

2018-08-07 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • ZhaoYuzheru
    Antwortet auf Rugh13

    Thanks, I will continue when I have the chance :)

    Ch 50 Abusing Cheats
    Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System
    Anime und Comics · ZhaoYuzheru
  • ZhaoYuzheru
    Antwortet auf Jackie_chan

    No, I will contimue when I am free.

    Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System
    Anime und Comics · ZhaoYuzheru
  • ZhaoYuzheru
    Antwortet auf Jackie_chan

    Shimotsuki Dojo

    '' Aranruth... I thought the report was fake. That sword actually, exists, huh.''
    Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System
    Anime und Comics · ZhaoYuzheru
  • ZhaoYuzheru
    Antwortet auf KeiJu

    He hasn't gotten a df yet, he might get one in the future :)

    Ch 14 Cleaning Up
    Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System
    Anime und Comics · ZhaoYuzheru
  • ZhaoYuzheru
    Antwortet auf _Jo1Jo2Jo3Kurdi_

    You need to go to that place to mark it. You can't mark somewhere far away. A mark should be placed beforehand when he is on that place.

    Ch 20 Worshipping God Usopp
    Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System
    Anime und Comics · ZhaoYuzheru
  • ZhaoYuzheru
    Antwortet auf _Jo1Jo2Jo3Kurdi_

    Yeah, writing in first chaps are kinda bad.

    Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System
    Anime und Comics · ZhaoYuzheru
  • ZhaoYuzheru
    Antwortet auf Zixthor

    Nah. I just got busy unfortunately :( I will continue when I have time. Updates won't be stable for a while though :(

    Ch 50 Abusing Cheats
    Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System
    Anime und Comics · ZhaoYuzheru
  • ZhaoYuzheru
    Antwortet auf Edward_Desar

    Because Abel changes the canon constantly some small things changes as well. Because of the incident at east blue(whih I will reveal later on) their relationship with Shanks is at freezing point. That's why Mihawk rejected warlord call. That's why they got anxious and made an operation to kidnap Franky and Robin earlier. That's why Robin escaped to Alabasta earlier.

    ' This is 6 years before the start of canon after all. So, he knows the theory yet can't do the modification yet.'
    Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System
    Anime und Comics · ZhaoYuzheru
  • ZhaoYuzheru
    Antwortet auf some_random_person_7621

    Yes :D

    İmmortal grade healing pill: A pill that can cure anything in this world. As long as a person is not dead this pill can bring them back to life.
    Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System
    Anime und Comics · ZhaoYuzheru
  • ZhaoYuzheru
    Antwortet auf Steelflame93

    He can if he is the one started it :)

    -Weather Manipulation(Special Skill): Host can control the weather in major or minor ways. Current function: Heavy Rain. Host needs to improve the skill to control other weather changes.
    Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System
    Anime und Comics · ZhaoYuzheru
  • ZhaoYuzheru
    Antwortet auf TheLonelyGod

    No, once he signs in rewards are permanent even if his relationship drops later on. That's why he lies a lot to gain relationship and sign in as quickly as possible.

    Abel sighed in relief. 'Brat, I got him to +90 after so much hardship. I will not let you off if you decrease it.' Abel and Nami said farewell to Usopp and went to the mansion. After they went to the mansion, Merry immediately took them to the living room. Abel sat casually as they waited for Kaya to arrive. While they were waiting Nami leaned towards him and whispered.
    Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System
    Anime und Comics · ZhaoYuzheru
  • ZhaoYuzheru
    Antwortet auf David_Arenas

    I plan to show most of them :)

    Ch 50 Abusing Cheats
    Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System
    Anime und Comics · ZhaoYuzheru
  • ZhaoYuzheru
    Antwortet auf luckky25

    Bonney increased his age :)

    Age: 57
    Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System
    Anime und Comics · ZhaoYuzheru
  • ZhaoYuzheru
    Antwortet auf Bloob


    '' How about Dark Moon travel group? Do you guys like this name?'' Abel asked. ' Moon for lunarian, dark for underground!'
    Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System
    Anime und Comics · ZhaoYuzheru
  • ZhaoYuzheru
    Antwortet auf no_life

    One time :(

    'Spatial Pill: Allows the user to teleport for a short distance.'
    Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System
    Anime und Comics · ZhaoYuzheru
  • ZhaoYuzheru
    Antwortet auf Kasukage

    His life was extremely complicated and he is very used to killing people. once you saw his backstory you will understand more clearly, why mc is very abnormal and ruthless. He is not very normal.

    '' This is no problem at all! We will stop at every island so that you can take a good look. Now come, let me bring you inside. You should rest well.'' Alvida didn't think too much of it and immediatly agreed while escorting Abel inside a room to rest. After Alvida left, Abel released the breath he was holding. He felt happy that his plan succeeded but he also felt a little conflicted to use her like that. 'Well, the other option is to kill her and steal the ship. İt is better this way.'
    Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System
    Anime und Comics · ZhaoYuzheru
  • ZhaoYuzheru
    Antwortet auf Monsterb620

    yeah. But he doesn't have wings :)

    '' I'm willing to risk everything to do whatever I want.'' He didn't need to think. His dream was to do whatever he wanted. To do that he decided to visit all islands on his route and sign in. So obviously the risk of falling down from the stream and dying, Abel would take it. Even though Abel didn't have a death wish and would escape or use other means depending on the situation, not going to Skypiea would mean Abel's will to achieve his dream was weak. This was similar to the ring situation. Rewards were unknown, risks was high, but Abel would still take those risks to get closer to his dream.
    Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System
    Anime und Comics · ZhaoYuzheru
  • ZhaoYuzheru
    Antwortet auf no_life

    No. I just had to take a break due to my harsh scheldue and was very busy past days. I will continue the story when I am free and not stressed out due to finals and other stuff. I should be completely free in 7-8 days and keep writing hopefully.

    Ch 45 Bloody Tears
    Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System
    Anime und Comics · ZhaoYuzheru
  • ZhaoYuzheru
    Antwortet auf Donny_Manga

    He can only sign in once unfortunately :)

    'Ding! Relationship updated with Ace. Current relationship -40(Furious).'
    Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System
    Anime und Comics · ZhaoYuzheru
  • ZhaoYuzheru
    Antwortet auf WalterHeisenberg

    1) He actually had a lot of character development. You will understand it more clearly when you compare how he lives now to his past self. 2)Okay, I guess. 3) He just uses his lies to farm relationships or gain benefits. He won't lie randomly to cause trouble for himself when there is no benefit. 4)That's because I wanted to reveal his personality slowly via events rather than revealing it all right off the bat, It's okay if you disliked it though. 5)His backstory will explain this one too. 6)Okay, I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. Thx for reading this far and leaving a review.

    Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System
    Anime und Comics · ZhaoYuzheru