
Zivon-The Hero Of Another World

One Unfortunate day, The strongest man on Earth died and got reincarnated to another world to be a Servant of a Princess The Name of that Man was Zivon, He lost his memories from the previous world but still had the powers He hated the princess as because of her His parents were killed But One Day his powers from his previous life awakens and he became too powerful He was then taken away from the castle and that was when the journey began of the Hero of the Another World-Zivon

Alight · Fantasie
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480 Chs

Chapter 268 Zivon And Raj

Zivon goes back to his room and lays down and closes his eyes

In his Dreams

"Where am I?"

Zivon was on a farm with plants all around

"Yo, Zivon"

It was Raj in a farmer costume

"Wait, you grew all this?"

Zivon asks Raj

"Yeah, In Afterlife I have nothing to do but this"

Raj tells Zivon

"I thought people get whatever they want in the afterlife"

Zivon tells Raj

"Yeah, it isn't like that, Afterlife sucks and this is the only thing of my interest"

Raj tells Zivon

"Okay, so why am I here today?"

Zivon asks Raj

"It's to talk about Golden Hands"

Raj tells Zivon

"What about them?"

Zivon asks Raj

"Golden hands cannot kill a person until with the right training If you want to punch the person, it's okay but they won't kill them and if you force to kill them, they will kill you instead Zivon"

Raj tells Zivon


Zivon tells Raj

"Yeah, That is why I am telling you to be careful with Golden Hands"

Raj tells Zivon

"Yeah, I will be careful"

Zivon replies to Raj

"Now I think you should wake up because someone is calling you"

Raj tells Zivon

Zivon dream ends and he slowly opens to see Golden hand punch Zivon right in the stomach

Zivon wakes up completely

"What...did you do?"

Zivon asks Golden Hand

Golden Hand points towards Zena who was standing there

"Zena, what happened?"

Zena asks Zivon

"I am sorry, Zivon If you are tired then I can come back later"

Zena tells Zivon

"No, it's okay what do you want, Zena?"

Zivon asks Zena

"Violet is calling you"

Zena tells Zivon

"Okay then, I will be going"

Zivon stands up and tells Zena

"Okay then I will see you later"

Zena tells Zivon

Zivon starts walking towards the training grounds

"Zivon, it's time for your next training"

Violet tells Zivon

"And it is to tell Golden Hands to kill the enemy right?"

Zivon asks Violet

"How did you know that?"

Violet asks Zivon

"Raj came in my dreams again and told me"

Zivon tells Violet

"Ah, you told me that Raj came in your dreams"

Violet tells Zivon

"So how do I do that?"

Zivon asks Violet

"By killing some monsters"

Violet tells Zivon

"Oh, I am ready"

Zivon replies to Violet

"It will be hard Zivon because You first have to tell Golden Hands what to do"

Violet tells Zivon

"Yeah, it's going to be hard"

End of Chapter