

This story is about a stone that has the power to destroy the world. But fortunately this story was divided into many parts. The one who is able to collect all those parts, will be able to hold that power. Even though in old times people had magical powers, nowadays people think those stories are fantasy stories. But even now some Mysterious villages holds that power. But, they didn't show their power and because of this, nobody knows about them. Like those mysterious villages, our mc Ryu also lives in a mysterious village. He was living his life normally, but suddenly after an incident he found out that many people were trying to collect those stones. Now, as a mysterious power holder, he also gets the responsibility to collect those stones so that nobody with bad intentions gets those stones. So, he and his friend Zeus went out from their village to collect those stones. In this journey they were able to learn many things that surprised them. They faced many things that they never thought they would face. In this condition he didn't give up even after facing this tough situation. He even faced a betrayal by his close friends, but still, he didn't give up on his mission, that is to collect those stones called ZIRKON. --------------------- Hey guys, I am a new author. This is my first time writing. My English isn't that good, so many times there may be some mistakes. But don't worry I will try to improve my English. At the same time, I'm hoping you will like this novel. If you find any mistake, then please let me know, so that I can correct that. Also, at this time, if you have any suggestions about my novel, do tell me about it.

ItZ_Prosenjit · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Chapter 18 - Rebirth

Master's power was so immense and strong that everyone just stood still. No one could lift a finger. Ryu tried but he failed.

"I agree with this child. I think we should listen to him. Any thoughts on where We could put that stone?"Yoda asked.

"If you think that this child could be useful to us let's give him a chance", Rob said.

He was obeying master strictly. The person who was laughing at Zeus few minutes ago, now act like nothing was happened ever here.

Zeus raised his hand and said,"if we put that stone in the middle of this area I think it would be great. That is what she said".

Last line was very low in voice,as Zeus doesn't want to show them that he is being manipulated by Redstone. It is clear that he was in fear.

*Knock knock*.

"Come in".

Natasha showed up at that moment. She stood behind them and said," all preparations are complete master."

Yoda said " let's go".

Everyone went to the middle of the base. There was a dying tree. Most of the branches were broken. All the leaves dried up. Zeus was praying to God.

Rob was holding a box that contained Red stone in it. That stone was glowing inside.They stood in a circle next to a dying tree.

"I weaved this tree many years ago. Many memories are associated with this tree. I grew up with this tree", Yoda shared his story.

Finally Rob releases that stone from that box. Everyone was watching closely. That stone accepted that dying tree. Suddenly that tree was glowing red. It seemed that the tree was on fire but instead of being damaged, the tree regained new life.

In a moment the dead tree became like a fresh tree, but that was not the end. The tree grew bigger and bigger until all the branches covered the ruins like a blanket.

The tree was so huge that no sunlight could penetrate it .But this problem was solved beautifully. Golden light started coming out from all the branches of the tree and that heavenly sight was wonderful.

Everyone just looked at this wonderful scene. They didn't believe it at first but now they were bursting with joy.

Natasha was smiling and that smile looked genuine. Tears coming out from his eyes, it's like it was her dream to witness such an incredible scene.

Yoda,Rob, Vargas, everyone couldn't believe it.

"Thank you for put faith in me, Aly", Zeus said.

It's like everything paused for a moment. Zeus and Aly was looking at eachother romantically. There smile was priceless to eachother. Ryu was praising Zeus , he was jumping, laughing with Brian.

Dotted light was falling from above like fireflies and that light was healing everyone like magic.

Faru looked happy but deep inside he was bursting in anger. He was so angry with Zeus.

Faru thought," that little kid …came out of nowhere.. he was nothing two days ago, but now everyone is praising him. I will kill him. I will surely kill him one day".

Faru left that place without saying anything. Vargas noticed the unusual behaviour of Faru. He saw where he was going so he followed him and left that place.

Inside Ryu's soul realm.

Red also witnessed everything. He was laughing and said" So finally that freaking stone is of some use".

A/N: As you guys know, I won't be able to update the chapter of this novel daily because of study. But I hope you guys will like this novel.]