
bab 32

Commander Xiao POV: 

Zhejiang and Liang were just pulled through a rift in the sky which still hasn't begun to close as yet but even this occurrence fails to lead as the main topic being discussed by onlookers. All around me, civilians who've now witnessed that Zhejiang was the Zhejiang are all but losing their minds. Now uncontrollable, they push to get a last glimpse of the "spirit" now gone. 

Smiling, I step back to a safe distance but by doing so inevitably come face to face with the Jiangsu. I don't immediately recognise it, thanks to the noise, but I eventually notice that the ship is shifting towards the portal. It's as though it's trying to follow its sister but that wouldn't make any sense. No, it must be the pull of the rift. 

Despite this analysis, however, as time passes I can't help but think I am wrong and the ship actually wants to leave. What's more, a portion of the crowd now notice the motion as well and begin making a beeline for my position. Guards intercept them but a few manage to outflank their ranks and make it to the lines keeping the Jiangsu secured and docked. With breakneck speed, they manage to release all but one line before being subdued.

The line that remains is the main but it's also located beside me. I consider doing it for the people but before I can make the final decision, the crowd goes silent. Looking up, I see the leader of our country standing on the raised platform once more. He gives them the choice on whether to see what the ship does or keep it tied and the people shout with unanimous consent. As such, the last line was released to cheers and almost immediately, the Jiangsu begins making a beeline for the rift, lifting off out of the water as it does. 

The people cheer as the military salutes the ship as it begins its slow rise to the rift. The sight is truly something to behold. To see a flying aircraft carrier at night in real life...if I were told this would be my life...

Everyone continues watching, cheering and saluting until the ship disappears into the rift which immediately closes afterwards. Even with the rift closed, however, it takes a while to process what just happened. So many incredible things just occurred. Zhejiang left us. The Jiangsu also left us. Our leader allowed the Jiangsu to leave without resistance. What just happened?

????: Where is Admiral Liang?

????: I don't know. The last I saw of her, she was trying to stop-

Leader: LIANG!!!!