


I write therefore I am. That's the point, because I don't write so much to prove it. / Escribo luego existo. He ahi la cuestion, pues no escribo tanto para demostrarlo. El Español es mi idioma

2019-11-05 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • Audio_Coon

    Well, I resent the threat, but have my stones anyway... for now.

    (Give me your stones and reviews or i'll go missing for 4 months again... jk)
    League of Legends: The Grim Wolves
    Videospiele · I_like_gore
  • Audio_Coon
    Antwortet auf DaoistXt5a60

    Hello, how are you? ^^

    Your suggestions: (The coolest or the one with the most likes will be chosen)
    League of Legends: The Grim Wolves
    Videospiele · I_like_gore
  • Audio_Coon
    Antwortet auf Kelvin_Ade

    What is the difference?

    Marie nodded and then said, "Maybe it was fate that reunited us with your people, but when we heard that although the CDC was destroyed, your group was moved to this place and now we are anxious to reunite." 
    TWD: A New Beginning From the End of the World
    TV · SrCuervo
  • Audio_Coon

    A stabilizing magical object for the types of magical energy he possesses, an enhancer to help in human aspects, allowing him a greater capacity to adapt to the energies he possesses and a talent for learning other types of magic, such as elemental magic. Just give a real end goal to the MC so you know what good use you can make of that element without breaking the character from the OP and lacking coherence XD (Translated by Deepl)

    Your suggestions: (The coolest or the one with the most likes will be chosen)
    League of Legends: The Grim Wolves
    Videospiele · I_like_gore
  • Audio_Coon
    Antwortet auf Nobius

    В основном это более описательный вариант. Это только первая глава, и хотя я внесла некоторые изменения, одно из самых больших изменений вы, вероятно, увидите во второй главе.

    Ch 1 Chapter 1
    World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star (Re-writte)
    Videospiele · Audio_Coon
  • Audio_Coon

    Sorry for the delay, I am in exams and now I have to study. My schedule does not exist to start correcting chapters, I have corrected and edited this chapter about 4 times and only now I am somewhat satisfied with the result. There will be some changes in how the plot goes, I hope it feels and reads better.

    Author's Note: Chapter Edited and "Improved".
    World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star (Re-writte)
    Videospiele · Audio_Coon
  • Audio_Coon

    Sorry for the delay, I am in exams and now I have to study. My schedule does not exist to start correcting chapters, I have corrected and edited this chapter about 4 times and only now I am somewhat satisfied with the result. There will be some changes in how the plot goes, I hope it feels and reads better.

    Ch 1 Chapter 1
    World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star (Re-writte)
    Videospiele · Audio_Coon
  • Audio_Coon
    Antwortet auf BlankTheHidden

    It was done XD

    Ch 61 Information
    World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star
    Videospiele · Audio_Coon
  • Audio_Coon
    Antwortet auf tetlay

    chapter updated in the rewrite. I'll actually have to watch the videos I'm basing these first arcs on again.

    Ch 61 Information
    World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star
    Videospiele · Audio_Coon
  • Audio_Coon
    Antwortet auf Jin_Kazaragi

    Je cherchais quelques infos sur wow et je n'ai rien trouvé qui valide vraiment un niveau de puissance plus élevé en soi, il semble plutôt que les personnages deviennent "spéciaux ou uniques" à certains moments, comme s'ils "brillaient" davantage, je ne sais pas si je comprends. Malgré tout, j'essaierai de faire des comparaisons, mais pour l'instant, j'ai décidé que tout sera basé sur des niveaux de puissance ou de mana, de compétence ou d'expérience en matière de combat, de spécialité (sorts ou attaques uniques que seul ce personnage peut faire) et de contrôle de l'énergie (magique ou non) utilisée, au moins au début puisque, eh bien, ils sont tous élémentaires. Votre suggestion a été très utile, donc tout est dans l'ordre des lettres, ce qui s'avère plus facile. Merci pour votre aide à ce sujet^^

    Ch 1 Chapter 1
    World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star (Re-writte)
    Videospiele · Audio_Coon
  • Audio_Coon
    Antwortet auf Jin_Kazaragi

    C'est une bonne idée, vous m'avez beaucoup aidé avec ça, merci ^^.

    Ch 1 Chapter 1
    World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star (Re-writte)
    Videospiele · Audio_Coon
  • Audio_Coon
    Antwortet auf Jin_Kazaragi

    Merci ^^. J'avoue que je mets du temps parce que j'ai essayé de faire un système avec des statistiques et beaucoup d'autres choses mais... il vaut mieux laisser les maths de côté si ce n'est pas votre truc et avec moi c'est quelque chose qui demande du temps XD.

    Ch 1 Chapter 1
    World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star (Re-writte)
    Videospiele · Audio_Coon
  • Audio_Coon
    Antwortet auf DeadReeper

    Your words are true but I can't prove otherwise, so I'll see you in chapter 100. maybe? I'm glad you liked it, it makes me feel better that the effort I made at least was fun for many of you who read and support me with your encouragement. And well, I have original stories in mind, but I plan to first finish structuring the plot arcs of this Fic before releasing chapters and then I plan to release an original story that is fast and fun, with action from the first chapter and that is short so that it can be enjoyed from the first moment, at least that's what I want. For now I only know that in my draft it will be called "Father of Creatures".

    Ch 61 Information
    World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star
    Videospiele · Audio_Coon
  • Audio_Coon
    Antwortet auf Danny_Butts

    hahaha, I hear you. I think we all have our "poet" moment at some point in our existence, a real pity that I can't appreciate your words much better, because your language escapes from my hands like water and the only thing I can pick up requires all my effort and it's barely something, XD. (I haven't taken that long to learn it completely, which I must *sigh*). I didn't know about the super nova, but I will look into it, thanks for informing me my friend. I understand about sleep, but do you think it's necessary to sleep? It's better to never sleep, you know, it's so much fun XD.

    It is possible that now the novel will lose or have more chapters before finally reaching the most important and incredible moments of WOW like for example "The Wrath of the Lich King".
    World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star
    Videospiele · Audio_Coon
  • Audio_Coon
    Antwortet auf Danny_Butts

    Well, if that's why I would never finish the story XD. But of course, it wouldn't be too much to visit some worlds.

    It is possible that now the novel will lose or have more chapters before finally reaching the most important and incredible moments of WOW like for example "The Wrath of the Lich King".
    World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star
    Videospiele · Audio_Coon
  • Audio_Coon
    Antwortet auf SnowmanOfEternity


    Ch 61 Information
    World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star
    Videospiele · Audio_Coon
  • Audio_Coon
    Antwortet auf tjaredjesthebestbf

    Maybe this story doesn't have it as a main focus, but many other original stories I have in mind do. When I get much further along in this novel I plan to release some chapters. Maybe you will like them.

    Ch 61 Information
    World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star
    Videospiele · Audio_Coon
  • Audio_Coon
    Antwortet auf DragonkingKyo

    Perfectly logical, I don't really like it when they fall from the sky and practically scream, give me a son. Also in WOW there are characters that can be part of a Harem without even being present, which basically would be a romance plot for the absence of the others. Of course, characters like that are few and far between and basically it wouldn't be funny. On the other hand, I don't want to promise anything, even so, everything can change and maybe I even dare to have 3 characters that are with the main character (not that I don't already have them in mind).

    I made this story with the objective of having a protagonist that enjoys fighting, living adventures and not having such a strict moral or ethic about certain situations and reaching greatness, but it doesn't end there, that's why the name of the novel is so... unique, if you can call it that. I also wanted it to be a story of romance, but the main character had to suffer a little to find it.
    World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star
    Videospiele · Audio_Coon
  • Audio_Coon
    Antwortet auf User_Not_Found

    That's good to know. Although the protagonist is OP but not so much in general. I mean, yes but no XD. At least they can still kill him, it just won't be easy.

    I have decided to rewrite the novel, this is because I ran into a wall that I made on my own by doing the novel without any guidance beyond what I expected and wanted to do. I've been researching and I'm sure I've done everything wrong from the beginning, so now I'm working out what I want for each arc of the novel.
    World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star
    Videospiele · Audio_Coon
  • Audio_Coon
    Antwortet auf Nobius

    Нет, я уже вложил много времени, и вы побуждаете меня продолжать. Кроме того, я уже опубликовал роман, как будто это другой роман, он называется так же, но с переработкой в конце. Это в моем профиле.

    Ch 61 Information
    World Of Warcraft: FanFic The Heavenly Star
    Videospiele · Audio_Coon