
Zivon-The Hero Of Another World

One Unfortunate day, The strongest man on Earth died and got reincarnated to another world to be a Servant of a Princess The Name of that Man was Zivon, He lost his memories from the previous world but still had the powers He hated the princess as because of her His parents were killed But One Day his powers from his previous life awakens and he became too powerful He was then taken away from the castle and that was when the journey began of the Hero of the Another World-Zivon

Alight · Fantasie
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480 Chs

Chapter 35 Traitor

Nina, Lestia, Zad, and Zack were freed from the prison

"Don't break my trust, I believe in you all"

Zivon tells the 4

The 4 reply by saying "Yeah"

"Okay then we are leaving for The Kingdom of Santisia"

Zivon tells everyone

"Oda, Kui stay here, This time lets all of us handle them"

Zivon tells Oda and Kui

Zivon and the others leave the cave

"He said it, Kui, if Zivon doesn't come back in 3 hours, leave the base"

Oda tells Kui


Kui replies to Oda

Zivon says this in his mind

"I am sorry, Lestia, Zad I trust you guys but I still have trust issues with Nina and Zack"

Zivon and the others head towards the Kingdom of Santisia

"So what is the plan?"

Zad asks Zivon

"The plan is to infiltrate the Palace and look for the queen after that Kill her"

Zivon tells this to everyone

After an hour

Zivon and the others reach the palace

"I will be going from above while you guys go from front and try to signal me when the time is right"

Zivon tells Everyone

"Shine of Light, Wings of Salvation"

Zivon flies up to the roof while the others walk in the front gate

"Oh you 4 have returned what news do you bring for me and Waka here"

Those 4 got on of their knees

"I visited this place since I thought the Queen may need protection as we received a word from Nina that Zivon is going to attack the place"

Lestia, Zad, and Zack were surprised

"Yes, Your majesty, In fact, Lestia, Zack and Zad are on this assassination right now Zivon is on the top of this palace"

Nina tells all this to King Waka and Queen Viola

"Guards capture these three, So Zivon got to know our secret that we are working with Dark, Good work Nina, You really are Dark's, Right-hand man"

Everyone was shocked

"How could you do this Nina, why, You loved Ace why?"

Zack asks Nina

"Love, Ace?"

Nina starts to laugh

"You must be kidding me, I only love my master who sent me here to kill Ace, so no one stands in front of my master, Dark, But my work got easier when Ace died but then this stupid Zivon came and Now Dark's order is to kill Zivon too, Ah, well He will come to save you guys now and then it will be his end"

Nina laughs but then suddenly Zivon drops from the roof with an impact

"I was right, There was someone who was betraying this group who I didn't know about"

Zivon tells Everyone

"It's Zivon, Capture him! right now!"

The Guards move towards him

"Lestia, Use Portal to go away"

Zivon tells Lestia

"I can't leave you here"

Lestia tells Zivon

"Who said Leave, Go back to the base and untie yourselves"

Zivon tells Lestia


Lestia uses Portal and the 3 go back to the base

"Now as they are gone, I can use this attack easily"

Zivon takes out Waktaria and Kailabar and raises them side to side on equal distance

He starts to spin

"Cyclonic Blades!"

A Cyclone was formed due to Zivon spinning in which all guards were caught and were injured leaving Nina, Waka, and Viola

Zack, Nina, and Zad come back and see the guards

"You have really become a lot stronger, now it is our turn to show our power"

Zad tells Zivon

"Zivon you handle Waka, I will Handle Viola While Lestia go fight your sensei"

Zad tells To Zivon and Lestia

Both of them say"Yeah and head towards their opponents

More guards start coming from outside

"I will handle these"

Zack tells to the 3


Zivon replies to Zack

Zivon heads towards Waka with Waktaria and Kailabar

Waka takes out his sword and Blocks Both the sword

Zivon goes back and heads towards Waka

Waka blocks Zivon Waktaria but got hit by Kailabar

Zivon then jumps and uses the tip of his swords to continuously hit Waka

Waka was injured by the attack

Zivon's Waktaria and Kailabar start shining as he heads towards Waka

He jumps and uses Kailabar to break his sword and then uses Waktaria to split his head Killing Waka by the Sword of Ace, Waktaria

He keeps the sword back and stands up, Now it's up to you two show them the power of us 3

End of Chapter


By-Light Yuzuki