


love anime, video games, novels

2017-11-08 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • sonu90

    fucking confusing story and plot, what the hell this transmission, myth gods, then some advance futuristic machin and era of world war, then comes magic, what the hell, every chapter is about side charecter what he is doing thinking, if mc is transmitted to new world first thought is how to survive, but here mc is busy in background story of others, no brain novel, my head started to hurt just reading chapters, even some fast pace novel better than this, utterly time wasted on this novel, no link of what is happening around mc to him, he just jumps in any plot, and never lose, just come some plot armour.

    Lord of Mysteries
    Fantasie · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • sonu90

    first shit novel from er gen, mc is shit, villains are shit, whole world is shit, i dont understand why after mc defeats some powerful god like character, then after some chapters some shit type character come again and corner mc, i dont know why, fuck if you dont have power why the fuck just cultivate silently in one corner of world, if dont want relationships why do bother with people, then here comes repeat shits again and again, defeat child then his father come, kill him then his grandfather come, them kill him then somehow they have powerful background without any shit given to mc, always there was someone who don't know mc but somehow comes after him to destroy his friends and family, just hell with Chinese novels, largely dissappointed with er gen about this novel, there is nothing in this novel related to novel title, read it 700 chapters and waste of time, and frustrated by this novel, again shitty novel.

    Pursuit of the Truth
    Ost · Er Gen
  • sonu90

    trash novel and time wasting, mc do not have any brain he is not even human, he is like chimpaji or other monkey primate, he have,this powerfull system but wasting all chapters on this mc, if any other character in this novel have brain they will be side characters, if they given system they have been ruler of univers by 500th chapter, when he have big family and maste, he do not want help from them there come his pride, but when he sell any mech he do not have pride, f*** ing time wasted novel.

    The Mech Touch
    sci-fi · Exlor
  • sonu90
    Antwortet auf morningstar_666

    Yes my brain cells are damaged And I'm not in right mind to read other novels because of this types of novel Todays new novels feels shit No story no character they're just shits

    Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up
    Urban · Solo Leveling
  • sonu90

    Shit novel with dick head mc He has power to destroy but he just let them away saying next time What the shit I got just so angry that mc do not have balls to kill in revenge and plots about this novel are pig shita

    Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up
    Urban · Solo Leveling