
Chapter 6 The Change of Arena

The sight of the zombie was very poor.

Human eyeballs were the place with the most water, and also the place where toxins were most likely to enter.

Therefore, most of the zombies were very weak. However, their senses of smell and hearing were more acute than ordinary people.

The odor elements floated in the air and could be transmitted far away.

Those zombies with keen sense of smell would gather here for Arena's underwear.

One minute later.

A male zombie staggered towards there from hundreds of meters.

It would stop after taking a few steps, sniffed the air and confirmed the direction of the smell before continuing to move forward.


When the zombie approached the underwear. An arrow came from not far away and pierced its head.

Jeno walked forward and cut the back of his head with a dagger. He didn't find the rotten heart, and then returned to the ambush position.

5 minutes later, the second zombie was hooked.

10 minutes later, two zombies appeared at the same time, which were easily killed by Jeno.

An hour passed quickly. Jeno used Arena's underwear to hunt down 15 zombies. However, this time he was not so lucky. He only found one rotten heart.

Another hour later, Jeno found that the number of zombies had obviously dropped a lot. The smell of underwear had disappeared. In addition, the zombies floating nearby had almost been killed.

The rest should be in the room.

"I have got 3 rotten hearts."

Jeno had a good harvest today. He killed nearly 40 zombies and obtained three hatched hearts.

This body was close to its limit. A feeling of exhaustion filled the whole body. His attention was unable to maintain absolute concentration. It was time to leave.

"I have to go back to the safe room before dark." Jeno began to pack up and took back all the arrows inserted in the head of the zombie.

The safe room.

Jeno had been busy in the past few days. All the money he had taken out from the bank card had been replaced with weapons and materials, and a safe house.

Just then, Arena's villa suddenly opened.

She had been observing Jeno secretly in front of the window. For two hours, he had been hunting zombies, just like a reward hunter in the vampire legend.

It was difficult to change the impression between people. Therefore, prejudice was everywhere.

But once the impression changed, it would be deeper. That was how Arena thought of him.

Was Jeno a good man?

The answer was absolutely no.

Jeno killed Arena's parents who had turned into zombies and poked their brains to desecrate their corpses.

In addition, Jeno pressed Arena to the ground and threatened her. Later, he even ordered her to take off her clothes. Every girl could not accept that humiliation.

However, Jeno had also saved Arena's life. If he hadn't appeared, Arena would have been torn apart by her parents and neighbors who had become zombies downstairs sooner or later.

He asked her to take off her clothes not to insult or rape, but to use her underwear as a trap to kill those twisted and terrifying zombies.


Arena misunderstood Jeno. She peeked at the young man outside from the window. When he killed the zombies neatly, she even had a feeling that she was protected.

A sense of security.

A man who kept killing zombies would certainly give Arena a strong sense of security.

"Can you take me with you?" It was surprised to hear such a request from Arena for Jeno. She had only met him once.

"No." Jeno refused her decisively.

It was rare for Arena to be rejected. In the past, if she had any difficulties, as long as she opened her mouth, those men would rush to help her to solve these problems.

No one would refuse Arena, such a beautiful girl.

With tears in her beautiful blue eyes, she lowered her head and came to Jeno again. She said pitifully, "please, I'm really scared. I need someone to protect me."


Jeno pulled a long face and said in a colder tone, "I'm not obligated to protect you. Why don't you try calling the police or waiting for the rescue of the army?"

"No, I can't get through. My father works for the military, but he has already..." Arena's tone was full of helplessness. Not only her phone couldn't be connected, but there was no signal from the TV station. The broadcast was full of panic about disaster.

"I'm satirizing you. Don't you understand?" Jeno made it clear, "You are just a burden to me, a useless vase. Do you understand?"

"What else can you do except to suck my tentum and have sex with me?"

Jeno's words were harsh, especially the last sentence, which was an undisguised insult.

These words crushed Arena's self-esteem. She had never been insulted like this before. However, she could not refute him, because that was the truth.

Cold tears streamed down Arena's cheeks, but she didn't give up. She continued, "I can give you all my underwear to attract those zombies."

Jeno almost burst into laughter.

This was not the only way to attract zombies. Besides, the most effective way should be to use human flesh.

Arena knew she was being childish, so she quickly added," I can cook for you, wash your clothes, and..."

She spoke for a long time and couldn't make up any other reason. She looked ashamed and embarrassed.

"You are from a rich family. Have you done anything before?"

"Cooking means putting vegetables into the microwave oven. Washing clothes is probably throwing clothes into the washing machine. It's really a disaster."

Jeno shook his head, turned around and looked at Arena carefully. Then he asked an astonishing question," Can you kill those zombies?"

Arena suddenly raised her head, looked into Jeno's serious eyes, and finally lowered her head humbly. "I don't dare, and I can't. Those zombies are too terrifying, and..."

"Then you will die." Jeno interrupted Arena and pointed at the zombies on the ground. Looking at the brains and blood bursting out, he continued," everyone is equal. If we can't fight with those zombies, they will eat us up."

"You'd better go home. At least this community is safer. I'll soon kill all the zombies there." Jeno gave his last advice, turned around and left.

Looking at his receding figure. Arena became more conflicted.

Go home?

Did she still have a home?

In that house, except for the corpses of the zombies, there was nothing else.

How long would the disaster last? How long would she lock herself in the room and hide? What if she met those zombies again?

A vase.

Jeno was right. She was nothing but a beautiful face and a hot figure.

In the eyes of those zombies, was there any difference between a beautiful woman and an ugly woman?

They were just food, and even the taste was no different.

Suddenly, Arena ran towards Jeno.

She chased after him, gasping for breath. Her eyes became more determined. "I'm not a vase, nor a burden to you. I can learn anything as best as I can."

Jeno stared at her for a long time.

"Come with me."