
Zayn The Handsome Genius

Zayn is a child prodigy, and he comes from a special family. Since he was a child, he has separated from his parents to complete his education. At the age of sixteen, Zayn has been promoted to a young professor, and he falls in love with his own student. Meanwhile, Arunika also has the same feelings. Both of them don't express their feelings even though they feel the love between them. When Zayn had to return to Indonesia and Arunika had to go to America, they separated. Will they meet again, and will they be able to make love together? Follow his story in Zayn The Handsome Genius.

Sholikhatin_Nikmah · Fantasie
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155 Chs

Secret Room

Zayn opened the box and found a floor plan. After paying attention to the writing on the paper, then his eyes looked around where he was.

"Brother, look! We are currently here. Then, that room is over there. Wait, that room is our room." Arunika half screamed because she was so excited. Zayn looked back at the paper in his wife's hand, after he looked carefully he was sure. Then he took Arunika back into their room, they didn't forget to bring the box.

"Brother, then where are we now?" Arunika then looked back at the plan. Zayn and Arunika scanned the entire room then they walked step by step following the directions as written in the plan. They arrived near their bed, Zayn and Arunika looked carefully at their surroundings from the floor and cupboards.