

This story is about a stone that has the power to destroy the world. But fortunately this story was divided into many parts. The one who is able to collect all those parts, will be able to hold that power. Even though in old times people had magical powers, nowadays people think those stories are fantasy stories. But even now some Mysterious villages holds that power. But, they didn't show their power and because of this, nobody knows about them. Like those mysterious villages, our mc Ryu also lives in a mysterious village. He was living his life normally, but suddenly after an incident he found out that many people were trying to collect those stones. Now, as a mysterious power holder, he also gets the responsibility to collect those stones so that nobody with bad intentions gets those stones. So, he and his friend Zeus went out from their village to collect those stones. In this journey they were able to learn many things that surprised them. They faced many things that they never thought they would face. In this condition he didn't give up even after facing this tough situation. He even faced a betrayal by his close friends, but still, he didn't give up on his mission, that is to collect those stones called ZIRKON. --------------------- Hey guys, I am a new author. This is my first time writing. My English isn't that good, so many times there may be some mistakes. But don't worry I will try to improve my English. At the same time, I'm hoping you will like this novel. If you find any mistake, then please let me know, so that I can correct that. Also, at this time, if you have any suggestions about my novel, do tell me about it.

ItZ_Prosenjit · Fantasie
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26 Chs


He stood alertly on the stage holding the red zirconia. Everyone else was eager to attack him except Vargas and Zues friends. But this time Natasha saw everything and smiled.

"Who is kid anyway? Give me a strong reason to spare him alive", an upper ranked member named Faru said. He had the power of lightning. Also he made a lighting ball in between his right hand palm.

"Everyone please come down. Zeus, why are you doing that?" Vargas said calmly.

Aly and Brian were shocked after witnessing Zeus's action. Brian was started to pray for Zeus.

"I don't know but somehow this stone was telling me not to destroy her. And I can't let that happen either.

I don't know. But we should give her a last chance", Zeus said. He was so nervous, his whole body was vibrating.

"What?? A stone told you that. She wants to live, a stone? Give me a break", someone said.

Faru didn't stand his behaviour and he made his first move. He shot his lighting ball. But in the meantime Zeus successfully dodged it.

Red Zirconia could feel others' emotions. She felt the bloodlust of Faru. So she shared some of her energy into Zeus's bloodstream and it easily awakened Zeus's ability a little bit. When it happened, Zeus saw a glimpse of the future. That's how he was able to dodge that superfast attack.

After that some powerful energy came out from Zeus' body. Everyone was surprised. He broke that ancient machine with his fist and brought out that Red Zirconia. When that came out she shared all her energy with Zeus.

Zeus's body was glowing golden-violet in color. He was enraged. Red Zirconia was flying up and glowing red. She was consuming others' aura and sharing with Zeus. Now the power of Zeus was so high that one punch could kill Faru in a moment. Faru was in extreme fear. He saw his enraged eyes. Being a high-ranking member like Faru should not be afraid of someone like him. But he was, because he knew that this time he was nothing to him.

Natasha just witnessed everything silently. Yoda saw everything and estimated that the consequences were going to be very dire.

Zeus made a move. He was going to punch Faru. He jumped at him faster than light as he was jumping through dimensions. No one could even notice that. Faru did not have time to escape. That one second started to feel like one hour. Other upper ranked members were afraid of him and they didn't get enough time to do something. Vargas was trying to stop him. Brian and Aly were trying to say no.

Yoda made a move. He paused Zeus in the middle of the air.

"Dave, send him to the desert ,so far from here", Yoda shouted at an upper ranked member named Dave.

Dave instantly reacted on his master's order and created a portal. Zeus slowly passed through the portal. Everything happened in just one second but for Faru, it was like an hour. He was sweating from all over his body.

That portal opened in a desert. Zeus punched at a wall of rock on the hill. As he was far enough from Yoda,his ability doesn't work here. It happened instantly. That punch made a huge explosion as it held a tremendous amount of energy. Everything in a radius of 10 kilometers, turns into dust. It also made a huge crater.

"What was that?"Dave said.

"Outrage! The extreme ability that is only possessed by a notorious clan. I encountered someone at my young age. If he would have unlocked his full power, I wouldn't be able to stop him", Yoda said.

"What is the boy's name?"Natasha said.

"Zeus Evano,"Vargas replied.

Natasha smiled. Dave created another portal to see what happened to him. They all have passed through the portal and went there.

When they reached the place, they could see that everything was destroyed. In the centre of that crator they saw Zeus lying. The ground around him turned into molten lava.

Yoda asked Dave to bring him to the base.

Dave did what he asked for. He made a portal, picked Zeus and they all went back to the base.

When they came back to the hall with Zeus, Seeing Zeus unconscious Aly burst into tears.

Red Zirconia still floating in the sky. Everyone was silent.

"Let us take him to the hospital", Brian said.

Brian, Aly and others took him to the hospital.

"What happened here should be a secret. It's an order. No one but us will know that this boy can do Outrage", Yoda ordered everyone.

"Yes, master", Everyone agreed.

"But master, what should we do now? That Red stone is still floating here", Faru said

"That kid said that That stone was communicated with him.We should listen to him", Natasha said.

"Yes, let him take some rest. Then after we will know the truth", Yoda said.

[AZ: As you guys know, I won't be able to update the chapter of this novel daily because of study. But I hope you guys will like this novel and it will be so much help you leave comment about it.]