
Going Home

'Thank God...it's over'.

Leaning back in the hard leather chair he sat in, Auo sighed and bounced his leg. Satsu Ri and Irin had gone out to print the responses he gave to the questions so during the down time he decided to let his mind roam.

Something important he really wanted to go over was the question: where the hell am I?

'They told me that we're in a subsection of one of the smallest military bases in this country. Another important detail was that this base was three hundred miles away from civilization, I think, so approximately four hours if a vehicle was driving 70mph? Even though that was somewhat "helpful", they didn't tell me the name of this base? Why didn't they? Aren't they "doctors", shouldn't they inform their patients to the best of their ability?'

Auo began biting his nails and looked down at his horrid yellow and black striped pants.

'Also, are they not going to explain why I was strapped in a metal chair? Do they even know that I was strapped to a metal chair? What if they know and they just don't want to tell me? If that's the case... why the hell won't they tell me anything!'

Auo accidentally cut off some of the cuticle from his index finger and it began to bleed. He cursed at himself and sucked on it, trying to rid the blood.

Satsu Ri and Irin, seemingly finishing up a conversation, entered the room and sat in their original seats.

"We have come to a conclusion-" Satsu Ri began.

'Please don't tell me I have to go to war, please don't tell me I have to go to war, please don't tell me I have to go to war!'

When Auo originally heard that he was being evaluated because of the war that his country was apparently involved in, the news hadn't really sunken in.

While the session was coming to a close, Auo felt a sense of dread.

Auo's sense of dread immediately disappeared when Auo heard the response to his previous thought.

"As of now, you are unfit to go to war." Satsu Ri concluded.

Auo jumped out of his chair and a huge smile broke out, that conclusion was like music to his ears!

" You're kidding!", Auo expressed.

"We don't joke on such matters.", Satsu Ri responded.

'Let's go! I've never been so happy to be mentally unstable-'

"Erm, Auo, I'm afraid to break it to you, but we're still planning on drafting you," Irin stated.

Auo's happy expression quickly turned into dismay.

"You're kidding…", Auo repeated.

"We don't joke about these matters," Satsu Ri followed.

Heat rushed to Auo's face.

He balled his hands and clenched his teeth.

Auo felt like choking the woman.

His rage was questionable in this situation, but nevertheless, he latched onto his anger as if he had won a million dollars.

To be frank, Auo has some serious anger issues, and it seemed that his amnesia was not helping the matter. He was already irritated because he couldn't remember anything and "that woman" just poured gasoline all over the dimly lit candle.

"Lady-" Auo began, but Irin interrupted, sensing Auo's anger.

"Now now, let's settle down a bit-"

Auo plopped back into his wooden chair and glared at Satsu Ri with such intensity, it would even make a grown man cry.

Unfortunately, Satsu Ri wasn't even paying attention to Auo, however, it seemed as if her hands were shaking and she was desperately trying to "shake" it off.

"Let me tell you a bit about what we discussed," Irin began, "we believe that you are a risk to potential soldiers so right now, you're not permitted to go-"

"Okay, so are you just going to send me back home or something, what are you planning on-"

Satsu Ri cut him off.

"We are planning on taking you to a mental facility."

Auo was visibly confused.

He knew that nothing was wrong with him, however, he did come to the conclusion that he had anger issues when he felt the urge to seriously hurt someone, a woman at that.

"Based on the questions we asked you and a physical examination we did on you prior, we noticed that you have a severe case of schizophrenia"

Auo looked at the two "doctors" in awe and shook his head firmly.

'These people are clearly on drugs…'

"I don't have schizophrenia.", Auo defended.

" Yes you do," Irin responded rather awkwardly.

He wasn't expecting Auo to respond.

"I know what the symptoms of having schizophrenia are. I don't hear or see things that others don't see, I haven't taken medicine to treat these symptoms and I don't have delusions.

Satsu Ri sat up in her chair and placed her hands on the desk. Her aura seemed colder than before, her gray piercing eyes were shot towards Auo's like a bullet made out of fire.

"You need to listen to what we are saying- you have schizophrenia and you must be treated."

'These people are high, that's the only logical explanation… Assuming that these people are doctors, they should know that schizophrenia, on the more mild base, is easy to subdue by using prescriptions. Also, depending on me as a person, I can just eat the right foods and exercise and my brain will feel better and make the changes necessary to become mentally stable. I don't necessarily have to go to a mental facility '

Auo sighed and looked at Irin with puppy dog eyes. Auo already knew that Satsu Ri was basically a rock so he thought that going for Irin, the one who actually seemed human, would empathize with him and let him go.

"Let me go home, please. I promise you that I'll deal with all of this information tomorrow."

Like hell he would, as soon as they let him go, he would get far away from the "three hundred secluded mile area".

While trying to build up his case, all of a sudden, Auo received a tremendous migraine and could barely focus on what either Satsu Ri or Irin had to say afterward.

"Why yes, we'll arrange transportation for you," Satsu Ri answered instead of Irin.

Auo grimaced.

"Today, right, because I want to go home now."

He could barely spit that sentence out and Satsu Ri knew that "it" was working.

'Why is my head hurting like this. Once I get out of here I'll go to a drug store and get some Advil.'

"Yes, I'll call someone for you to take you home, give me thirty minutes. Irin-"

Satsu Ri sashayed out of the room while pulling out her Minc phone, a popular smartphone sold in the country.

"Yes, I have a patient who would like to go 'home'-"

Irin looked at Auo with pity.

"I'm sorry son, I wish you luck."


With that, Irin dashed out of the room and Auo looked after him.