
Zieg's quest to punch Odin's face

After getting hit by a truck again, Zieg decides to keep his word to punch Odin in the face.

dervishscyth · Anime und Comics
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49 Chs

Ordering some materials

"Raynareeee. I'm hot..." I called out lazily as I layed in my bed, body bandaged in multiple places.

"The AC is on and set low enough to turn this room into a freezer." She deadpanned at me as she wore clothes suited to winter.

"mmm..." I nearly groaned out.

After the battle against Kokabiel, I needed Raynare to drag me back to the underworld. For whatever reason, planting the seed of the new Erdtree was taking a toll on me physically.

It was enough to make it so that I couldn't handle the strain of keeping Slane and Emiya outside my body. Yeah it was that bad.

I feel like the damn thing is sucking me dry of any energy, physical and magical.

I didn't move as Raynare changed out the wet towl on my head. Supposedly I was burning up like I had a fever. Which is a terrible feeling, I thought Robust body was supposed to stop me from having any sicknesses!

"You know, this is a new feeling. Having someone take care of me." I could get used to this. Usually in my moments of weakness, I'd be dragging myself along the ground or struggling hideously.

"I'd rather you not get used to this. Just the fact that I have to take care of a human gives me a disgusting feeling." She spoke blandly as her face twitched a little.

"Oh come on, is it so bad?" I smiled despite how shitty I felt. "Hey do you want to be my familiar?"

"What makes you think I would want that?" She flicked me on the side of the head. Ow.

"Oh come on, it's not like it'd change what you normally do already." I chuckled a little before settling back down.

"I'd rather keep what little of my dignity is left."

"You know the tsundere act isn't a good look for you." I gave her a side glance.

"Who the hell is a tsundere!?" Raynare nearly sputtered out.

"Oh, maybe you could pull it off after all. That was actually kind of cute." I said incredulously, observing her closely. She averted her head to the side, a hint of redness on her.

"Well if you're feeling better, then I've got other shit to do. It's freezing in here." She huffed before turning to leave.

"My offer's still on the table. Just think about it, I promise I'll treat you well." I called out, not bothering to open my eyes to see her reaction.

"So what's the situation." Zieg asked after entering his inner world. He had felt well enough to do so after enough rest.

"It's growth has finally halted." Slane nodded towards me as I looked to the giant tree at the center of the world.

"You'd be surprised at the tremors it caused each time it had a growth spurt." Emiya added, jumping down from his position.

"My subordinates have measured it to have stopped at roughly 1032 meters." The three looked above to see Kokabiel floating down to them.

Indeed, after sinking into the world and turning into white ash. Kokabiel and his entire legion had been assimilated into Zieg's world. This didn't mean that Zieg could forcibly turn people into spirit ashes if they died in here, he still needed them to accept it.

"Hm, the original was about 5x larger than this if I remembered correctly." Zieg muttered out in thought.

"What was the point of this anyway?"

"It was sort of an experiment, to see if I could do such a thing. Originally I was able to increase my body's capabilities to heights exceeding even servants, but the drawback was that it completely incapacitated me afterwards. Although it could have served as a trump card, I didn't like the idea of it." Zieg explained.

"I see, so instead of using that power for your body..." Kokabiel began in interest.

"Yes, I separated and created something else with it." Zieg nodded, staring up at the large tree with the fallen inspecting it. "However this isn't enough. The original Erd tree was bigger than 5000 meters." he frowned.

"Then it looks like it just needs more sustenance for it's growth." Slane noted.

"I suppose you could call this it's juvenile stage. So we just need to continue providing for it to safely grow. Or perhaps it will continue to slowly grow in due time?" Kokabiel wasn't sure if they would need to provide things for it. Originally it grew by using their corpses and blood.

"Still, I don't understand why you'd make a tree." Emiya raised a brow at that.

"Ah, well since my ultimate goal is to eventually punch the Odin of another universe. I figure that it'd be nice if I could have a giant tree that could be on par with the World Tree Yggdrasil." Zieg rubbed the back of his head. He didn't really think it through.

"Well while it emits impressive power, we won't know what it's capable of until it reaches maturity." Kokabiel stated. He wasn't sure if the tree was capable of thought at the moment, but he concluded that using it in it's juvenile stage may stunt it's growth.

"Well since it's finally calmed down, at least I won't feel like shit anymore." Zieg sighed as he had been bedridden for days.

"Feels good to be able to get out of the bed again." I stretched my body out. Some pops sounded out as I got a feel for my body again.

"Since it's been a few days, I need to go check the kitchen." Emiya decided to leave to do his own thing.

"Boss, didn't you say you enjoyed being lazy?" Slane asked me

"I do, but as an Aversis. We tend to have a problem with over indulging in it. I am a man with a goal right now, I can't afford to become a piece of shit yet until I've accomplished it." I stated with my arms crossed. Can't allow myself break down in some moment of mental trauma or let myself rot like a neet until I punch Odin.

"Hm? I can feel Azazel coming." Kokabiel glanced towards a direction.

"Whether you choose to hide yourself or not, it's up to you." I said nonchalantly. It wouldn't matter, my goal of recruiting him is done with. I just needed to keep my word to him that I'd help humanity in this reality. Which means I'll have to deal with Trihexa. I had a theory that God may have used the power of humanity's destiny to keep the beast sealed. If so, then even if no one tries to break it out, I'll have to do it myself so the stars can begin moving again.

Kokabiel decided to head back to my inner world without a word. Shortly after, Azazel actually quickly showed up and looked around the room.

"Odd, I could have sworn I felt Kokabiel here." Azazel said with a look of bewilderment on his face. Obviously he rushed here when he felt the familiar presence of Kokabiel.

"It must have been your imagination. So what do I owe the pleasure of this unexpected visit." I waved off his suspicions since Kokabiel didn't feel like making his presence known yet.

"Oh right. I came here to ask if you would join the Three Faction Summit coming up soon. Since you were an integral part of the events that had just transpired." He said, pretty much inviting me to come.

"Not interested. Sounds boring." I denied as I honestly had no desire to be there.

"Come on, this could possibly be the moment when all 3 biblical factions actually make peace for once!" He tried again.

"Sounds neat, but honestly I've got other things to do. If you really need someone to come, then Slane. You wanna go?" I turned to the bipedal lizard man.

"I would not be averse to it, considering I don't have much else to do these days." He nodded.

"Great, there you have it." I turned back to the fallen governor.

"Well, I suppose Slane did play a big part in it. Should be good enough." Azazel nodded before handing something to Slane. "Use this to teleport there, It'll glow to signal when the summit begins."

"Excellent, I give my gratitude for the privilege to witness such an auspicious event!" Slane beat his chest as I decided to make my exit.

"Well have fun with that." I waved before leaving.

I arrived at my workshop in the basement. I flicked the lights on, to reveal the clear white room. I made it white, so it would be easy to see any residue around. Makes it easier to notice things when experimenting.

6 large vats were aligned in a row. Within them were the failed attempts at creating a new body for Draig and Albion.

'They're a little small don't you think?' Draig commented on them

'I agree, in our prime we were the size of mountains!' Albion added

"It's difficult to create a body of that size with the materials I have on me. So the best I can do is a smaller body, which would grow as you gained more strength." I explained to them. Unfortunately I haven't succeeded yet, I got close on my 5th try though.

"Not only that, I'm running low on materials. If I fail 3 more times, then there won't be enough to make bodies specifically tailored for you." I sighed with annoyance. This wasn't my field of expertise, so I was working completely off theory.

"I'm gonna need to get more dragon bodies to perfect this craft... which means I'll have to go to a reality with a lot of war. One where it wouldn't be out of place to just kill scores of things." I won't just go to a place with peaceful dragons. No, I'll need to find one where it'd be fine if I went full on genocide.

'Your bloodlust is showing again.'

'You just got out of one battle, only to be thinking of the next. You really do love battle don't you?'

I shushed the two of them, before taking out a laptop.

When I regained memories of some of my past lives due to Zelretch's interference. I couldn't remember everything. They were broken into bits and pieces, I think I had other abilities at one point but they were gone now. However the main memories concerning the omniverse were still there.

I was trying to remember my password for an account on a multiversal website. I don't think I had enough credits to buy a large shipment of dragon corpses, but I wanted some materials to make better armor. If I was going to head to a warzone, then it'd be nice if I could have more protection.

Finally, I was able to login. Damn, I don't have that much credits left. I should have taken more jobs for some R.O.Bs before this. Oh well, it should still be enough to get what I want.

Browsing through the catalogue, I found what I wanted and hit Buy. Welp, I'm broke again.

Shortly after, a portal opened to my side as a delivery man stepped out with a clipboard.

"Zieg Aversis?" He asked

"That's me."

"Sign here, please."

I gave him my signature and he thanked me before leaving. Now I was left with this box full of materials.

I opened the box and revealed it's contents. 36 Luminite bars and 45 Stardust Fragments from Terraria, the materials needed for the Stardust Armor. Which was an armor with nice passive effects for summoners, like myself. I could have went to Terraria myself, but I wanted to save time. I could have just bought the Stardust Armor straight up, but it costs more credits to buy the finished set. Credits that I didn't have. Damn I should have extorted some from Gold when I punched him.

"Well, let's hope I'm not rusty." I said as I began to get ready to smith my armor. I miss Hewg...

At the very least, I can customize it my way to fit my whole theme more.