
Zivon-The Hero Of Another World

One Unfortunate day, The strongest man on Earth died and got reincarnated to another world to be a Servant of a Princess The Name of that Man was Zivon, He lost his memories from the previous world but still had the powers He hated the princess as because of her His parents were killed But One Day his powers from his previous life awakens and he became too powerful He was then taken away from the castle and that was when the journey began of the Hero of the Another World-Zivon

Alight · Fantasie
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480 Chs

Chapter 461 Lucian's Mission

"I don't know how these Special Demons of so many worlds are being defeated but whoever is defeating them is the same person, that is for sure"

Alight tells everyone

"So, what d we do?"

Rico asks Alight

"We need a way to defeat all these Special Demons cause if they are left alive, then it could be chaos"

Alight tells Rico

"So, Are we doing it?"

Aiden asks Alight

"Yes, Start Regrouping The Naturals, We would be needing All the Naturals in this"

Alight tell Everyone as he walks up to his balcony and looks towards the God Realm

Meanwhile, In World 3

Lucian wakes up and was beside Lisa as he gets out of the bed and stands up as he stretches his body and walks out to his balcony and looks towards the Kingdom as he sighs

"Such a Peaceful day, Hope it doesn't get disturbed"

Lucian tells himself as he smells the fresh air and then suddenly a voice comes behind you

"Well Sorry Lucian, Today is not the day"

Lucian hears the voice and turns around to see Alight standing there with his hands crossed

"Alight, What are you doing here?"

Lucian asks Alight

"Well, I have a job for you"

Alight tells Lucian

"What Job?"

Lucian asks Alight

"Well, I want you to go to World 1,345,678 and bring Zivon, Zion and people you think are strong from that world"

Alight tells Lucian

"Why Me, You could do that?"

Lucian asks Alight

"Well, There are many reasons for that but one of the main reason is that Zivon and I don't go along so well while You and Zivon are pretty good friends so I thought that you would be able to convince him to help us in the battle with Special Demons"

Alight tells Lucian

"Special Demons, You mean the Thing that The Me and My friends defeated last week?"

Lucian asks Alight

"Yes, looks like this is also a Multi-Verse Problem that is why I am asking you to do it"

Alight tells Lucian

"Okay, I will but let me say my goodbye to my wife"

Lucian tells Alight

"Well sure"

Alight tells Lucian

Lisa slowly starts to open her eyes due to all the talk and looks towards the Balcony as sees Alight and Lucian talking as she sat up on her bed and rubs her eyes and yawns and says

"Good Morning"

Alight and Lucian hear that

"Ah, Good Morning Lisa, Anyways I will be taking my leave now, You know what to do, Lucian"

Alight then opens a portal and goes inside it

Lucian sighs as he walks up to Lisa and says

"Good Morning Lisa"

"Got another work from Alight?"

Lisa asks Lucian

"Yeah, Have to go to World 1,345,678 to bring Zivon and all strong members of that world to fight against The Special Demons"

Lucian tells Lisa

"Oh, Then Take Ema as well with you"

Lisa tells Lucian

Lucian sighs

"Can't do that, cause Ema ad to fake her death to stay with Dai"

Lucian tells Lisa

"Oh, Well Best of Luck on your mission"

Lisa tells Lucian

"Yes, You take of everyone here as well"

Lucian tells Lisa

End of Chapter 461