

This story is about a stone that has the power to destroy the world. But fortunately this story was divided into many parts. The one who is able to collect all those parts, will be able to hold that power. Even though in old times people had magical powers, nowadays people think those stories are fantasy stories. But even now some Mysterious villages holds that power. But, they didn't show their power and because of this, nobody knows about them. Like those mysterious villages, our mc Ryu also lives in a mysterious village. He was living his life normally, but suddenly after an incident he found out that many people were trying to collect those stones. Now, as a mysterious power holder, he also gets the responsibility to collect those stones so that nobody with bad intentions gets those stones. So, he and his friend Zeus went out from their village to collect those stones. In this journey they were able to learn many things that surprised them. They faced many things that they never thought they would face. In this condition he didn't give up even after facing this tough situation. He even faced a betrayal by his close friends, but still, he didn't give up on his mission, that is to collect those stones called ZIRKON. --------------------- Hey guys, I am a new author. This is my first time writing. My English isn't that good, so many times there may be some mistakes. But don't worry I will try to improve my English. At the same time, I'm hoping you will like this novel. If you find any mistake, then please let me know, so that I can correct that. Also, at this time, if you have any suggestions about my novel, do tell me about it.

ItZ_Prosenjit · Fantasie
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26 Chs

CHAPTER 22 : The only way

At the same time, Vargas is standing in front of the door of the room. He seemed to be very worried. He was seen sweating in this cold evening. He opened the door with a deep sigh and entered. As soon as he opened the door, he heard the sound of crying. Master Yoda and all the members of the class were standing silently. Everyone stared at him as he entered the room.

Vargas saw a woman crying, with her husband comforting her. The woman burst into tears when she saw Vargas.

Vargas was not at his senses. He himself was in tears. He didn't get the news yet, but he could guess what was going on around him.

With tears in his eyes and crying, Vargas asked,"is he alive?".

"Yes, but is in serious condition",Yoda replied.

Natasha just entered the room. She saw everyone was silent. She had an old book in her hand, she said nothing but went directly to Master Yoda. She whispered something in his ears and gave that book to him.

"There is a cure. There is a way".

Vargas gets excited, wiping his tears he said,"how?"

"Kusanagi, only kusanagi can cut that spell", Yoda said.

Everyone was shocked. They heard about that legendary sword name but didn't saw in their own eyes.

It is very difficult to hope to bring that sword here nearly to impossible. But Vargas saw a hope. He looked at that women and said ,"sister, believe me this time. I will bring kusanagi here and lift that bloody spell from him".

That women was nothing but Vargas's own sister and that boy was his nephew. Everyone was murmuring about the upcoming threats if that happens.

Yoda stayed silent at that time but he asked Vargas to meet him in private. So everyone left that room.

"You can't go to the swordman village and bring that sword here, that would be a big disaster. I wouldn't say that infornt of your sister because she was already broken from inside",

"I know master, I wasn't planning to going by myself".

"You got the news right about that serial killing in swordman village. They might suspect you of being behind all these serial killings if they find out you went to fetch the Kusangi".

"I will sent a team there in disguise to bring that sword and also investigate about to mass murder".

As Vargas wanted to say about Ryu and Zeus to master Yoda,they could feel the Enhancement Mantra. It wasn't that powerful but the intensity was very high.

Someone knocked the door and said," sorry to interrupt you master and sir Vargas but your students are fighting in the armory room".

"Sorry master, I have to go there", Vargas said and left the place instant.

Vargas went there and saw Karry and Zuko was knocked out by Ryu alone. Zues was holiday him back. Aly was healing them. Brian was standing still doing nothing.

Two nurse coming from a portal and bring those two to the hospital. Vargas saw Ryu was in so much anger. His body was glowing yellow red colour like a wave flowing up from his body. Wasting no time, Vargas hit Ryu with an ice spike, temporarily knocking him unconscious.

He knew that wave was nothing but his unused mantra and uncontrollad life energy flowing out from his body. If it goes for sometime, it may shorten Ryu's life by 1 or 2 year.

Vargas knew that they could use mantra but they haven't learnt yet how to conquer it.

"Why you knock his sir vargas", Zues asked.

"It's because Ryu didn't know how to use his Mantra yet. If it flows like that it may shorten his life by 1 or 2 year. Mantra is nothing but our life energy constantly flowing out from our body. We just use that wasted energy into different forms. This technique we called Mantra", Brian said.

"Take him to his room and give him plenty rest. Tomorrow is going to be a big day for you two", Vargas said to Zues. He just wanted to forget what just happened there now.

Brian and Zues take Ryu back to his dorm. Aly went to hospital with them. Just Vargas was left alone in that armory room. He looked up and said," you can do it Ryu, like your father when he saved my life".

"Sir Vargas, what are the orders", a man in the shadow said. He was in dark so he can't be seen there.

"Go to the sword village and take the information about Kusanagi", Vargas ordered to that man.

The man nodded to Vargas and disappeared into the darkness.

On the way to the dorm, Zues asked Brian,"How did you conquer Mantra?".

Brian laughed and replied," no I haven't you fool. It's not that easy to conquer. We must go through harsh training. I just know how to control my Mantra".

Zues heard his right. That's what Ryu's grandfather said back in Drag village. As Ryu was the younger descendant of Glen clan, one of the oldest user of Particle Styles.

"Do you know why Aly went with them? They insulted his father infront of her and still she wanted to help them", Brian asked to Zeus.

Zeus replied with a smile," that's her kindness Brian".