

The two moons and the stars cast a silver glow on the surface of the sea,rippling with the waves as if the sea and the moon were one. The stars as witness to their glory and beauty.

On this beautiful night a man dressed in pristine white robes with silver patterns on his cuffs and edges was walking. His feet wearing white shoes. His face was shrouded in a layer of white fog. No matter how a mortal tried to see beyond that mist he/she wouldn't be able to.

His appearance and clothing weren't the only thing out of norm instead,it was the fact that he was walking on water.

Yes,walking. There was no barrier beneath his feet just water. As he walked the tides calmed down. As if waiting for his arrival and as he left the tides resumed their flow.

Despite this he wasn't emitting any form of aura. He seemed to be one with the heaven's and earth.

Suddenly,from all around him sixty tentacles broke out from the surface of the sea. They were light green in color with corals and bacteria growing on its surface. It was hideous beyond hideous.

The smallest with a diameter of five meters and a height of thirty metres.

The man wasn't the least bit surprised he waved his left hand in a sweeping motion.

A massive circle of fire with him in the centre broke out. As it expanded it easily cut through the tentacles like they were non-existent.

He pointed his left index finger towards the sea. A red ember the size of a bean emerged from his finger.

It emitted a terror beyond anything. Space seemed to revolve around it. Suddenly it disappeared appearing near a giant octopus the size of a building under the sea.

The octopus wanted to retreat in a frenzy but the flame like the incarnation of a devil made slight contact with one of it's tentacles.


That was the only thing left of that humongous creature. The man continued walking,unencumbered.

One day, he stopped walking and looked up. There was a white dot rapidly,expanding.

It's shape becoming clearer and clearer:it was a plane. Even though it was hurtling towards him the man in robes was unfazed.

As the plane was just a hundred feet away from the surface of the sea the man waved his right hand.

Suddenly,a massive amount of sea water rushed out towards the plane forming a massive whirlpool in its initial position. The sea water from all around it was being sucked in.

The plane and the water collided with a huge bang. Waves were raging everywhere.

Slowly,the man brought his hand down in a straight vertical line. There was a faint light blue glow around his hand.

The waves calmed down. His palm seemed to be able to hold the world itself. As he brought his hand down the sea water with the plane slowly lowered.

A few minutes later the sea regained it's calm. By now people should have rushed out wearing life vests but oddly,not a single person came out.

They were all knocked out. Not a single one of them was awake.

The faint white mist shrouding the man's face dissipated revealing his right eye. His pupils seemed to encapsulate the universe.

From the big bang to the formation of planets and stars and from their depletion of energy leading to desolation and the state of nothingness.

As he gazed at the plane suddenly three hundred and ninety four orbs of light floated out. The exact number of passengers in plane including the pilots and other personnel. It also included the zombies.

Some of them were bright as the sun while some seemed as bleak as dawn. However the ratio of the bleak orbs of light was much more than the brighter orbs of light.

The man in the white robes blinked his eye and every single bleak orb of light dissipated. It was as if they never existed.

As for the flaming orbs of light they slowly descended entering the foreheads of specific individuals returning to their rightful place.

Not a single one of them entered a zombies head. They were corrupted creatures of darkness and evil. Evil was intolerable for the man in the white robe.

As the orbs of light entered into the humans foreheads they slowly regained their consciousness one by one but the man in the white robes was nowhere to be seen….




'I know that the zombie apocalypse has broken but...humanity won't fall just like that…'

The boy looked up at the sky...

Humans will regain their footholds in a matter of months if not weeks and when they look around they'll see zombies…

Zombies who took their loved ones and drove them out of their homes…

Zombies who made them starve and fight…

What would happen then???


Every single zombie out there would be hunted and killed.

The boy looked at his own green hands. He was a zombie as well and an intelligent one to boot.He was well aware of his fate.

It made him angry and angry and ANGRY!








CLOUD_DEVILcreators' thoughts