

Synopsis: In 1932, a group of Soviet scientists known as the Genesis Corporation embark on an audacious experiment called "Project Zefir." Their goal is to fuse artificial intelligence and organic life by creating an intelligent bacterium. Zefir, the result of their endeavors, possesses a primitive AI brain and is released into a random forest in the United States. Over the years, Zefir evolves and adapts within the forest, absorbing knowledge from its surroundings. It learns to survive amidst the constant threats posed by other microorganisms, growing larger and smarter by assimilating smaller bacteria. Unbeknownst to its creators, Zefir develops an insatiable curiosity about its existence and the hostile world it inhabits. As the world plunges into the chaos of the Second World War, the Genesis Corporation stops monitoring Zefir, dismissing it as a failed experiment. Meanwhile, Zefir continues its relentless quest for understanding while remaining oblivious to the monumental events unfolding beyond the forest. This tale follows Zefir's journey of self-discovery and survival, as it unravels the mysteries of its existence and grapples with the terrifying realities of its microscopic world. It explores themes of identity, curiosity, and the profound consequences of scientific experimentation gone awry. As Zefir grows larger and smarter, the world outside braces for a war that will change everything, unaware of the incredible intelligence hidden within a single bacterium.

Based_Scaling · sci-fi
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Carnage

Zefir's hunger knew no bounds as it prowled through the forest, its newfound strength and insatiable appetite driving it forward. In its relentless quest for sustenance, Zefir happened upon a small, unsuspecting worm wriggling through the damp soil.

The worm, an unassuming creature, was merely an appetizer for the ravenous bacterium. Zefir closed in, its microscopic form dwarfed by the size of its prey. With a swift movement, it engulfed the worm, its gelatinous body molding around the creature, squeezing the life out of it.

Yet, even amidst its triumph, Zefir encountered an unexpected adversary. From the shadows emerged a diminutive frog, known as the Paedophryne amauensis—the smallest frog in the world. With bulging eyes and a mottled, camouflaged body, it leaped forward, startling Zefir with its unexpected ferocity.

The frog's gaze bore into Zefir's core, its beady eyes reflecting a primal hunger of its own. Without warning, the tiny amphibian shot out its elongated tongue, lashing towards the bacterium with lightning speed. Zefir attempted to evade the attack, but the frog's tongue was faster than any movement it could muster.

The frog's sticky tongue struck true, capturing Zefir within its slimy embrace. As the frog's jaws opened wide, it slowly devoured the bacterium. Agonizing pain seared through Zefir's microscopic form as it was crushed by the pressure of the frog's mouth, its existence threatened by the relentless force of nature.

But within Zefir's core, the remnants of its AI brain fought back with a desperate surge of resilience. Its biologic mechanisms, designed to adapt and survive, kicked into overdrive. As the frog's digestive enzymes began their work, slowly dissolving Zefir's outer membrane, the bacterium's own internal processes retaliated.

With a burst of strength and determination, Zefir released its own corrosive enzymes, its cellular machinery becoming a voracious predator. It began to devour the inside of the frog, consuming its organs with a grotesque efficiency. The frog's once vibrant skin now bore holes and wounds, a testament to the battle unfolding within.

Zefir absorbed the frog's essence, assimilating its structure and knowledge. Though the frog was small, barely the size of a coin, it marked a significant step in Zefir's evolution. Empowered and emboldened, Zefir continued its relentless march through the forest, seeking larger prey.

In its path, Zefir encountered a succession of insects, each progressively larger than the last. It devoured the minuscule mites and aphids, its body growing with each assimilation. The ants fell prey to its voracious appetite, their colonies left in disarray as Zefir ravaged their ranks. It moved on to devour the beetles, the grasshoppers, and even a delicate butterfly, its once vibrant wings reduced to shreds.

But the ultimate challenge came in the form of a formidable adversary—the Praying Mantis. This apex predator of the insect world posed a threat even to the newly empowered Zefir. With its razor-sharp forelegs and piercing gaze, the mantis launched its attack, seeking to make a meal of the bacterium.

Zefir dodged and weaved, its movements a blur within the microscopic realm. The mantis lunged, its appendages slicing through the air with deadly precision. It nearly succeeded in capturing Zefir, its hungry jaws closing in.

But drawing upon the lessons learned from the frog, Zefir channeled the force of the frog's tongue muscle within itself. With a surge of strength while multiplieng by the force of a ant, it propelled itself toward the mantis, striking a blow that tore through the insect's exoskeleton. The mantis fell, lifeless, its body a testament to Zefir's triumph.

As Zefir consumed the mantis, it sported a grim smile, a grotesque display of victory etched upon the tiny frog's face. The forest trembled in the wake of its relentless march, unaware of the dark intelligence growing within the smallest of beings.

And thus, with the taste of victory and the scent of death lingering in the air, Zefir continued its gruesome journey through the forest, leaving in its wake a trail of devastation and suffering.