
Dreams or Visions?

"So tell me, when did it all begin?"

"I was still young back then, probably 5-years old. I knew nothing about the world and anything beyond it. Then on a weird coincidence, the day when these dreams started, was also the day a weird star-like twinkle appeared in the night sky. But I didn't get into it too much so I went to bed early."

"And, this is where it all started. Yet I can barely remember my dream, yet the details still stuck in my mind, there was a bright figure and it's almost unrecognized like a twinkling star. Then I see some people. Seven of them are wielding weapons, one with a glowing long sword, a bow with a shining arrow, a scythe with a shadow of two figures behind its user, a staff which is made of wood unrecognizable in this world, and finally, the other three has gem-like pieces on their chest each with different colors. But one exception was among the three, one has a figure of a woman with a crown much like one's princesses use and her gem is bigger than the other two. It makes it look like she is superior to the three of them or maybe the seven of them."

"After that, the star-like-twinkle figure faded, dispersing into atom-like particles. Now the last thing I can remember from that dream is, the woman-like figure entered into a portal like a door, and then it disappeared as she entered leaving behind the other six battling void-like creatures until the other 5 die and the scythe user was able to escape into another portal-like door but much different from the other one."

"And yeah, after that everything goes black and, I wake up with a big headache. I also noticed that I was sweating even though my room is air conditioner is active."

"I didn't tell my parents, actually no one. Only you sir, only you. And for years I kept these dreams, visions, whatever they are. But I keep dreaming of things unthinkable in this world, the same characters but in every different scenario. One place I would dream of a battlefield then the next dream is in space watching a supernova. And it feels like these dreams are connected, taking place in 3 different periods. Past, Present, and Future, and yet I don't know why?"

"What I'm trying to say Doc, is I need to know what is my condition based on my experience and situation. I wanna know what on anethea I am going through for the past 11 years."


"Okay, take a deep breath and calm down. I'm still processing your sayings and trying to think of an answer to your problem."

Later he stands up from his chair and goes over to his computer, looking through files of his past patients with similar symptoms.

Then he stops in shock and asks him to come over and look at his screen:

"Wait... come over here, I might have found something related to your condition."

"Okay, but what is it exactly? What's the connection?"


"Alright listen to kiddo, there are more than 10,000+ confirmed cases in Anethea like yours but its name is still undecided so I'm gonna nickname it, for now, we're gonna call it " Visionary Dreams". So it says here, people with this condition often dream about visions of Past, Present, and Future. Generally happens to adults ranging from 27-34 years old, yet there are no cases reported for teenagers having experienced this condition. But if ever please report to a therapist so they could contact us to assist you with your condition. For more information about the condition please visit the website of the Anethetian Global Mental Health Awareness Organization."

"Fuck! looks like I got something bad. And a serious one. So what now Doc?"


"For now give me at least a way for me to contact you in case I get news for your condition, but you decide to keep it to yourself."

"Plus, you are probably the first teenager to ever experience Visionary Dreams"

"So again, I won't force you to tell them that you have that condition. As your therapist, I can advise you to think this through and thoughtfully. I'll give you a few days to decide."

After what the therapist said, he grabs a pen a paper on the table. Writing down his contact info while looking out the window along with a clear view of downtown.

Thus he came to the therapist and gave him the paper and without saying a word he leaves the room.


"Damn kid, you got some bug issues alright!"

End of Chapter One