

This story is about a stone that has the power to destroy the world. But fortunately this story was divided into many parts. The one who is able to collect all those parts, will be able to hold that power. Even though in old times people had magical powers, nowadays people think those stories are fantasy stories. But even now some Mysterious villages holds that power. But, they didn't show their power and because of this, nobody knows about them. Like those mysterious villages, our mc Ryu also lives in a mysterious village. He was living his life normally, but suddenly after an incident he found out that many people were trying to collect those stones. Now, as a mysterious power holder, he also gets the responsibility to collect those stones so that nobody with bad intentions gets those stones. So, he and his friend Zeus went out from their village to collect those stones. In this journey they were able to learn many things that surprised them. They faced many things that they never thought they would face. In this condition he didn't give up even after facing this tough situation. He even faced a betrayal by his close friends, but still, he didn't give up on his mission, that is to collect those stones called ZIRKON. --------------------- Hey guys, I am a new author. This is my first time writing. My English isn't that good, so many times there may be some mistakes. But don't worry I will try to improve my English. At the same time, I'm hoping you will like this novel. If you find any mistake, then please let me know, so that I can correct that. Also, at this time, if you have any suggestions about my novel, do tell me about it.

ItZ_Prosenjit · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Chapter 23: Training Days Starts

So your father was a fugitive ! Ha ha ha ha", someone is laughing.

Ryu was dreaming.A nice cool breeze was coming in through the window but he was sweating all over. 

He seems so uncomfortable.He was tossing and turning in his sleep.

The man who was laughing was nothing but Red himself.

"No, he's not", Ryu screamed.

"You're weak as compared to them, I should have destroy your soul", Red said.

"No, I'm not weakling, I will be strong". He wakes up. 

Ryu saw his body was sweating. 

"What was that? A dream or I was talking to Red ?"he was asking himself.

"Hmm, what are you saying kid?", Red said. 

Ryu was surprised and murmured,"oh, I was dreaming for sure".

He was smiling but suddenly that smile disappeared.

Ryu talking to himself," even though it was a dream but I'm not that strong enough, I have to be strong".

Now he was so confident but his confidence flew away as he was feeling so hungry. 

But suddenly he heard a noise. It's like someone was training. He looked down from the window, he saw that Brian was practicing his Mantra. He saw anger in his eyes. So he thought of going there.

Brian asked Monetha to help him. By using her vines, she threw rocks towards Brian and by using his ability he blocked those obstacles and collected that energy. Then he punches in the ground, that makes a huge Shockwave everytime he punches. His body was.glowing. 

"Wow those punches were so powerful", Ryu said. He was clapping.

"Aren't you asleep? What are you doing here Ryu?",Brian asked him. He asked him without turning towards him. Brian seems very angry at him.

"Ohh, yea I was. But I had a nightmare so I woke up and I felt so hungry now", Ryu said. Ryu was laughing and seemed very happy.

"You are hungry!"Monetha said and gave a fruit to Ryu. He started eating the fruit.

Now Brian came towards him and said,"earlier at the armory room. What they said about your father. Are they true?" 

Ryu's smile disappeared. He said,'' I don't know. I haven't seen my father. I knew nothing about him. No one even has any picture of him. Once my mother told me that my father is a very good man. And I truly believe her".

Now Brian was smiling. 

"Don't mind Ryu, I was just asking. You know.. I have not seen my parents. I don't know that they are still alive or not. But you still have your mother. You're so lucky compared to me". 

"It's too late guys. What are you doing here? Let's go to the room. Tomorrow will be a big day", Zeus said.

They turned back and saw that was Zeus. 

"What are you doing here Zues?", Ryu said.

"I saw the door was open and you're not in the room. So I saw you two here from the window". Zeus replied.

"Okay let's go". Brian said .

"Okay Good night " 

"Yeah , good night ".

In the morning Ryu and Brian's group was there in the ground along with Vargas and Natasha. 

Vargas and Natasha were discussing something and on the other side everyone was asking Ryu about yesterday's incident.

"As you know, two of our group members were injured yesterday. So I have decided that in the upcoming mission both teams will act as a team. Ryu and Brian did you understand?", Vargas asked.

"Yes Sir",Ryu replied.

"Aren't you ashamed of what happened yesterday, Ryu?"Natasha asked him out of nowhere.

"Ryu put down his head and said,"yes ma'am".

"Look Ryu, I'm not saying that what you have done is wrong. I just wanted to say ,that your sudden action wasn't necessary at all. You should control your anger. If you haven't control it, you will lose everything someday. So think about it", Natasha said.

"Yes ma'am, I'll remember".

Everyone was just impressed by her. Her words just touch down Ryu's heart. 

"Okay , now everyone I have selected everyone to our next mission in Swordsman village. So before you go there , I have to examine your capabilities first. But I will train you first. So meet your trainers

 Every trainer is specifically selected for your kind of abilities so I want you to train harder", Vargas said.

All of the group members were standing there periodically and their trainer came behind them from the thin air. No one even noticed when they came. They all wore black uniforms and had masks on their faces. They are known as Sup. All the Sups are directly under the command of master Yoda. 

A big man came behind Ryu and he said,"So you're Ryu. I'm looking forward to you, don't depress me".

"So your training starts now. You all will go along with your trainer and do whatever they want you to do. Am I making myself clear?" Vargas said.

"Yes sir", everyone replied.

[A/N: As you guys know, I won't be able to update the chapter of this novel daily because of study. But I hope you guys will like this novel.]