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Lets get this straight, the imposter is the Grantt from Earth or from the new world. Or is it a completely separate entity
tbh im glad she couldnt just "magically" open her eyes again. Not to be weird but having an MC who has their eyes shut all the time is pretty cool. lol
The android's are pretty sneaky lol
I love the story so far and I will follow which ever way you go. However I feel like a harem is a little too much at this part of the story. Ivan and yue now have a solid relationship and I feel like it would be breaking it with a harem. Obviously we can’t forget about the maid girl! (sorry I forgot her name)
Thanks for the chapter!
Plus, if alchemy has any meaning, you would need a life to bring back a life...
Hopefully he can get over bringing Nora back.... Usually bringing someone back turns out to be the worst decision. Some sort of demon soul resides in the body instead of Nora's soul lol
Thanks for the chapter!
Thanks for the chapter!