
Chapter 9 The Real Test

In the early morning.

The light was still dim.

The zombies became more active in the dark night. They bent down and sniffed the scent in the air.

Their skin was rotten, and their faces were twisted crazily. Thick brownish yellow liquid flowed down through the gap between their sharp teeth.

The sense of hunger tortured the zombies all the time. Sometimes the crazy zombies would attack their own kind, rudely pushing them away, and then tore apart their flesh and blood with sharp claws.

"Are they killing each other?" Squatting behind Jeno, Arena looked at the two zombies attacking each other on the road in the distance. A large area of fluorescent poisonous blood sprayed on the ground. They even began to bite each other's body.

"The night made them more irritable."

"Let's set up some traps to help. When the day is completely bright, we'll start our plan." Jeno knew the habits of these zombies, so he took Arena back to the nearby woods and began to set up some traps to deal with the zombies.

An hour later.

The warm sunshine shone on the ground, and the temperature of the air began to rise.

Uh, uh, uh

The zombies let out dry groans in their throats and raised their heads to look at the sun. They began to carry out a physiological reaction similar to photosynthesis, without the initial berserk.

It was time to make a move.

"Do you remember the location of all the traps?" Jeno's eyes were as sharp as eagle's. He stared at Arena's blue eyes seriously.

"I remember." Arena nodded heavily, took a few deep breaths and walked out of the forest.

To be honest, she was scared.

Arena had to go on the road to attract all the zombies nearby to the woods.

She used to live in a peaceful era and had no feelings for death, because it was too far away from her. However, now death was in front of her.

"I'm not a burden."

"I'm not a vase."

"I have to prove myself. What I can do is just to run faster..."

Arena was still cheering herself up. Nevertheless, when she came to the edge of the road alone and looked at the zombies covered in blood, she still couldn't restrain the fear in her heart.

Her hands and feet became cold, and her hair blew up like a cat. Her legs could not help trembling. She could fall to the ground at any time.

This was the most real performance. Not everyone's heart was as firm as steel. It was normal for ordinary people to be scared to pee their pants in the face of zombies.

"Don't tremble."

"I have to overcome fear. I can do it." Clenching her fists, Arena thought of the young man named Jeno.

Would Jeno be scared?

Would he tremble like her?

What would Jeno think when he killed the zombies with a dagger?

Arena suddenly ran out of the road and shouted at the wandering zombies, "I'm not afraid of you, zombies!"


She didn't need to fight with zombies like Jeno. She just needed to run as fast as she could.

Arena didn't dare to look back. She ran as fast as she could towards the woods.

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!

She could hear the roars of the zombies behind her which seemed like came from the throats of some kind of beast. They were about to tear her apart.

The zombie moved very fast.

After their mutation, their speed also increased. The messy footsteps were getting closer and closer.

Arena felt that her heart was about to explode. The air in her lungs was burning. The zombies behind her were very close. They waved theirsharp claws to cut a few golden hairs. Besides, a pounce was about to push her down.


At this time, an arrow shot from the forest saved her life.

The zombie that pounced on Arena was pierced through the eye sockets, rolled on the ground a few times, and tripped over the zombiesbehind her.

Finally, they arrived!!

Arena saw Jeno's figure in the distance. She rushed into the woods as fast as she could, and then suddenly bent down and rolled forward.

Puff, puff, puff.

The sound of flesh and blood tearing resounded through the forest. The head of the zombie monster that was chasing after Arena was cut off by something out of thin air. Its head flew high and smashed to the ground. Its blood spurted out more than three meters high, leaving a large amount of fluorescent poisonous blood.

What happened?

Why were the heads of those zombies suddenly cut off?

There seemed to be invisible blades in the air, tearing the bodies of those zombies into pieces.

If one observed carefully, they would find that a lot of blood condensed into water drops in midair, revealing the trap.

Fish line.

Dozens of sharp fishing lines were tied to the trees around them, waiting for the zombies to commit suicide.

The zombie ran very fast, and its full strength was comparable to the track and field player in the Olympic Games. By taking advantage of this, the fish line could become the most terrible trap.

The blood sprayed everywhere.

The fishing line cut open their necks, and their heads rolled like watermelons. Many zombies' bodies were also torn apart, and deep blood marks appeared on their arms and legs.

One of the zombies was even cut off by Arena's waist, and his organs and intestines were all over the ground. However, the upper part of his body was still painful and he tried to grab her thighs.

The scene was so horrible.

Arena screamed out of fear. Fear and survival instinct forced her to keep climbing until another arrow shot through the monster's head.

"Stop shouting."

"They have all lost their fighting power." Jeno came to Arena's side. There were several zombies nearby that were still alive, but they all lost the ability to move and crawled on the ground with difficulty.

The following work was very simple.

Jeno killed the zombies that had lost their mobility, but at last, he left one.

"Take this and kill them." Jeno took out another dagger and handed it to Arena.

The test had just begun.

Arena had to kill this monster.

"No... How dare I?"

Arena gasped. It was her limit to summon up all her courage to attract the zombies. Until now, she still felt that her brain was in a mess. She just wanted to stay as far away from those zombies as possible.

Jeno came to the last zombie. It roared angrily, crawling forward and waving its sharp claws.

He waved the dagger a few times, and the cold light flashed, and the zombie's arm fell down weakly.

Under the armpit, wrist, arm joints and muscles, several key points were cut off, like a scalpel precisely.

Jeno stepped on the zombie's neck to stop it from spinning. He then ordered Arena, "It can't hurt you now. Kill it."

A fearless monster.

Arena only needed to wave the dagger and kill it to complete the test.

"You dare not?"

Jeno's eyes became colder. He continued in a ruthless tone, "Okay, I'll say it again. This is the last time."

"I don't need a burden. I don't need a beautiful vase that can only attract me by sex."

"I only need reliable teammates and subordinates who obey my orders to quickly kill zombies,"

"If you want to stay with me, kill this zombie."

Jeno repeated what he had said.

Arena looked desperate and sobbed, "Can I not do that?"

"Of course." Jeno nodded and added, "You helped me a lot. As a compensation, I will give you enough supplies for a month. Then we will be separated."

There were a lot of materials in a month, especially at the end of the shortage.

Arena was in great pain.

She was a kind girl

She loved life and animals. She had never hurt anyone, but now she wanted to stab the dagger into the monster's head.

"Let me ask you one more question. Do you want to live on?" Jeno's words made Arena's heart tremble.

Was Jeno hurting Arena?

Was Jeno enjoying the process of conquering Arena?


Jeno looked like a cold-blooded devil. His attitude towards zombies and humans was always so cold.

But the reason why he did so might be just to survive, and the reason why he forced Arena to do so was that she could live on.

Arena suddenly understood.

If she wanted to live in the end of the world, she had to learn these for the sake of her own survival.

"I see. Thank you, Jeno."

"I will kill it, and I will try to kill those zombies. One day, I will be able to deal with them alone without depending on you!"