
Zero rebirth chapter 1

People were saying "I heard the new kid's strong" and at the other side we see Zian the captain of the gang called Zokyo as he says"I heard he took down 6 people in a single blow" Zain's friend says "it's impossible to do that alone even if you have trained in taekwondo and other martial arts" as they were speaking we see the MC his name was haruhi Violet as he came inside the people were starring at him and he said "looks like il be a strong person here" thinking he was the greatest fighter and suddenly a boy named Suoh Gamiyo 1080 kicked him in the head as he stand on top of him and said "Looks like we got 1 more weakling here"/people weren't surprised at all since it was Uz the upcoming star singer of the group called idols 7 as people were saying"well it's Suoh again looks like nobody can beat him"the bell rang as everyone went to class haruhi woke up in the afternoon the school was empty as he stood up "What is that sound"he heard the sound of a violin it sounded angelic as he went to the music class he saw a beautiful blonde girl chapter 1 ends

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