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Wasnt it mentioned she became bow sovereign?
Same way it works in real life ... there is reason why you have people under you
Idk who paid bots to write reviews but man I was baited ... story is just plain boring chinese propaganda ... read 40 chaps here and gave chance up to 150 and I dont think I was ever this bored with story ... straight out disappointing and Im not even mentioning 1chapter per WEEK ... it will takes years fot this garbage to get fully realeased
I mean Kyle's sister enjoyed some good time few chapters back... so I would say yes
oh no 😱 last time I read about possible mass release Ark disappeared for months and I was forced to drop novel
I enjoy/enjoyed story so far, book is written and translated on great level. Characters are interesting and their development is solid. Only big minus is updating stability. Book gets new chapters randomly each day and only 1 chaper per day ... other than that aall s great.
I got back to novel after a year or so... was glad to see Sarah get what I called for her... but now this one came ... hopefully she wont be invincible in this ordeal and will be killed right here right now 🙏 let her just break and go become villain in future just give me one good ordeal with gladiators I missed them so much
Ok Im not much into review's but I will leave one here. Novel is really good it caught my interest well in first few chapters so I didnt need to force myself throught boring chapters so I ccan start to like novel. Characters are interesting and made well from talks with other fans of novel you can tell many people have different opinions on how do they like them so its great novel itself doesnt force you to like set number of characters. Only thing that disappointed me was disappearance of author for 2months(not sure exactly how long but it was long) and it kinda killed my hype in novel but it is slowly building up again and hopefully it wont happend again. Oh and lastly ... 1chap/day is not enought ... I need at least 2
I planned to ask Ark if shes actually married to that other Vampire since she was taking care of kid ... you know to be sure if its worth to start new ship 🤭
Will Carmine sue Jake for not labeling himself as hot? Come to check in next chapter.