
~Billionaire's Hated Wife~

Seven_Author · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 9: Let Me Go

"You b*tch!" Rylee starts to slap her mercilessly before Ellen says anything. "How dare you insult my man?"

The brutality of Rylee is beyond anything she has ever experienced. After throwing her on the floor, with each blow, she feels as though her entire self is being destroyed.

Rylee, without any hault, mercilessly continues her assault. Despite the pain that she is enduring, can't help but gaze at him. He is the source of her agony and also the one to whom her heart is crying out for assistance.

The intense turmoil is like death and causes her feelings to become chaotic. By holding Rylee's hand to prevent her from beating her more, his hands are outstretched towards her as if his heart just eavesdropped on her heart. His hatred for her is massive, but seeing Rylee being barbaric toward her somewhat stirrs up his heart.

As his towering figure stands in front of Judy's fragile, lean figure, her gaze full of fear falls on him. Despite this, her body language exudes anger, which seems to be aggravating him to the fullest. Why doesn't it cross her mind that her arrogance is the fact he hates the most? "Y'all monsters, let me go!" Glaring at Rylee and Ellen, her words in stronger form keep coming out.

"Sush, don't try to show arrogance in front of me, because you'll just regret it." His icy, frightening voice has been echoing throughout the room.

After drawing himself closer to her, his movements stop leaving his breath on her face and forcing her to close her eyes in disgust.

"Hey, open your eyes." He says while forcing her to look at him. "I'm going to make you beg hard!" "Look, you have two options, either you have to s**k my d***k or you have to endure my torture!"

Accepting the harsh reality she is facing has been difficult for her, but what he says shakes her thoughts away. "I would rather die!" With anger evident in her voice, she spits on his face. He promptly wipes the spit off his face with a handkerchief, and though his outrage is clear, his sudden bursting into laughter shocks her. "You've crossed the line!" "I think hell isn't even suitable to make you regret."

As he unbuckles his belt, a wave of fear washes over her. "You have only one option, baby!" His shameless chuckle makes her eyes red with tears. "Kill me!" Finding no other choice, his second option is what she's chosen, which makes him grin in amusement. She is beaten mercilessly, causing screams of pain to escape her lips.

"Get ready to feel the pain of hell, baby." Taunting her, he continues to beat her with the belt despite her cries and pleas for him to stop. "How does it feel? You know I have another way, too; if you're not satisfied with this method, I should apply this one." He says it with a devilish smirk.

"Let me go if you're done hurting me. I have lost another chance today. Your revenge is fulfilled now."

Seeing the death in front of her eyes, her strength fails to control her tears.

"I want to go home; why don't you understand? Let me go!"

Although her voice is husky and broken from constant begging, Ellen continues to smirk in satisfaction.

For him, seeing the emotions of regret, pain, and fear in her eyes is the ultimate goal. Through the affliction of these feelings, he hopes to elicit the subservient version of her.

"Why, baby? Tired so early? Do you think I've brought you here to let you go? I've taken you here for proper schooling. You have to learn the consequences of messing with me. You know it's just the trailer; if you get tired so early, how are you going to watch the full movie?" He says, rubbing her cheek with his finger, making her feel even more disgusted.

"I'll report it to the police! You are not doing right, and you'll suffer in jail." She groans in pain, but his sarcastic and devilish aura is not giving her a chance to breathe.

"You are going to report to the police! You will report to the police about the billionaire who can buy the whole police department of the country? Oh, c'mon, do not make ridiculous statements. I am not in the mood to laugh. Your arrogance is working as a drug for me. Think that you are finished and that it's your family's turn. I can just take their life in two minutes."

Accepting the hard truth she is facing has not been easy for her, but what he says shakes off her thoughts.

"No! No!" she utters desperately, "You can't harm them just because I love them."

"They didn't do anything wrong; hurt me as much as you want." He gives her an unreadable expression.

She cannot let him hurt her loved ones. Instead, she would choose death. "Yah, it's my fault; please don't hurt them; they are the only reason I'm breathing."

He then sits beside her lying figure and takes his face over her. "Don't you think I'm all allergic to your breath? I'll take away every single thing from you that gives you happiness."

"You can't do this to me! I'm sorry." She apologizes to him while letting the tears roll from her eyes.

"Wow! You're amazing! Your heart is filled with love for them, I appreciate it."

"Okay, enough for today, stay here until your arrogance vanishes away." As he is about to leave, she stops him.

"No! You can't leave me alone like that, please let me go?"

"Ah girl, what's that? It's just the second day we have met; you are already stopping me from leaving you alone! Don't try to play with my heart; you know it's taken, but if you can't control your lust, then I should at least make your wish come true. I know a girl like you who is just no less than a s**t."

Disgust completely wraps her; it's impossible that humans could be more degraded than monsters, and even monsters are better than these disgusting humans.

"Stop your bullshit, just let me go!" Her frustration is directed at him.

"Ugh, that girl is getting on my nerves, don't compel me to hurt you again."

Closing the door, he leaves her alone in his pathetic territory with Rylee. Her voice soars from screaming. This is beyond her imagination that her life would turn into this pathetic one! She can't imagine a human could do this to her! The real pain is what her loved ones are going through for her. The agony arises from his harmful hatred against those who are helpless. It's obvious that they're restless looking for her, and it's making their hearts ache even more.

"I'm so sorry," she mumbles, "I hope Granny won't come to know about this pathetic occurrence." Pressing her lips together, she endures the unbearable pain.

The bright rays of the sun that once peered through the window are no longer visible; darkness engulfs the earth and her life. Despite the passing of the whole day, she receives no small drop of water to drink. Her body is wracked with pain, thirst, hunger, and fear, rendering her helpless. Sleep eludes her, all she can think about is quenching her thirst with a single drop of water.

"G-give me some water, please." As she tries to speak loudly, her throat produces only a weak, cracked tone that cannot be heard by anyone. Her eyes begin to close, and she falls into a deep sleep.

Meanwhile, Smith and Daisy spend the entire day trying to contact Judy and arrive at the police station. After providing the police with all the necessary details, Smith looks at the officer with hope. "Please find her as soon as possible," Smith requests the police with his teary eyes, "please find her."

Daisy grips his hand tightly, listening intently to his regretful words, which are filled with the fear of losing her.

"Yes, we'll try our best, don't worry; you two can go home now. We'll inform you as soon as we find anything about her."

Smith and Daisy leave the police station after getting assurance from the officer. Daisy gives Smith a warm hug, helping to calm him down.

"I love her; I've fallen in love with her. Look, before I could express my feelings, she went missing! We'll find her, right, Daisy?"

"She can't leave us, nothing will happen to her."

Daisy herself is also frightened but brings some comfort to Smith, but the fact remains that no one knows her location, which is terrifying for both of them.

After returning home, both Smith and Daisy can't fall asleep. Smith anxiously awaits the officer's call.

"Almighty, please keep her safe. I just want her alive. Please bring her back to us."

Smith blames himself, thinking that he should have been the one to pick her up and should not have agreed to let her go alone.

"I wish I was there for you." This thought just brings him to tears.

Judy awakens to a bleak and overcast morning, weighed down by a throbbing pain in her head. She struggles to free herself but finds that her hands and legs are still tightly bound. The fear of an untimely and unjustified death grips her heart.

"I've got to run away from here; I'll go away from the city. They'll never find me anywhere," she mumbles.

After multiple attempts, Judy manages to maneuver her bound hands to the front of her body. With some effort, she slides her feet under the bound hands and wiggles her arms in front of her to reach the knot. Using her mouth, she successfully unties the knot, letting out a deep sigh of relief. She then frees her legs and struggles to stand up.

As she reaches the door, it is locked from the other side, leaving her feeling trapped and vulnerable.

"My bad luck!" She utters. Her frustration turns to a glimmer of hope as the window catches her sight.

Immediately taking hold of a nearby chair, she repeatedly throws it towards the window until it's shattered. After breaking the window, she makes her escape through it. Fortunately, the location is on the ground floor, which makes the getaway fairly easy. Looking around, her gaze falls on the sleeping goons of Ellen. No wonder their existence makes her angrier, but her motive is to flee from this heinous cage.

"I'm lucky today!" With her heart racing, Judy climbs over the wall and comes out onto the road. The street is narrow, and the opposite side is disguised in darkness, with tall trees threatening overhead.

"Should I hide there?" Judy pauses to consider her options, fearful and unsure of what to do next. She decides to find shelter and hide since she is afraid of being found if she stays on the route.

However, as she attempts to cross the road, a car arrives out of nowhere, striking her and causing her to drop to the ground. Her legs are numb, and her vision is blurred as her head spins. She sees a woman emerge from the car, her face and the surrounding area soaked in blood, as she struggles to stay awake. She collapses to unconsciousness in a matter of seconds.