
Zombies In Deep Dive.

A deep dive zombie apocalypse video game comes to live, trapping several million players inside, and they now need to figure out to escape....ALIVE.

Goreleech · Urban
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19 Chs

Getting shot sucks....but hey. Free stuff.


DAY 11.






TYler woke from a surprisingly restful sleep with a yawn. The survivor sat up and noted the sounds of the fires had died down and the world had returned to it's usual deafening silence. Breakfast consisted of peanut butter on a bagel and an energy drink before he loaded his 45-70...and found working the loading door and lever was as easy as usual. That made him smile in relief before he walked out the front door. As he did he noted the chat of the livestream were al stunned by the new bandage on his left shoulder...and he chuckled.

"Ya shoulda been here last night, ladies and other. Shit got real messy real quick. I actually took a hit for once."

And like that the chat went dead as the watchers went to rewind their livestream to see what they missed. Tyler chuckeld as he looked at the feed start to fill with irritated grumbles on missing the action.

"That's what happens when you clock out early....and odds are those night raids are kinda common."

And just like that oaths of nonstop marathons went up as the teenager peered out of the basement window again. The street was littered in brass casings and bodies, but nothing was seen to be moving. So he nodded and went to the front door and had the rifle ready as he walked out. OUtside the world was as silent as it usually was with only the soft rasp of the wind in the air. Now, though, the wind carried the stench of burnt flesh, wood, and spent gunpowder on it that made Tyler frown. In terms of damage, thge entire town had taken a beating. Several dozen homes had burned to the ground from missed rocket attacks while others had been peppered by machien gun and heavy cannon fire. Atop all this was the number of bullet ridden bodies laying in the street and Tyler noted several soldier bodies had been left behind in the midst of the zombie mass. And each dead soldier had a single bullet hole in their foreheads to prevent a rise. The most striking discovery, however, were the remains of close to 15 seperate helicopters that had been shot down during the skirmish. Some had crashed into homes, others in the street. Tyler smirked as he saw the wreckage....and remembered WHAT he had sitting behind the house.

"I have an idea."

He walked over to the dead soldiers first and blinked as he saw something laying in the street in the hands of the dead.

"Oh SCORE! M16A1 assault rifle with bare bones furniture! This one is....the 7.62 NATO varient. Good. I have my own SIR."

He took the iconic rifle from the hands of the dead soldier and hung it on his back while moving to the next dead man....and smirking.

"Oh this is a gold mine. M249 SAW or squad automatic rifle. 5.56 NATO rounds and that box holds 250. THAT I'll mount on the jeep or something."

Into his empty backpack when the machine gun and he reached the third dead man that had been sitting atop a a truck...and smirked at the weapon he was holding in his dead hands.

"Now THIS is AWESOME. L9A1 bolt action sniper rifle! This one is chambered for.....Niiice. .338 LAPUA rounds. I got me a long distance fuck you now."

The third rifle claimed Tyler looked at the remaining weapons of the dead soldiers...and shrugged.

"Eh most are running M16s....I better grab their mags."

And he did. He ejected the maybe ten magazines from the left behind soldiers before finding most of them still had nearly five full magainzes each for a staggering amount of ammo. Tyler smiled as he collected the last piece of scavangable kit from the dead soldiers.

"Wel I'm set on ammo for the time being. Alright. Now the fun part."

He looked to the downed chopeprs now...and smirked as he noted their types.

"That one there is an AH-64 Apache com bat helicopter, that there is a A-6 cobra, over there is a Hind-6 russian attack chopper, that un here is a Huey. And given the different paint schemes I'm lookin at maybe four different factions."

The teenager went over to the dead apache now. The once mighty attack chopper had been hit by a wel aimed rocket to the main rotors, resulting in the thing falling to the ground and landing on a house. It's cockpit had carved a hole from the roof to the pavement while it's tail was sticking out of the other side. Tyler went to the long 20mm cannon jutting from the underside of the Apache's cockpit...and smirked as he saw the damage.

"These things are ungodly tough. I'm not seeing any signs of damage to the barrel or the turret itself."

Yuki appeared then as her conscious was pinging an alert....and asked the question.

"TYler...what are you planning?"

"Mounting one or two of these on the jeep or the truck thing out back."

She sighed at this idea as the suvivor puled the dead pilot from the cockpit.

"That is NOT a simple job you can just DO in a garage, Tyler."

"Sure I can. I just need an engine lift, a suitable means of mounting the weapon and then all I'd need is a means to rig a fire control system. And THAT will be as simple as rewiring the connection to the flightstick to say the steering wheel and some paddles."

Yuki was silent for a moment as the teenager finished his thorough examination of the bird.....before she spoke in a new tone of unease.

"Tyler. HOW do you KNOW that?"

"A buddy a mine built remote control stuff for a hobby an d side hussel. One time he built a fully functional Apache with functioning rocket tubes that fired firecrackers and an undernose cannon that spit airsoft. I helped and he said the same principle can be applied to nearly anything with button control. Just a matter of redirecting the signals and currents and bam. You could control nearly anything like that."

"Sooo you had a friend. That built remote control vehicles....and you think you can do it yourself."

"Pretty much."

Yuki sighed as Tyler was now full on underneath the chopper looking for the mooring bolts for the cannon.

"Great. This is going to get hazardous."

"Got em. Now I just need to cut them and use that jack I saw at the gas station to carry it over. There's no way I can mount this on that jeep. Fire rate would stop me in my tracks with the recoil, but that armored truck out back'll be fine."

TYler returned to the surprisingly undamaged gas station to retrieve the kjack used to transport car engines weighing close to 800 pounds and took the blowtorch. As he worked his chat were making bets on whether or not his idiotic idea would work out not. Tyler smiled as he cut the bolts out of the chopper. Then the armored panels were removed to expose the housing for the powerful 20mm single barrel cannon, of which the belt and feeding system was still intact. These were retrieved before Tyler was able to fully drop the weapon itself from the air frame. This was attached to the jack and wheeled to the garage.

"I'll need two for a proper defensive turret....I probably should check."

Back to the apache he went and found one of the rocket cluster pods was still full of the 20mm unguided rockets. This was promptly cut from the wing of the helicopter and also dragged to the garage. In the real world, Yuki slumped at the ease Tyler was displaying in disarming a military attack chopper.

"He just got added to every terrorist watchlist in the COUNTRY for THIS stunt. If it WORKS.....he might just be considered a budding terrorist leader. And my workload just keeps on DOUBLING."

Tyler was then seen to walk to another dead apache laying a few dozen yards down the street. This one had been hit by heavy cannon fire, shredding it's pilot and copilot. As such it had landed flat on it's side in the street thus providing easy access to it's own cannon. Tyler cut this one out and the surviving rocket pod before going around to the transport truck out back and finding it not even scratched. He climbed into the cab and brought it into the driveway where he realized something.

"Huh. The jack's not tall enough. I'd need a full chainfall for what I'm going for here. The rockets I can mount on the sides of the thing, but yeah. Gonna need to sit on the turrets."

So he placed the main parts of the machineguns into the empty bed of the truck along with their ammo belts. The rocket pods he sat on the roof of the vehicle and smiled as he aimed them at a SLIGHT angle for ground attack.

"These'll make short work of even tank armor with a direct salvo. A good launch I'd get....150 yards at that angle. 150 yards range and plenty of time to dodge the results. Good. I'll strip the remaining choppers of their arms and yeah. My forest of turrets is well on it;s way to completion."

And so he returned to the various choppers around the town and scavanged their heavy cannons, any rockets he could, any of the immensely powerful hellfire missiles he could, and as much of their armored paneling too. By the time the sun had gone down, Tyler had singlehandedly stripped the once glorious choppers to their skeletons and was safely secured inside the garage. The dor was locked up tight and the halftrack beast sitting inside. Tyler smiled widely as he hefted the blowtorch.

"Alrighty then. We're back in hardware mode everyone."

Tyler worked later into the night installing the rocket cluster pods on the halftrack after unloading them....and once he had them wired to a control panel in the cab he tested it. The connections worked perfectly and he smiled widely at the glowing lights.

"I love being me, I really do."

Next was a scavanged M2HB 50 caliber machine gun he mounted to the roof of the jeep in a full on rotating turret. This was accomplished by welding a metal set of railroiad tracks from a child's toyset with grooves for the moorings that was basically a fork from a bicycle. Tyler could climb into the ring easily enough and smiled as he set the 4 boxes of 500 rounds in the backseat.

"I'll set out for the base site tomorrow. I stay any longer it's just ASKING for something else to go wrong. And since the halftrack is ALSO part highpowered tow truck...roadTRAIN!"

Speaking of the halftrack, Tyler had ALSO welded an extra layer of armor paneling from the choppers along it's frame. And had even crafted some simplistic skirts for the tracked section of the beast. All in all, the vehicles were intimidating to look at. Tyler then had the diabolically ingenius idea to mount bulbars on the front of the halftrack...with razorsharp steel spikes on each joint of the metal. AROUND these he added a mass of cheese grade plates welded together into a hellish battering ram. Happy with his preperations, Tyler lowered the T bone that would haul the jeep and camper behind it. A slight groan of steel was heard as the powerful machien succeeded in lifting the meaty jeep on it's rear wheels and the camper didn't move. Tyler nodded as he saw no sign of lift or even strain on the halftrack after.

"Alright. I'll be set for dah mornin. And my GOD is that going to look cool!"

The last task was to load every piece of supplies he had into the rear of the halftrack...which only took him fifteen minutes and barely brought the capacity to half full.

"Makes sense since these things were ALSO required to SUPPLY the nearly 10 strong chalk inside it. Alrighty."

He returned to the basement and Yuki appeared with a smirk on the screen.

"Okay, Tyler. It's official. YOU ARE an evil magyver."

"How many lists I make?"

"ALL of em. I just got off the phone with Homeland Security DEMANDING to know fi you have made ANY threatening statements or gestures towards the United States.....all I tol him? Don't make you mad."

"Ha. That's AWESOME! How's the stream life?"

Hannah chuckled as she perked up.

"Your views are holding at 250k. They usually spike during prime time viewing hours to around....150mil though. Your stream has become one of the most UNPREDICTABLE feeds in the GAME. To the point a dedicated lurker communitee are keeping a nonstop watch on you since you got shot during a period of dark screen. And it seems that war last night is VERY widespread. Upwards of 50 thousand players encountered the factions everywhere from forzen mountains to the middle of cities. And these fighrs are DEVESTATING when they appear. 50 players have been killed from them alone. Oh and so you know? The faction with the gold and purple paintjob? They're facist extremists under a new Adolf Hitler seeking to dominate the wasteland. If you do not comform, they execute you. I.E. they torture you to death. And if you're a GIRL....you're used as a breeder by them to replenish their ranks. I've seen the feeds of these poor souls and my GOD is the experience realisitic."

TYler whistled at that revelation as he cracked open a glass cocacola.

"Jesus FUCKING Christ. Where the FUCK are they getting the PROCESSING power for some a these things in here? Like for REAL? Programing and foresight only get you so far and I haven't seen so much as a SPASM from the frame rates in here. Even WITH the friggen tracer fire last night!"

Yuki nodded with her own frown.

"THat has been many a programmer's question since this BEGAN, Tyler. They recorded a few of the higher volume firefights and did a pixel analysis. Tyler? They came to a ASTROMOICAL 5000 per partom! THAT basically means the graphics ARE real life! They did a frame by frame of every single second of the battle and found no trace of motion blur, fuzzying, or even a single SMUDGE in the rendering of every single bullet fired. They have NO IDEA how the devs made this game and are utterly BAFFLED by the technological prowess on display here."

The teenager whistled at this one as he munched on a fire warmed hotdog and some fire-toasted buns...with ketchup.

"Wow.m And the devs disappeared too. MAkes ya WONDA dunnit? Anyway. Nothing bout dat I cin do."

"DON'T talk like that. Makes you sound like an idiot."

TYler smirked at Yuki's sigh.

"Now you lissin ere, lassie, I be doin this ere bullshittin thang better an ya cin shake a countra steek at! Don yer forgit it!"

He busted up laughing at his ATRIOCIOUS accent as Yuki and Hannah just shivered from the EXTREME cringe factor of the same. The blonde doctor sighed as she looked at her friend.

"Is he smart, Yuki, or is he an idiot? I can't tell anymore."

"Hannah...NEITHER can I. Greeeeat."

TYler chuckled at that one before he refocused.

"So I'll be heading for the preferred base site in the morning. Once there I'll dig in and get to work on a permabase."

YUki smirked.

"And we are ALL curious to see what you call a defensive layout."

"Ha. I'll be sure to overdo it and UTTERLY overcomplicate the matter."

He closed the videofeed before looking to his chat...and chuckled at the number of people all commenting on the alterations he'd made to his vehicles.

"You can learn to do all this too. Be amazed how far google can take you and a little outside the box mentality."

Hannah reappeared on the screen then with a sheepish smile.

"I forgot to check in on your shoulder."

TYler moved his shoulder through several motions and frowned at one.

"A little stiff and sore when raising it straight up, but nothing too bad. It twitched and was really stif when working today, but no pain or any REAL discomfort."

"Good. And no smell?"

He sniffed his bandage...

"Nope. Nothin."

"If you detect ANYTHING let me know immediately. If it gets infected you are going to have some problems."

Tyler pulled a bottle of pills now and popped two of them.

"Antibiotics. Found a decent supply of them in a soldier's medicpack. I found close to four full medic kits for CSAR operatives so yeah."

"Good. I'll check in every meal on it until the bandage comes off."

TYler nodded at this.

"Sure I-what the?"

The sun had gone down by this point, plunging the area into a deep darkness. So when a flicker was seen in the window it got his attention.

"Hannah I'mma call you back."

The feed went out and Tyler set the 45-70 in the window as he peered into the darkness.....as a set of ten flashlight beams were seen sweeping over the battered buildings. Tyler frowned as he pulled the dragonov and peered through the 6X magnification scope....and was faced by a squad of 5 people with flashlights duct taped to rifles and helmets made from football helmets....ALSO with flashlights duct taped to them.

"PLayers. THAT'S a rare sight. Hmm."

He went silent and found he could hear their conversation as one bathed one of the guted apache helicopters in his light, his voice a on-edge murmering bark.

"What the FUCK happened here? It's like a war broke out. Hey, Benni555, you know these birds?"

A nearly 6 foot tall man with corded arms was seen to look more closely at a cobra Tyler had stripped to the skeleton. HIS voice was an avalanche growl as he replied.

"Yeah. Army birds every one of em, Dirkmin. And SOMEONE, knew what they were doing AND looking for. Alll their guns and armor were taken were possible and there is a SCARRRY bit a knowhow here."


"I FUCKIN hope not. With THIS kinda hardware he'd be able to turn even a prius into a tank."

"Jesus. Can you tell how OLD these cuts are?"

"I'm a MARINE. NOT with the navajo.....but I can TRY."

TYler leaned to the side and whisper into his shoulder,

"Yuki, git me a background. Ya got five minutes before I make my choice."

He peered back through the scope as a girl's voice was heard now as she panned the flashlight around at different houses.

"This place is creeping me out guys. Like someone's watchin us."

THe leader, who seemed to be called Dirkmin sighed.

"I feel it too, Birdlin. Hey, Yoratin, your skill firing up?"

Another girl had a focused, mellow tone in her soft voice as she replied.

"We're being hunted. And by something STRONG."

The group tensed and the big man who Tyler thought was called Benni hefted his rifle,

"Where is it, Birdlin?"

"I can't pinpoint the feeling because it's not DIRECTLY hostile. More....wary....for lack of a better word."

TYler smirked as he peered through the scope at a slender girl with black hair as she spoke. Oookay. YOU have a COOL ability. Iiiiii wonder. Tyler then filled his eyes with intent to kill...and the girl was seen to LEAP aside as if he had been ABOUT to shoot at her. Ooooh. So THAT'S how it works. I HAVE you now. The girl was seen to get to her feet, utterly SHAKEN while her friends circled around her with guns and concern. Dirkman had a double barreled shotgun as he looked at her.

"Bird what the hell?"

"We need to RUN, Dirk! We're in the crosshairs of a Predator! A PROFESSIONAL! I FELT like he was going to SHOOT me....and yet it was a test."

Benni growled now like a bear,

"Ya got a bead on em?"

Yuki appeared on the screen and Tyler lowered the volume as she spoke.

"They're nomads. Nonhostile to players unless fired on first. Contact highly recommended."



TYler looked at the group as they tried to figure their next move out....and blew a shrill whistle on his lips.

"Oi! Over here rookies!"

They jumped at the sudden callout and their flashlights were swung around to land on Tyler's VERY well concealed sniper nest....and he chuckled.

"Suuurprise! Lower the guns if friendly! If NOT.....Bird'll be plucked first! I LITERALLY can't miss at this range."

The group was seen to keepm theior guns trained on the sniper as if trying to decide among themselves if they could trust them and Tyler sighed.

"Make a call people....my HANDS are cramping."

Dirkman's voice was heard then.

"How do we know we can trust you?"

"Fact none of you are dead yet."

That one made them slump and Bird's voice perked up now....

"Guys? The feeling is gone."

That one had their flashlights lowering and Tyler chuckled....as he left the sniper in the window.

"Alright...I'l meet you at the front door. Do NOT...try anything. And WATCH the guns! I DO not want an accidental shooting.....we clear?"

He got more sighs and Dirkman's voice was heard again.



TYler left the sniper in the window and grabbed his M1014 before heading to the front door...and opened it with the shotgun on his shoulder. Before him was the wary ten man crew and Tyler smirked.

"Welcome to hell!"

That overly cheery greeting did nothing to reassure them as the armed teenager led the way into the basement...and they all took spots by the cement wall. There were ten of them. 6 boys, four girls. Tyler sat by the window and leaned the shotgun against it. Then he opened the ball.

"My tag's Goreleech. Goreleech666."

Annnnnd they went INSTANT PALE! Tyler blinked at this extreme reaction as even Benni was seen to go near BONE white at the shock.

"What? You guys look lik you've seen a ghost."

The leader, Dirkman, was then seen to gulp. He was a tall guy with a well cut, alethetic build. His skin was tanned and his hair was golden blonde while his eyes were blue. His attire was a battered T-shirt and jeans with football pads for armor and his rifle was a simple bolt action 30-30. He gulped as he replied to the now curious survivor.

"YOU'RE Goreleech? The one everyone is calling the Bastardized MAgyver and the single highest level in the GAME? THAT GORELEECH?"

TYler chuckled at this.

"I guess. I keep forgetting I'm supposed to be famous in here."

Dirkman chuckled at that one himself.

"I hear that. I'm Dirkmania45. Dirkman. This is my Camp. The Wastelanders. We're all level 5 with Benni here level 6."

Benni was 6 feet tall and more muscular then Adonis. He was bald with bright green eyes and olive skin while geared up in hockey pads and a football helmet. His weapon was a pumpaction 12 gauge as he spoke in his deep rumble.

"Nice to mee the legend himself. I'm Dirk's heavy gunner. MArine Staff Sargent."

"Oooh. Nice score."

Dirk chuckled.

"You have NO idea, man. Benni's saved our ASSES four times already."

Tyler smirked now.

"Okay. So who's this Bird?"

A slender girl with short, raven dark hair and pale skin lifted a hand. SHe was a head shorter then Tyler and easily half Benni's size. Her eyes were a deep blue in color while her bust on her narrow chest was surprisingly large for such a slender girl. And her attire was more football padding that nearly swallowed the poor girl and her sidearm was a semiautomatic Glock16. She spoke in a soft breath and her eyes were wide as Tyler looked at her.

"That's me, sir. Birdlin555. Bird to my friends."

"You can detect hostility directed at you?"

She nodded still wideeyed.

"I can. It's a unique skill I got for dodging incoming sniper fire without hearing or seeing the shot ten times in a row. I....have always been jumpy."

"Huh. Nifty. Just know it can be used against you....but that's kinda cool."

She nodded with stars in her eyes and Dirkman smiled....albiet uncomfortably at the glow in Bird's eyes.

"Sooo, Goreleech...."

TYler nodded.

"Level with me, Dirk. Whattya want outta this? i'm good with whatever."

Dirk gulped now.

"An alliance?"

"So long as YOU'RE okay handing leadership over to ME."

That one made the boy frown.


"Because I killed a zombie t-rex alone. And a zombie triceratops. ALONE. HOW many elites have you killed?"

Benni sighed.

"We were able to kill one of those big hulk things. Took all ten of us working together though and it nearly killed me."

TYler looked at Dirk.

"I believe I've made my point. I CAN keep going if you really want me to."

Dirk sighed at that and rubbed his hair uncomfortably.

"Do you have a plan?"

"Time bing I'm heading to a spot by Portsmouth. I'll be setting up a permabase out there. That's MY next pain in the ass."

Bird blinked.

"Wait you have a MAP?"


Dirk slumped at this further proof....and another of the girls sighed.

"Jesus Dirk, just AGREE dammit. He wanted to, we'd be dead already."

This exasperation came from a tall, altheltic blonde girl with sparkling blue eyes. She was slender and busty as well while her skin was lightly tanned. Her hair was golden blonde and hung to her lower back. TYler also noted her frame was well muscled from whatever she did for fun and her armor was more football pads and a heavy vest. HER weapon was another bolt action 30-30 and her voice was a firm belltone. Dirk jumped a little at this callout before nodding.

"Okay.....You'll be in charge, Gore."

"Alllrighty then. Whatchyu got for supplies ladies and other?"

Bird passed him a piece of paper.

"We've not had the best luck, but been able to make sure we don't go hungry."

TYler nodded as he looked at thei9r list.

"Oookay. five 30-30 bolt action rifles, one 12 gauge pump, one glock17, one .44 revolver, one 30-06 hunting rifle, and one 20-gauge shotgun. 40 bullets per gun. Yeesh. Four firstaid kits taken from the trunks of cars, ten cans of pears, five bananas, clothes on your back, ten assisted open rainbow bladed knives, OUCH, 15 bottles of water."

HE whistled at this meager offering as he passed it to Bird.

"Where'd you guys come from?"

Dirk sighed.

"We came north on 93-North and took the ramp to 495."

Tyler nodded.

"Okay that makes sense. If you stuck to the highway and didn't branch out OR get lucky with a town, yeah it makes sense. Okay. Do YOU guys have a pipedream?"

Bird smiled.

"We're looking for a way out of the game so we can go home. And trying to gather as many players as we can to help us."

THe Survivor nodded.

"Oh. Well, that's good. I am NOT."

The group blinked and GTyler smirked.

"I am NOT looking for a way out of the game. I am more concerned with surviving."

Dirk frowned.

"But...if you're NOT trying to get out of the game....HOW are you so strong, Gore?"

"Because I have no intention OF getting out ANNNNY time soon. And so am taking my time. Ya can't get out if you STARVE to death OR get mobbed."

He got a gust of sighs for this VERY fair point and BEnni crossed his arms.

"So what now? Oh, Dirk invite him in the Camp menu and promote him."


TYler watched curiously as Dirk passed Tyler a paper with their names on it....and tapped the top.

"Sign your name on the top and it'll make you the leader of our Camp."

"Okay that is a neat trick."

He did and the group smiled. Then refocused as Dirk sighed.

"You have an advisor?"

"I do. You?"

"We all do....but they're useless. All they tell us to do is not die and not starve."

TYler smirked at that one before Bird was seen swaying a little on her perch...and the teenager noted it.

"Heey you good over there, Birdy?"

Benni caught her with a sigh.

"She got cut pretty badly by a knifewielding lunatic few days back...and we have no medial equipment."

"Lay her down and get her out of those pads. I got this."

The girls worked to get the feverish dark haired girl out of the hot pads as Tyler retreived his backpack from the halftrak and set it down. Bird was shivering and sweating prefusely as he unzipped the back.

"Okay. Hannah."

The doctor appeared as Tyler pulled some antibiotics.

"Show me her wound, Tyler. Going from her symptoms she has advanced infection."

"On it doc."

THe blonde girl smirked as Tyler doused his hands in a solvent.


"Guess you guys better leave then."

Dirk and the other boys smirked at that one and did indeed go into another room as Tyler riped Bird's clothes off to expose a nearly BLACK and RAGGED line in her formerly VERY pretty pale skin. A stench of sweaty feet wafted from the infected injury that extended from above her large breast to just below her waistband of her panties which were also removed. Putrid clear fluids were seen leaking from the cut and Hannah nodded.

"Okay. Tyler, crush the antibiotics into a powder and make her drink it."

TYler fed the medicine to the unocnscious girl using a babyfeeder and hannah smiled.

"Good. Now, use the penicillin needle to directly inject it into the wound. I can tell from here it's dirty. Use the sterile water to clean it. Good. Alright."

THe teenager followed Hannah's directions to the letter using his extensive medical suplies to clean, retreat, and wrap Bird's gastly wound until the shivering girl was sleeping soundly. Hannah nodded as Tyler poured another bottle antimicrobial water over the rapidfly deflating swelling and dulling black color.

"Okay. She's stablizing. Splash her wound with the wash every few hours and give her another douse of antibiotics in four hours. Repeat this process for three days and she should be back on her feet like it had never happened."

TYler nodded with a smile and the other girls all sighed in relief.

"Thanks Doc."

The teenager then pulled a set of spare clothes from his backpack and passed them to the smirking girls.

"They'll be big on her, but they're clean. Her old gear'll need to be tossed as it'll only reinfect her."

The blonde took the offerings without breaking her smirk.

"Never mention a word of what you saw...and we'll be grateful."

"Sure thing, Shadow."

"I HATE you."

Bird was dressed by the girls and Tyler laid her on the clean bed before Dirk and the rest were allowed out of the closet. Seing Bird sleeping soundly had them all sighing in relief and Benni patted the Survivor on the back as he cleaned the remainder of the medical up.

"Thanks, Gore. Bird's a good friend."

"Sure thing, Benni. I'm glad I grabbed enough."

"NIce flex. So your advisor is a doctor?"

"Not exactly. Yuki?"

The asian delta soldier appeared with a smirk.

"Captain Yukimara Sukimoon of the United Starts Delta Special Forces Task Force. 1st Sniper Recon."

EVERYONE but Tyler whistled at that one and Benni stood to perfect attention on REFLEX.

"Ma'am. Staf Sargent Brandon Sinclair. 3rd Marine recon."

"Ha. You're gonna be SCHOOL rookie. Tyler makes even SEALS look stupid."

Tyler chuckled at that one before he looked out at the still dark outdoors.

"Okay. Everyone find a place you think is pretty and blackout. We'll reconvene in the morning."

They nodded...and the blonde girl smirked.

"MY name is Yunafyre. Yuna. So where will rthe BOYS be sleeping, TYLER?"

"Farther away we are the longer it'll take us to help you if you need it."

The girls slumped at this point and Tyler unfurled his sleeping bag beside the bed Bird was on....

"YOU have a SLEEPING bag too?"

He blinked and chuckled.

"Oh yeah. I forgot. I have four. And three can fit four people."

They slumped at this shopw of wealth as the Survivor retreived them from the halftrack and locked the garage door before laying them out. Yuna groaned as she laid on the extra thick one with the other two girls beside her.

"OOooh this feels GOOOOD! Tyler, thank you."

"Ha. Ya ain't seen NOTHIN yet toots. TRUST ME. It'll be NICE to NOT have to tow it."

".....Dirk? NOW I'm worried."

The screens went dark and Yuki breathed a HEAVY sigh of relief at the sight of Tyler not only cooperating with other players, but actively HELPING them.

"Oh thank god. He DOES want to work together. Dirk's crew are raw and new. Benni's good."

Hannah frowned as she looked at the screen...and pointed to Dirk's sleeping bag.

"He's still awake."

Yuki looked now and sure enough, the blonde boy WAS still awake and sitting up. Everyone else around them had already fallen asleep, including Tyler. Dirk was heard whispering on the feed he didn't know was stil playing.

"Great. I just lost my harem AND my own henchmen to that bastard. Oh it's okay. You just have to ruin his reputation and show you're the strongest, Dirkman. Oh yeah. Thanks Heinma. That shouldn't be too hard."

Yuki and Hannah blinked at the sight of Dirk talking to himself and Yuki opened her mouth,

"I wouldn't try it if I were you, Dirk."

Only for Tyler's VERY MUCH amused voice to softly drift across the room the now FREEZING in shock Dirkman.

"What are you?"

Dirkman's voice was now full of a new fear at the fact TYLER'S eyes had not reopened and the teenager was still sound asleep on his bag.

"I'mma DEMON.....and I am WATCHING YOU."

The room fell silent now and YUKI shuddered at the gravelly voice coming from Tyler's mouth, with the teenager utterly unaware.

"Okay. He has a SPLIT that keeps watch at night. And it's EVIL."

Hannah nodded as she saw Dirkman lay on his bag VERY badly shaken by the experience.

"I'll have his sleep patterns looked at by an expert, Yuki. I THINK.....Tyler was just fucking with him."

"Making sure he knew he WAS on watch?"

"Pretty much."

"Okay that makes MUCH more sense. I need a drink."