

This story is about a stone that has the power to destroy the world. But fortunately this story was divided into many parts. The one who is able to collect all those parts, will be able to hold that power. Even though in old times people had magical powers, nowadays people think those stories are fantasy stories. But even now some Mysterious villages holds that power. But, they didn't show their power and because of this, nobody knows about them. Like those mysterious villages, our mc Ryu also lives in a mysterious village. He was living his life normally, but suddenly after an incident he found out that many people were trying to collect those stones. Now, as a mysterious power holder, he also gets the responsibility to collect those stones so that nobody with bad intentions gets those stones. So, he and his friend Zeus went out from their village to collect those stones. In this journey they were able to learn many things that surprised them. They faced many things that they never thought they would face. In this condition he didn't give up even after facing this tough situation. He even faced a betrayal by his close friends, but still, he didn't give up on his mission, that is to collect those stones called ZIRKON. --------------------- Hey guys, I am a new author. This is my first time writing. My English isn't that good, so many times there may be some mistakes. But don't worry I will try to improve my English. At the same time, I'm hoping you will like this novel. If you find any mistake, then please let me know, so that I can correct that. Also, at this time, if you have any suggestions about my novel, do tell me about it.

ItZ_Prosenjit · Fantasie
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26 Chs


In Zeus's mind,

"Thank you for going against them for me.I couldn't help but admire your courage", She said.

"Oh , you again. No need to thank me, I just did my duty.Everyone has the right to live in this world.And if anyone wants help for that right, everyone will help", Zeus said.

"No, not everyone. Everyone just wants to use my power. But you don't. You are brave", she said.

Zeus was smiling in his sleep. Ryu noticed that. It was already 8:30 am in the morning. The sun rose in the sky and the sun shone on the face of Zeus through the window and made his smile shine more.

"What happened bro? Why are you smiling?", Ryu asked Zeus.

His words woke him up. Zues saw Ryu was staring at him with a big smile. He looked so energetic and fresh.

"Ohh, you already woke up? How are you feeling right now?", Zeus asked Ryu.

Ryu jumped down from his bed and ran towards him.

"First tell me , why are you smiling? Hm, hm", Ryu asked.

"Am I? I don't know. There is nothing funny about my life", Zeus said with a serious face.

"You both woke up. Good, Father wanted to meet you", Aly said. She just came into the room.

"Ohh, Aly. It's you", Zeus said. A big smile just appeared on Zues's face. Ryu saw the sudden change of mood in Zeus. So he laughed.

At Vargas's cabin. Ryu, Zeus and Aly just reached infront the door of his the cabin. Vargas was writing something. It's a letter.

*Knock knock*

"Come in."

"Sir, we are here", Ryu said.

"Oh you three. Come and have a seat. How are you Zeus? Are you feeling okay now? Sorry to disturb you but I have to ask you about something serious", Vargas said.

"What is it about?"Ryu asked. Ryu was being so curious as he was unconscious for two days now. He didn't know about Zeus and the incident happened at the town hall. So he asked.

Vargas didn't care about his question. He said,"let's go to the town hall. I am telling you everything as I go,Ryu".

As they were getting ready to leave, Dave came through a portal," Master wanted to see you both now, let's go".

Ryu didn't know that person. So he thought he was an intruder. As he was about to do something, Vargas stopped him and said," let's follow him".

So they passed through the portal.

Master Yoda was sitting on a chain and there was a large table in front of him. A mysterious box was kept on the table. There was only that box kept or nothing else, just that box. And he was continuously staring at him.

Dave came through the portal and went near him and said,"Master, they are all here".

Yoda didn't look at them and said," you may leave now Dave".

"Sorry Master, I didn't copy that", Dave said.

Yoda looked so serious and said," you can go now Dave".

Dave was scared. He said," yes master". He created a portal and left.

They all witness the scene. Three of them were scared too.

"Let's have a seat", Yoda said. But this time, he looked happy. He is not as serious now as he was a little while ago.

They all took a seat. Vargas was sitting on the right side with Zeus, Ryu and Aly on his left side.

"So, you can communicate with that stone. Is that correct?" Yoda asked Zeus.

"Yes, Master only when I'm unconscious", Zeus replied.

Ryu looked surprised. Aly looked curious.

"So what she said", Yoda said.

"She said she wants to live", Zeus replied.

"Tell me,how she will live.How can a little stone live?", Someone said.

A mysterious man just startled them. A man just questioned him from behind. Everyone just turned back at him but they couldn't see anyone.

A man just appeared beside Yoda and said," look at here".

He was that mysterious upper ranked member Rob Schneider. He was one and only student of sir Atlas.

He never stays in one place for long, moving around in search of zirkon. Although he had one on his waist. It was attached with a belt-like thing.

Ryu and Zeus were getting a glimpse of Rob's power. A thick wave of energy seems to be pushing them away.

Zeus stayed quiet. So Vargas asked him to say.

"She said that if she was buried under a dead tree, she would connect with that spirit and bring back to life. She also said she needs our wasted life energy to feed. And she can provide healing all over the base", Zues said.

Everyone was surprised to know that. Rob could not help but laugh.

"A stone wants to live and who was killing everyone a few days ago will save everyone today. It is ridiculous", Rob said.

"No , if Zeus said that then that was true", Ryu said.

Ryu looked so angry towards Rob.

"Vargas Why are the people you brought so angry?", Yoda said.

Yoda used his Mantra and such a wave of energy came out of him that the two of them could neither move nor speak.

"I agree with that child. let's do that", Yoda said.

Zeus and Ryu stayed quiet. They both understood where their place was in terms of power.

[A/N: As you guys know, I won't be able to update the chapter of this novel daily because of study. But I hope you guys will like this novel.]