vampire System
    Fantasie · JKSManga