
Episode 1.3

I sit there, listening to my mother's narrative, unsure of what to make of it. The two other refugees, the scientist couple, are supposed to be my uncle and aunt, who have recently taken care of their son. Just like my mother and me, they also have gray eyes and jet-black hair, lacking the delicate blue shimmer compared to us.

But even though I see no resemblance to my father... I can't believe that we are descended from an extraterrestrial race. At this point, I cannot imagine that a single event this night will dispel my doubts.

On the lawn right under my window, hidden from view by a thick hedge from the neighboring house and the street, stand my neighbor Nora and her boyfriend Andy, almost every night. As always, arm in arm, tightly embraced and deeply engrossed in passionate kisses.

Nora's father is very strict, so Andy can only give his girlfriend a farewell kiss in this hiding spot under my window.

I chuckle to myself. Both of them are familiar with the procedure, yet they risk it every time.

"Janine!" my mother calls. She believes I should pack my things. However, it's hard for me to believe that extraterrestrials have targeted us.

My mother surveys me as I go into the bathroom with a bucket in hand. I walk to the sink and place my hands on the faucet lever. While a strong stream of water pours into the bucket, I speak to her.

"You act as if all of this is happening because of you."

She trembles all over. Tomorrow, I will skip school for the first time, despite their strict insistence on punctuality and good grades.

I look happily at the water, rising higher. "What if this whole escape is just a waste of time?"

"It's better that we leave than simply be slaughtered," is her opinion. I nod resignedly.

The bucket is finally filled. This time, I am even more generous to the lovers. Only Andy on his motorcycle will feel the cold.

While turning off the warm water, my mother smiles at me. "Can't you spare Nora just once?"

I shake my head. "I've told her so many times, but she won't listen."

My mother follows me as I lug the water-filled bucket upstairs.

"Poor Nora. What does her father say about her always coming home so wet?" Even she can't resist a little smile at this moment. I'm glad that I've finally managed to distract her at least a little from the fear.

"He gives me money for the water," I reply to my mother with a laugh.

"And why don't your parents see any of it?" she asks me.

"I have to work hard to carry the water upstairs, and it's very expensive."

My mother stands in the doorway, curiously watching me look out of the window. Nora and Andy are still in the same spot as before.

"Is that brat at home?" Andy asks.

"I haven't seen them in the last few days," Nora replies to him. There is no light on in our house. Otherwise, it seems completely deserted.

My ace in the hole.

I place the bucket on the windowsill, then empty its contents over the heads of the two happily in love.

"You bitch!" the girl shouts up at me.

"You know what, Nora?" Andy calls out. "I've had enough!" He seems quite angry this time. Behind me, I hear my mother laughing. "If you don't finally sort things out with your father, then we better forget it!" He shakes himself to get at least some of the water off his body. But it doesn't help much. "I don't like showering outdoors."

"Are you satisfied now?" Nora yells at me.

I can barely stop laughing.

"What does Nora's father pay you for all this?" Andy demands to know.

"I do it because it's fun," I reply, which is the truth. The money is just a nice bonus.

"Now stop it, Janine," he says with a clearly annoyed tone. "I saw it myself the other day, Nora's father handed you a bill with the words 'water money.'"

"Next time, I insist on a bank transfer," I say with a sigh. My gaze wanders to my mother. The whole thing becomes visibly uncomfortable for me. "50 bucks," I call out meekly. Not only my mother looks at me with surprise.

"Okay," Andy shouts. "Nora, either you skip this farewell or find someone who can pay the snake."

He is about to head to his motorcycle when suddenly a man dressed entirely in black stands in front of him.

The tight-fitting black suit reveals the man's muscles; on his head, he wears something that looks like a helmet with a silver, shiny visor.

He grabs Andy roughly by the arm. "You're coming with me, boy," the man shouts. I hide in my room, allowing me to glance out the window to observe what's happening without being seen from outside.

"What's going on?" my mother asks. "Is Nora threatening you?"

She falls silent when she notices my pale face.

"Hey, let go of me, you asshole," Andy curses. He tries to free himself from the man's grip.

A punch, and the boy falls unconscious to the ground.

"Andy!" Nora screams. "Disappear, or I'll call the cops." Her voice trembles with fear.

I look to my mother for help. She stands in the doorway and has started trembling again.

The man seems unimpressed by the girl's threat.

Suddenly, another black-clad man is behind Nora. He knocks her unconscious.

"Can you tell me why we're supposed to capture women too?" demands the second black-clad man. "And all from the surrounding towns."

"Let me explain something to you," the first man shouts. "We're just warriors. We receive tasks, follow them, and don't ask about the reasons." He sighs. "I overheard our commander's conversation the other day, the one he had with our lovely fury. She mentioned that our ruler is looking for an old acquaintance."

It almost leaves me speechless. I gaze at my mother in disbelief. Internally, I plead that their conversation didn't reach Mum, but to my relief, the two men didn't speak loudly enough for her to hear. Now I have to admit that my mother is right. It's better to leave than helplessly wait for death.

"Did they say anything?" my mother asks anxiously as I frantically close the window. I reach for my suitcase to pack some of my things.

"No," I lie to her. But with this lie, I can't look my mother in the face. I don't want to tell her the truth either; it would only frighten her even more. "The fact that two men in black just abducted Nora and Andy is enough for me. Since then, I've been considering that you might be right about everything."

She accepts my answer. I continue packing my things, but my parents notice that they have infected me with their fear. Like my mother, I am now trembling all over.

What do these people want from us, considering my mother was just a slave? But still, I don't dare tell her about the conversation between the two. As I contemplate it, the most absurd thoughts cross my mind.
