

2020-04-16 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • Kellsia_Ing

    alittle bit of yes and no and I can't say more because of spoilers 😉

    Ch 14 Ying and Yang
    A Monsters Mercy
    Fantasie · Kellsia_Ing
  • Kellsia_Ing
    Antwortet auf Geee

    they where preparing to retreat

    A sudden roar rings out and my brothers face pales, the shouts of the all the soldiers that he brought all charge at the beast that I can't bring my self to look at first the fire that sweeps the force arrayed in front of me is a vibrant orange, it crashes against a mage shield the mages unleash their own spells and I close my eyes expecting to be hit aw well but I only feel the shock waves, opening my eyes I glance up only to see the massive neck and head of a wyvern blocking all the spells, as the barrage comes to a stop I see that the flames leaking from it maw are now a deep blue like the sea with slight flickers of the pale blue of thick ice that is almost white.
    A Monsters Mercy
    Fantasie · Kellsia_Ing
  • Kellsia_Ing

    the whole clan was there its just thats who the princess saw

    Ch 12 To gain you must lose.
    A Monsters Mercy
    Fantasie · Kellsia_Ing
  • Kellsia_Ing
    Antwortet auf Geee

    thank you for your comments, the rating is the tier of monster. for example a goblin would have a rating of one but an elder dragon would be a something like a 30 Onyxia doesn't have one because she has a mixed system. yes it is a kind of deformation she kind of can feel but it is really dulled to the point of not being there

    Ch 10 Minions assemble
    A Monsters Mercy
    Fantasie · Kellsia_Ing
  • Kellsia_Ing
    Antwortet auf Geee

    I do yeah ill change it once I finish work

    Bun Bun moves her head from side to side and I watch her ears flop from side to side and I get the urge to nuzzle them, blinking I come back from my thought to hear her response "I think we should but I also think we should give her a name because I think its rude if we just call her beast or wyvern all the time" Kitty nods rapidly and begins bouncing from foot to foot, I thought it was the rabbits that bounce around, but it shows what I know about animals, Kitty is the first to come out with a name "How about Shadow?" me and Bun Bun both roll our eyes at what seems to be the same time before she responds with "that sounds like something you would call a dog not a female wyvern, how about onyx, NO! Onyxia?" Kitty seems to make so kind of wired noise and nods they both turn and look at me.
    A Monsters Mercy
    Fantasie · Kellsia_Ing
  • Kellsia_Ing
    Antwortet auf Geee

    its only for that element

    [Allows the use of lightning magic decreases the use of mana by 1% per level]
    A Monsters Mercy
    Fantasie · Kellsia_Ing