
Zenin Days

Toji in Sakamoto Days. Pretty self-explanatory. ___________ Synopsis: Post his death at the hands of the strongest sorcerer of the modern era, Toji finds himself in Sakamoto Days in a younger body. In an unknown world with assassins, Toji fits right in. Slight AU Rion x Toji

JaxWolf4 · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Toji vs. Kindaka

[Author Note]

Disc: HrPrTeam

I like Toji.


Department Store: 3rd P.O.V

A man with longer brown hair and glasses sat in a reclining chair as if his men weren't butchered in front of him.

Kindaka continued. "Fast, strong, and that thing around your body can store weapons. I'm curious to see if you have what it takes to join my organization."

Toji couldn't help but think to himself. 'Who is this idiot? Isn't he an assassin? Why is he rambling?'

He smirked. "I'm curious myself, do you happen to be a jujutsu sorcerer?"

It was natural.

In Toji's mind, he is unable to sense cursed energy. Even so, he could tell this guy wasn't fodder like the other assassins.

Kindaka raised an eyebrow. "Juju, what? I'm not a magician. People call me the steel dragon, Kindaka."

It sounded vaguely familiar to Toji, but he didn't care about remembering specific titles or names.

Toji yawned. "I don't care who you are. If you aren't going to help me, you might as well die."

Kindaka smirked. "You got balls, kid."


Toji blinked. "What?"


The last thing he expected was being called a kid.

While his body is stronger, it reminds him of his time in the Zenin clan. By the time he left, he was still a young adult.

To other people, he looked like a buff 19-year-old teenager.

Kindaka stood up with his hands in his pockets. "Well, it looks like you came here from the JCC to kill me. Were you expelled?"

Toji thought for a moment before putting away the katana. "I don't even know who you are or what the hell you are talking about. The woman also said JCC. Is that a little club of assassins or something?"

Toji shoved the split-soul katana back into the inventory curse and slowly pulled out the inverted spear of heaven.

If Kindaka were a jujutsu sorcerer, using a cursed technique negation tool would allow him to bypass anything he has.

However, Toji also noted that it felt just as empty as the split-soul katana.

Kindaka recoiled. "That is disgusting. What the hell is that thing?"


Instead of replying, Toji disappeared from his spot as he jumped at Kindaka with a wide smile on his face.

Kindaka's eyes widened. "Holy shit!"


Kindaka also disappeared as he dodged the inverted spear's strike to the neck by jumping past 15 isles in the span of a second.

The speed Toji used on the fodder previously wasn't even close to his top speed.

At this moment, Kindaka realized that he might not be the fastest assassin.

Kindaka could move as fast as he did due to his light-speed shoes, surpassing any assassin currently in the speed department.

He started sweating. 'He doesn't even have special shoes. Is the ugly worm making him stronger somehow? Who the hell is this kid?'

A 10-year-old child with his mom pointed at Kindaka. "Mom, can I get a pair of those shoes?"

She shook her head. "You're too old for Velcro."

Yes, the famous light-speed shoes that allowed him to surpass the speed of sound many times over looked like a children's set of shoes.

It was then that he noticed that Toji was gone. 'Hmm, where did he go?'


Kindaka vanished.

As soon as he felt the back of his neck get stabbed, he used his shoes to avoid the follow-through.

Had he not moved, his head would've been chopped off, instead reducing the damage to a cut.

Kindaka's main attack style was using fast strikes to overwhelm an opponent. Without the speed advantage, he was outclassed.

Toji appeared before him with white eyes and a smile as he swung the inverted spear toward his head.

Kindaka's eyes narrowed. 'I'll just have to go faster.'

To Toji's surprise, Kindaka started moving faster than him.

(A/N - "To people who want to complain. Kindaka is THE speedster of Sakamoto Days.)


Suddenly, Kindaka grabbed the back of Toji's shirt and threw him.




He went flying through a few staircases.

Kindaka fell on his knees. "*Huff* *Huff* That took a lot out of me. I can only do that in short bursts. Even worse, I hurt my back during that movement."

He suddenly heard a sound.


The sound of a chain.


He barely moved to the side as the inverted spear, hooked onto the chain of a thousand miles, was inches from his face.

Kindaka smiled nervously. "I better get this kid in the order before he kills me."


He heard a crack behind him as Kindaka saw the inverted spear lodged into a support pillar.

Kindaka huffed a laugh. "Shit."


The chain and spear pulled the pillar out, collapsing the floor above him.

He could no longer move as fast as he did due to his back injury.


Kindaka grabbed the handrail and jumped off of the ledge into the center of the department store to avoid the collapsing floor.

The first thing he saw after making it over the rail...


The question is, are you faster than me?

He heard a voice right behind him, in his ear. "The answer is yes."



Toji stabbed Kindaka through his back with the inverted spear.


Toji followed through and slammed Kindaka in the middle of the department store.


After the dust cleared, Toji spoke up. "I avoided your vitals since I've got a few questions for you."

Kindaka could barely move since he had a massive dagger in his back, and he was positive that he had many broken bones.

He huffed a laugh. "Is it too late to ask you to join the order?"

One of the main reasons Toji didn't kill Kindaka was because he mentioned the order, an organization of top-tier assassins.

Instead of wanting fame or recognition...

He needed money.

Toji narrowed his eyes. "What is this order thing you keep talking about?"

Kindaka smiled. "Can you get off of me? I've already lost."

To Kindaka's surprise, Toji stood up and took the spear from his back.

As he stood up, Kindaka turned his body over and crossed his legs while sitting down.


His mouth dropped. "Did you just eat that worm thing!?"

Toji wasn't in the mood to explain. "Order."

Kindaka shook his head with visible disgust. "Yeah, right. It's an organization that I run with accomplished assassins."

Toji sat across from him. "What does the money look like?"

Kindaka was somewhat surprised.

This kid who defeated an order member without sustaining too much damage was interested.

The most damage he sustained was a few scratches and slightly torn clothes after getting thrown through multiple layers of concrete.

Kindaka had a small smirk. "It pays better than anything you've got before."

He gave Kindaka a deadpan stare. "I highly doubt that."

Toji received 30 million yen from killing the Star Plasma Vessel, which is just above 200,000 USD.

Then it hit Kindaka. "Wait, what even is your name, kid?"

Toji narrowed his eyes. "Call me a kid again, and I'll reconsider allowing you to live."

Kindaka huffed a laugh. "Alright, do you have a name then?"

Toji said two words. "Toji Fushiguro."

He reached out his hand. "Well then, Toji, I have a feeling that we are going to become great business partners."

Toji just stared at his hand. "Get me a few sets of clothes, and you have a deal."

They shook hands.

Kindaka smiled. "Welcome to the order, Toji Fushiguro."

The homeless bum catches a W.

JaxWolf4creators' thoughts