
Chapter 7 Disaster in the Kitchen

The sun slowly set.

The warm light sprinkled on their shoulders made the shadows of the two longer.

"My name is Arena. How should I call you then?"

Arena followed behind him. The man had always been cold and seldom talked all the way.

This made Arena feel a little embarrassed. Most of the time, men would take the initiative to accost her and try to find some humorous and interesting topics. However, the young man in front of her was obviously different from his peers.

"Jeno Jones". A simple name without any extra introduction, which made the atmosphere more awkward.

"Jeno, how old are you? You look the same age as me. Are you still in high school? Why are you so powerful?" Arena asked and then found that she had countless questions to ask.

Jeno was awesome.

He had killed so many zombies alone, looking like a professional killer in the movie.

Arena felt that her question was a little stupid. How could a person as powerful as Jeno go to school like an ordinary person?

He must have been raised up by a mysterious killer organization, or part of the army's super special force plan. The movies and novels described it in this way.

"Shut up!"

"We are still in danger. Shut up before we get to the safe house, or I will leave you now." Jeno said in a low voice. He gave Arena a glancewith anger, which made her shiver.

Arena didn't dare to say anything more and followed him closely.

It was so strange!!

This man was not a gentleman at all. He even insulted Arena without any reason. However, she felt a sense of security again.

This was like an old soldier who had fought several battles and taught a new recruit a lesson with blood. Although his words were rude, they could save your life.

"We are almost there." Before long, Arena was interrupted by Jeno' voice.

There was an abandoned pasture nearby.

Due to the sand of the land a few years ago, the pasture was no longer suitable for cultivation. Its original owner left with his family, and the house was abandoned after a long time.

Jeno came here three days ago and renovated it into a safe house.

The door of the house was reinforced with multi-layer steel plates. The windows were also blocked with boards and steel pieces, forming the most basic defense.

Time was still too short. If he had a week to prepare, he could have built the house into a solid blockhouse.

"Look at the ground. Be careful of those nails." Jeno reminded her. The path to the farm house was covered with all kinds of nails, forming the simplest trap.

This trap was difficult to deal with humans. However, it was very effective to deal with zombies.

"Be careful of these trees and look carefully with your eyes." Jeno stopped in front of two trees, bent down and walked past them.

If you observed carefully, you would find several thin lines in the middle of the two class trees.

It was hard to notice with the naked eyes. Some sharp lights would occasionally be reflected when the sunlight shone on them.

"What's this?" Arena also bent down and walked over. She felt that this trap was much more powerful than just now. Not only the zombiecould not be seen, but even the human beings could be attacked.

"A fishing line for sea fishing." It was not something rare, but a fishing line that could be bought in every fishing club.

This kind of fishing thread was solid and sharp. Almost all the sea fishing lovers had the experience of being cut by the fishing thread. Now, it was directly made by Jeno into a fatal trap.

"There are two beast hunting clips on the lawn. Remember their positions." Jeno and Arena left the path. The dense grass grew close to their knees. Two beast hunting sandwiches were hidden here. They were put by the former farm owner.

A trap??

Arena was a little surprised. Those beast hunting clips, with a diameter of 40 centimeters and full of sharp saw teeth, could completely break human shank bones.

Finally, they got close to the house.

Two buckets of disinfectant fluid were placed beside the reinforced steel door.

"Arena, open a bottle of disinfectant and sprinkle it on the road we just passed. Don't go too far."

The zombie's eyesight was very poor. However, their hearing and sense of smell had been increased. If they used disinfectant to cover human scents, the zombies would not be able to locate their targets.

This was too well prepared, wasn't it??

Arena felt a little lucky. It was really a lucky thing for her to be with Jeno when the disaster came.

The doomsday was approaching. If anyone asked Arena where she was safe, she would definitely answer Jeno' safe house.

Jeno opened the door.

Arena looked at the scene in front of her and was shocked again.


The buckets of clean water were almost piled up to the ceiling.


Boxes of tinned food, compressed biscuits and instant food products were piled up on the other side of the room.

You've prepared too much, haven't you?

These cans and biscuits had a shelf life of more than 15 years. Therefore, they didn't need to worry about food and water.

In fact, it was not all.

Jeno also stored some cold fresh meat in the refrigerator of the warehouse of the farm. There were 2 whole bulls, 4 whole pigs and a lot of processed chicken.

These materials and weapons cost all the heritage and compensation Jeno withdrew from the bank.

"Well, it's safe here."

"There are frozen beef steak in the fridge, and a pan in the kitchen. Pour some oil and put it on the electric furnace. When the oil is hot, put the steak on the pan, boil it and bring it to me."

Jeno knew that Arena had never cooked before, so he told her the simple process of frying beef steak. Then he continued, "You said you could learn everything. Now you can start."

This was a century difficult problem.

Arena hadn't cooked since she was born. Therefore, she even didn't know where the switch of the electric stove was.

It was the first time that she had cooked for a man. It suddenly occurred to her that most of the girls had cooked for their loved ones.

"Ah, what am I thinking about?" Arena shook her head and quickly threw away those absurd thoughts.

She had only known him for less than a day. In addition, he was so cold-blooded and rude to her. It was too dangerous to think about that.

Sizzle! Sizzle! Sizzle.

Due to lack of experience, steak was put into the pot before it was completely unfrozen. The hot oil was splashed everywhere. The scene in the kitchen became a disaster.

Finally, Arena put a dark plate on the table in front of Jeno.

"I promise I will do better next time..." Arena felt ashamed. However, when she was about to accept the blame, she found that Jeno had already fallen asleep on the sofa.

Jeno was too tired.

He was not only physically tired, but also mentally exhausted.

When he went back to the safe room to relax a little, the tiredness made he wanted to sleep. He quickly fell asleep.

Arena approached him quietly.

She looked at him closely and found that the cold-blooded guy was really like an ordinary person, just like those boys who were after her in the school.

Arena blinked her long eyelashes for two times and came up with a bold idea. She reached out her hand to touch Jeno' face.

However, when her hand was about to touch Jeno, he suddenly opened his eyes and subconsciously took out the dagger and slashed forward.