


Just a guy who loves magic, fantasy, and who is always looking for a good gamer fics

2019-10-11 BeigetretenUnited States



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  • Osiris_Anubis

    thw person i want wont be chosen *sniffle*

    "Hmnm, I want to be a Original Hybrid of an Original Vampire and an Original werewolf like the first of both species, two, I want the knowledge of Rune making from all over the omniverse if there is one, three, I want the ability to control all the elements, four, I want an immortal hellhound servant from the moment I go to the world and as for my last wish, I want to have a mate bond with ???? and my Perk I want an infinite evolution type perk"
    Reborn in Teen Wolf As An Original Hybrid
    TV · Adams2004
  • Osiris_Anubis
    Antwortet auf KOD_SANTANA

    ughhh i hate iris

    - **Regenerative Healing Factor (Level 1):** Rapidly heal from any injury, effectively granting near-immortality.
    I Am The Flash
    TV · Adams2004
  • Osiris_Anubis

    this is just him having the force powers he and iris gave metaphysical birth to in the show. it makes sense for him to have them.

    **Sage Force:**
    I Am The Flash
    TV · Adams2004
  • Osiris_Anubis

    of course take the time you need your mental and physical health matters more (my opinion). and from a reader point of view authors write better when they feel well.

    I'm too tired not physically but mentally.
    After signing in for Ten years, Uchiha begged me to come out .
    Anime und Comics · Sumit_Bhamer
  • Osiris_Anubis

    i like that the mc isnt just a boring hetero and appreciates the femboi booty XD. it kind sucks that this sight doesnt have more heteroflexible/lgbtqia+ MC's

    Leave your thoughts below because femboy sex is next chap so drop if u want but don't hate the novel for it 🗣🗣🗣 hate me 😔💀
    Videospiele · Kuro_Simp
  • Osiris_Anubis

    no. or not as often as this. like maybe once every 5-10 chapters. or special ocasions like certain strong traners/gym leaders

    I AM Ash
    Anime und Comics · Nishadraaj
  • Osiris_Anubis

    ... *SIGH*

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  • Osiris_Anubis

    she could have easily told harry she wanted him to go with her to filtwick (cant spell the Charms Professors name} to make sure the broom was safe since it was sent without a sender.

    Hermione smiled, "You don't need to apologize Harry. I did what any true friend would do."
    Legacy of Harry Potter
    Bücher und Literatur · Graviele
  • Osiris_Anubis
    Antwortet auf Graviele

    Hermione's worship of authority and false belief that Dumbledore is a leader of a group of wizengamot that car for new bloods would make her feel indebted to him. she would be easily manipulated to be a bad person. she wouldn't be BAD per say but if i was harry i wouldn't forgive her for her ignorance. in my eyes she's what belletrix is to Voldemort but for Dumbledore/authority

    He then remembered how the owls brought to him 'The Firebolt' which was immediately confiscated by Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick. He remembered how he acted towards Hermione for her 'betrayal' by informing the two professors about the anonymous gift. Though thinking now, how his life was in constant danger since his first year at Hogwarts, he could not fault her actions but he was influenced by Ron and now he felt ashamed for it. He made a mental note to apologize to her for it, which he should done way back.
    Legacy of Harry Potter
    Bücher und Literatur · Graviele
  • Osiris_Anubis

    sighhhhh i hate misty so much. im literally unable to read fics where she journeys with ash. i love your story so far and will rate it 5 across the board. i just cant continue reading.

    Ash complained silently in his heart while accepting the task happily.
    Pokemon: Reborn as ash , Make up for your regrets and become stronger
    Anime und Comics · stromerthaha
  • Osiris_Anubis

    ×sigh× i hate miaty

    Ash thought Professor Oak will surely be surprised by seeing his first catch and he than went towards a river, where he met a girl named Misty and they quickly became good friends and decided to travle together and than Ash started fising where he captured a seaking and magicarp and he defats both of them with the help of his pikachu and than Ash and Misty decided to eat and Ash cooked the dinner for both and his cooking was so good that Misty is mesmerized by it and the pokemon also liked there food.
    The Journey Of Fate
    Fantasie · Antarip_Ghosh
  • Osiris_Anubis

    way too much repeats of the same exact wording

    She said while petting Meowth. As the cat Pokémon also cheered on, in her own way. While Delia was clicking pictures of her dear son. 
    Pokemon strongest Ash Ketchum
    Anime und Comics · VEGETA_15505
  • Osiris_Anubis
    Antwortet auf Level1Goblin

    Look at my review. If you like this “stolen novel” you can find the original on fanfiction . Net they have all the 46 chapters there

    Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
  • Osiris_Anubis

    !!!STOLEN FAN - FIC!!! Its posted ORIGINALLY on fan fiction dot net under same title by Mrs. InsaneOne. All 46 Chapters. I don't see any credit to ORIGINAL author. and this author is Accepting patron for more chapters of STOLEN WORK!

    Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
  • Osiris_Anubis
    Antwortet auf SkyGayleWolfstein

    author is probably truing to use a larger vocabulary so the story feel more expanded rather than too childish with repeated adjectives and small vocab. they could have said without trouble but ^shrug^ authors choice

    Hitting Route 1 to Viridian, Emmet waits until he's a safe distance from both Pallet and Viridian to go off the path. He finds a secluded clearing perfect for a private conversation with his Charmander. Luckily, the few wild Rattatas and Pidgeys he encounters on the way seem uninterested in him, and he proceeds unmolested.
    Pokemon Efficient Master (EM)
    Bücher und Literatur · Basso2142
  • Osiris_Anubis

    did the MC release the grunts pokemon or kill them?

    "But I never mentioned my pokemon , you just assumed they were included." I said and before the man could speak again a gout of flames consumed him not even leaving ash. "Looks like we are going to be making a slight detour in this next town." I said with a smirk and my pokemon all speak in agreement. Nobody liked criminals in this world and pokemon were no exception to this rule. I balled the three pokemon that needed it as I approached the town and walked into the gates calmly.
    A random pokemon journey
    Videospiele · loskro
  • Osiris_Anubis
    Antwortet auf AzureFluteFan2

    it literally says in the past chapter that she looks his age in the twenties

    Instead I simply waited for the women themselves to show an interest before playing the game. More than a few times the women were simply looking for a one night stand and I as a healthy straight man was more than happy to oblige. In this particular case though I honestly thought I'd never hook up with May since she was clearly both gorgeous and responsible and as such could easily find a decent boyfriend rather than a loose individual like me. Birch nodded happily at my promise but May stomped her foot angrily. I could understand why too , see women were usually vain creatures that wanted to feel desired and I had basically just said I didn't care either way.-
    A random pokemon journey
    Videospiele · loskro
  • Osiris_Anubis

    i wonder if anyting special would happen if he used the upgrade body while in the water pool the tooth made.

    I don't mean the swollen but burdensome muscles of body builders either but those of an athlete that had exactly what they needed for peak performance. My eyesight and hearing had also improved slightly as well. I know because before I died I had needed glasses but refused to wear them since my eyesight wasn't so bad that I couldn't function without them. Now though I could see much clearer at a distance. My hair had also changed from dark brown to black as well but I only learned that the next day. "Remind me not to do that again without preparing myself." I joked trying the lighten the mood.-
    A random pokemon journey
    Videospiele · loskro
  • Osiris_Anubis

    i know this was written a while ago, but it would be cool to teach his pokemon english so he could give commands that other trainers wouldnt understand.

    The first ticket I tore apart was obviously the common language one since not being able to speak , read or write just sounds irritating. The sudden influx of information into my head from the ticket gave me a bit of a headache but I chose to ignore it since I could now speak another language. Though I definitely needed practice if the word "novice" next to the skill in my status was anything to go by. Still that was a small price to pay in my opinion since the knowledge from the ticket was pretty comprehensive and it was a whole new language.-
    A random pokemon journey
    Videospiele · loskro
  • Osiris_Anubis

    i gett its apart of certain cultures to marry into good background families and for the potential partner to be educationally smart and rich but god does it sound very gold diggerish

    "Whether it's grades, sense of humor, or family background, Bi Jialiang is better than Li Chengqian." Jian Qingli kept comforting herself in her heart. Gradually, she didn't feel so bad anymore. The way she looked at Li Chengqian also became cold again.
    Top Student: Experience Infinite Occupations
    Urban · Swallow An Ox