
Zoom through time

Amelia is an ordinary girl going into her first year of University when she meets Jackson and for some reason, she feels a connection, as if they had already met before. She starts having dreams about him and when she researches into the events more, she realises her dreams weren't dreams at all but a past life.

queencff · Geschichte
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A man who I don't know

Sometimes, things go exactly as you planned them and sometimes, they don't. Sometimes we can't even explain why they occurred but one thing is for sure, everything happens for a reason.

Finally, my life was getting started, my dreams would be coming true. What dreams, you may ask. My dreams of becoming a Historian, today would be my first lecture in my History class. I was running a little late due to not knowing where my lecture would be held, I had walked around for a while trying to find the building and luckily, after one hell of a journey, Google maps led me to it. As I walked in, the teacher turned to me. Jackson, the man I had been told would be teaching us this year.

My stomach curled as I saw him and time seemed to slow down. Jackson's lips were moving as though he was talking to me but I couldn't hear a word he was saying. There was something familiar about his black hair, his piercing blue eyes that looked at me through his glasses and his cleanly shaven stubble. A beautiful man, of course but that wasn't what had me in shock. It was as if Iknew this man, perhaps from a distant memory, one that I could not recall.

Eventually, time began moving faster again and I could finally hear what he was saying.

"Everyone here is paying for this course and you coming in twenty minutes late and distracting the lecture is wasting their money. Next time, make sure you are here earlier."

I looked at him and nodded holding the books that were in my arms even tighter to my chest. My lips didn't utter a sound, I just quickly hurried to my seat to continue listening to whatever was going on previously. However, something was keeping me from focusing, the unknowing thought of recognising a man who I believed I had not previously met.

For the rest of the day, I did my best to try and figure out exactly where I would know my new teacher from, even calling my parents and siblings to see if they may have any clue, however, nothing came around. A migrain had built inside my mind from trying to discover this man's identity and who he was to me but.... nothing.

Finally, when the clock hit 12, I was exhausted and decided to turn over and begin sleeping. Little did I know exactly how much information my dream would hold.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Everything will be made up as I go along so if you're interested in going on this journey with me, please stay tuned

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