



2019-03-27 BeigetretenSerbia



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  • Abcccdfef
    Antwortet auf Shiroyami9

    yeah well trees don't fire guns, drive cars, get depressed etc so it's only natural that we are more saddened for the 'helpless' lives than for humans who are mostly mindless. I'd say both of us are broken, ain't we?

    Xu Liang Stood up and followed the man. The man held his hand which was cold to the touch as they both entered the portal. The portal closed as the darkness returned to the world. No one saw the golden life tree disintegrate into thin air inside this empty dark world like it had served its only purpose. 
    Awakening of the Ancient: Rise of the Fallen
    Ost · Demonic_angel
  • Abcccdfef
    Antwortet auf lil_bitch

    Usually I do it to make the entire story as real as possible, even for something trivial - i.e. when Asura dropped from level 12 to 4, I used exponents and logs to calculate exactly what level he'd drop to when three Soul Spirits fused with bases 1.000 and I don't know if that's what other authors do, but I care about it all making sense, otherwise I'll just be wasting the time of both, me and readers who decided to put their trust in me, so... All I can say for sure is, continue to expect me to do my research as long as I continue writing novels. Thank you once again, for your feedback and time! May you have a beautiful day.

    Ch 19 What Are We, Really?
    Fractured Void: Twin Stars
    Ost · Abcccdfef
  • Abcccdfef
    Antwortet auf lil_bitch

    I've looked this up just to make sure, and there are the star-forming regions in galaxies which would, if stars formed, after some time slowly make the galaxy expand. All of that is only for our universe, but this story takes place in an entirely different one, as the black hole from the start transported them into this one. Here, since everything can gather energy and evolve, so can galaxies, but the problem with the Celestial Realms galaxy is that it's forcibly suppressed from expanding by the ten Divine Stars. When a planet evolves, it will birth its own consciousness, and the more it evolves, the more developed its consciousness will be. This will also be the case with the micro planet in Asura's Soul World, but further on that when the time comes. The Celestial Realms isn't the only galaxy in that world, but it should be enough to cover the domain of this particular story, as for the other ones, let the time decide :) All in all, this is an entirely different kind of world, even though the most fundamental rules are similar.

    Ch 19 What Are We, Really?
    Fractured Void: Twin Stars
    Ost · Abcccdfef
  • Abcccdfef
    Antwortet auf lil_bitch

    Yup, that's how it looks. The reason why Inner Celestial Layer has more energy is because of its closeness to the central star - the core, while the outermost planets lack it because of the distance between them. And to add on top of all that, there are ten sun-like stars that suppress the galaxy from expanding. I expect this world to be quite fun to develop as the story progresses, but let's see how it goes : )

    Ch 19 What Are We, Really?
    Fractured Void: Twin Stars
    Ost · Abcccdfef
  • Abcccdfef
    Antwortet auf Purple_Khaos

    Glad it's to your liking [img=coins][img=coins]

    Ch 18 The Sin of Curiosity - Part 4
    Fractured Void: Twin Stars
    Ost · Abcccdfef
  • Abcccdfef
    Antwortet auf lil_bitch

    but readers is \ /

    Xia: "What do you mean 'how come'? I wasn't supposed to appear until you two reached a realm above Immortals, yet here I am because of a certain someone... a certain mischievous little Devil."
    Fractured Void: Twin Stars
    Ost · Abcccdfef
  • Abcccdfef
    Antwortet auf Purple_Khaos

    Oh that, there are parts like that but when its just dialogue, It'd easier to put : after a name and end it all

    Xia: "Heh. It seems we didn't pick wrongly..."
    Fractured Void: Twin Stars
    Ost · Abcccdfef
  • Abcccdfef
    Antwortet auf lil_bitch

    It aint plural :?

    Xia: "What do you mean 'how come'? I wasn't supposed to appear until you two reached a realm above Immortals, yet here I am because of a certain someone... a certain mischievous little Devil."
    Fractured Void: Twin Stars
    Ost · Abcccdfef
  • Abcccdfef
    Antwortet auf lil_bitch

    You'll see in the next chapter ;)

    Ch 17 The Sin of Curiosity - Part 3
    Fractured Void: Twin Stars
    Ost · Abcccdfef
  • Abcccdfef
    Antwortet auf Orion5455

    YW, there's more to come in the future /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

    Ch 15 The Sin of Curiosity - Part 1
    Fractured Void: Twin Stars
    Ost · Abcccdfef
  • Abcccdfef
    Antwortet auf Purple_Khaos

    Thank you for giving feedback about this. I've seen a few novels written in this style with name: "Spoken words" or name: 'thoughts'. If i replaced : with , this is how it'd look; Xia, "Today is a good day to kill." IMO a , doesn't sit nice in this format. In that place : seem more appropriate. If i had to use , then the sentence would look like this: Xia looked up and said, "What a beautiful day to kill". Here I think the usage of , is justified since there's an entire sentence before quotation marks, but if it was just Xia without the >looked up and said< part, it won't be wrong but I personally like : more.

    Xia: "Heh. It seems we didn't pick wrongly..."
    Fractured Void: Twin Stars
    Ost · Abcccdfef
  • Abcccdfef
    Antwortet auf amaturewriter

    It is only for the sake of teasing and richness of character, it naturally won't continue throughout the entire story.

    Asura's heart throbbed at that sentence. Time and time again he felt like Xia was the man hitting on a woman and that woman was him. Although this gave him a slightly complicated feelings, the feeling of happiness far outweighed other feelings.
    Fractured Void: Twin Stars
    Ost · Abcccdfef
  • Abcccdfef
    Antwortet auf lil_bitch

    She is 'sleeping' within Asura's and Xia's soul, which means she already is traveling with them, although not in human form. As for her appearing again as an entity, it will take a long time to reach that point.

    Ch 14 Body Immune To Poison
    Fractured Void: Twin Stars
    Ost · Abcccdfef
  • Abcccdfef
    Antwortet auf lil_bitch

    First of all, thank you for going out of your way to write a review this early on in the novel. About Xia's twin, I can't say much at this time because that's a major spoiler for Xia's true identity. Most likely it will only be revealed at the time when the two reach Spirit Star (the massive planet at the center), which would mean when they transcend to immortality (level 100+). The only thing I can say for now is that she is Xia's other half and Xia's memories are hidden with her, which will gradually be revealed later on in the story. Before breaking through the level 100, the two Souls will become one, so by then most of the information hidden in that half will become known to us.

    Fractured Void: Twin Stars
    Ost · Abcccdfef
  • Abcccdfef
    Antwortet auf amaturewriter

    *cough*, indeed

    Ch 5 Catalyst For Awakening
    Fractured Void: Twin Stars
    Ost · Abcccdfef
  • Abcccdfef
    Antwortet auf Orion5455

    Consider it he's the originator of that bloodline (tell nobody I told you this *wink*)

    Ch 9 Time To Leave
    Fractured Void: Twin Stars
    Ost · Abcccdfef
  • Abcccdfef
    Antwortet auf tamil_selvan_1054

    He lacks sister then, cause Godsuya has feelings only for his sister although slowly the feelings started returning to him it's just that he doesn't notice it yet.

    He never really need anyone's validation nor has he try to please anyone. He was neither proud nor arrogant. No matter how amazing people thought him to be, he's never felt any sense of accomplishment. He's never showed any type of emotions like anger, pride, happiness, or sadness. It was as though his heart was frozen which made him really scary.
    Chronicles Of The Shura Clan
    Ost · Nimero
  • Abcccdfef
    Antwortet auf kp_46

    brother, webnovel editors don't make emails with @yahoo domain, try again next time

    Ch 5 The Slaughter (II)
    Chronicles Of The Shura Clan
    Ost · Nimero
  • Abcccdfef
    Antwortet auf Andrew_Walken


    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Ost · Eveofchaos
  • Abcccdfef
    Antwortet auf VESELI

    Jel moguce da ima nasih ovde ahahahahahaha

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Ost · Eveofchaos