Old man trying to have fun reading 🤪
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u keep saying that but nvr follow through
and only someone narrow-minded who is comparing our worldview with their worldview would think like that men in general are greedy it's plain and simple it's just some don't respond to their inner nature nothing wrong with that but that doesn't mean they don't want more just saying
if u know there is a lot missing, why not finish fist Dum... than post
yes to a certain extent but to me he went overboard maybe he could have gotten angry and woop him till almost dead but to get like that I feel he doesn't have the right mind set or to low or just thinks to highly of himself that he feels nothing can happen to him just my thinking tho I can also see it the way u said it
hell yea get it lol u got plenty at home to pick anyway lol who to choose 🤔
bolo yeung one if my favorite underrated and b lister actors lol
I like all, but if I had to choose, i would go in the order he met them, but lia and mira are the ones i like most, but Rynne a close 3rd
hehe rough 🪢🤰😤 ok maybe my thinking LOL