

2020-03-31 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • TheRandomGuy
    Antwortet auf Razile_Mar_Ybanez

    bruh! did you not read the novel MC have a dramatic past about his little sister so he see every child as his little sister and little brother. pure brotherly love.

    Ch 4 Chapter 4: Attack on the Three Mile island facility
    Marvel with Minecraft mod
    Andere · TheRandomGuy
  • TheRandomGuy
    Antwortet auf cris146

    mc don't need to go creative mod with just the right amount of vibranium he crafts it into vibranium seed plant and harvest it infinitely. that my plan for the future.

    Ch 8 Chapter 7: Potion Effect
    Marvel with Minecraft mod
    Andere · TheRandomGuy
  • TheRandomGuy
    Antwortet auf amaturewriter

    to be honest with you, I'm a lazy person since it explode like TNT I assume it explosion power like one. MB then.

    this one I forgot sorry -The strongest man with the weakest body: Just like in Minecraft Mc single punch is about 11milion tons of strength (i find this information on the internet) but he can be killed with just 1 creeper explosion without armor.
    OnePiece with Minecraft Mod
    Anime und Comics · TheRandomGuy
  • TheRandomGuy

    lol rate my own trash again..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    OnePiece with Minecraft Mod
    Anime und Comics · TheRandomGuy
  • TheRandomGuy
    Antwortet auf ferferfer2

    my mc is male I don't who u talking about since I quit for so long but if you ask for my MC,he not that smart and not that dumb he just overthinking that why he looks smart some time , and he lazy but there are 2 reasons it's got change alittle bit 1 with the steve passive he feels no exausting as long as his hunger bars is full and second reason is his own dramatic pass he obsese with saving heavily ill childrens because he can't save his own sister that died from cancer, and about his ability is just some standard potion effect armor sword enchanment bauble ring effect and some other item effect.

    MC Name: Nara
    Marvel with Minecraft mod
    Andere · TheRandomGuy
  • TheRandomGuy
    Antwortet auf ferferfer2

    yes that a time skipped since time in the real world is longer than in minecraft he only spend at most 10 to 15 days to go to that stage but without ender man in the marvel dimension MC temporary unable to go to end dimension.

    After a month of gathering and mob grinding using mob grinder and curse earth i have aton of almost every material except some that i need to go to other mod dimension like ironleaf in twilight forest mod etc... but all of that is not important right now all i need to do now is make some plan in for the future after hour of thinking i decide i want to be a hero but not like the typical hero that save peoples in danger i want to be a hero that all dying children need the children like my own sister that i used to had i want to see their smile the smile that reminded me of her smile before cancer and cruel fate take her away from me.
    Marvel with Minecraft mod
    Andere · TheRandomGuy
  • TheRandomGuy
    Antwortet auf ferferfer2

    red armor and sword made out of Supremium Essence they are the strongest armor and sword below draconic evolution mod.

    Outside of Three Mile Island facility, four guarding soldiers spot a person slowly walking toward them after the person getting close they can clearly see a man wearing armor and holding a sword with red color after looking at each other for a while 3 of them decide to get close and tell the person to leave the iland but after getting close before they can say anything with a single swing of the man 3 of them getting cut in half after seeing the cruel scene the last soldier immediately get scared and speak to the communication device "we are under attack captain" after speaking he also getting cut to death.
    Marvel with Minecraft mod
    Andere · TheRandomGuy