
Zayn The Handsome Genius

Zayn is a child prodigy, and he comes from a special family. Since he was a child, he has separated from his parents to complete his education. At the age of sixteen, Zayn has been promoted to a young professor, and he falls in love with his own student. Meanwhile, Arunika also has the same feelings. Both of them don't express their feelings even though they feel the love between them. When Zayn had to return to Indonesia and Arunika had to go to America, they separated. Will they meet again, and will they be able to make love together? Follow his story in Zayn The Handsome Genius.

Sholikhatin_Nikmah · Fantasie
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155 Chs

Meet Someone

Without Zayn knowing, it turns out that the three of them are family. Team leader Ziyad wants to recruit Zayn, but they can't find him. When they asked Ziyad for help tracking down the person, Ziyad finally found out what they were looking for. Indeed, Ziyad's team currently does not have a reliable hacker anymore after Ziyad officially resigned. Because Ziyad had to replace Zalfan at that time, Actually, Ziyad and Zalfan will only switch places for a while until Zalfan's illness is cured. At that time, Zalfan was sick. Even though he had to carry out his duties, fate said otherwise. Zalfan died on his first day swapping places with Ziyad, and Ziyad had already left for China by then to help catch a mafia who was very powerful in the country.

The Chinese government asked for help from the agency where Ziyad and Zalfan worked, and within a week, Ziyad had completed his mission. But when he was about to return, he found out that Zalfan was dead. In fact, he would come back and explain to Kirana and his daughters that it was not him who died. But before he could do that, a new task had arrived, and this time, it was extremely dangerous. Until finally, Ziyad was caught and detained by the enemy, and he was only able to free himself after thirty years and only returned now, and now his situation has changed, not like before.

"Alright Zalfan, get ready! You are leaving right now. There you have to be able to take care of yourself! Don't let you get caught. We believe that even though you are not young anymore, your abilities are still the same as before. But you must be more careful. Remember, our enemy This time it was very tough. Until the FBI needed our help. Even though they already have a special team, but they can't handle it." The team leader gave a briefcase containing advanced equipment and supplies that Ziyad would need and didn't forget a laptop. This is the thing to carry. After everything was settled, Ziyad immediately left for America on a special plane belonging to the agent. But when he travels to Russia later, he will have to use a public plane because he has started to disguise himself as a civilian.

"Okay, I'm leaving now." Ziyad immediately left their headquarters and flew straight to America. After a night on the plane, Ziyad finally arrived. Two days in America, he's done his job here. Right now, he was at the airport to continue his journey to Russia. On the plane, Ziyad felt a little unwell. His body felt like it was going to fall, luckily a young man who helped him. When he saw the young man's face, his heart trembled.

"Thank you son." The young man then helped Ziyad to sit down. His eyes were a bit dim. He didn't know what was wrong with his body. He always takes vitamins, and when he leaves, his body is also very healthy. He remembers whether there is something wrong with eating.

"Grandpa, are you all right?" Zayn asked very politely, using very fluent English.

"I'm fine son, thanks again." Ziyad, disguised as a grandfather older than his actual age, was amazed by Zayn's politeness. Then Zayn sat next to him. Apparently, they were sitting in the same row of chairs.

"Grandpa, what's the point of going to Russia? Why did you go alone?" Zayn then asked Ziyad. He felt sorry for this grandfather, and he was reminded of Habib Mustofa, who is now very old.

"I'm going to visit a relative son, I don't have anyone anymore so I'm alone." Ziyad, who had improved somewhat, turned to Zayn. When he saw her face, he looked like his daughter Ayya, and his heart was pounding.

"But Grandpa is sick, why travel so far?" Zayn is increasingly curious about this grandfather. For some reason, he felt like he had known her for a long time. After all, this was the first time they had met.

"Actually, I was very healthy when I left. But I also wonder why it's suddenly like this." Ziyad is telling the truth.

"Grandpa, may I check your pulse?" Zayn asked Ziyad for permission to check his pulse. When Ziyad nodded, he then took Ziyad's hand then after examining it, his brow furrowed.

"Grandpa is poisoned and this poison is very deadly. At this time I don't carry medicine and also can't mix the medicine. Because I didn't bring the ingredients, so to stop the poison in Grandpa's body let me tap Grandpa's nerves so that the poison doesn't spread, will Grandpa allow it ?" hearing Zayn's words, Ziyad was not surprised. He had experienced this many times. But right now, he really couldn't detect it.

So he can only nod. He also really believes in Zayn. Even though it was the first time, they met. There is a kind of inner bond that he has felt since he met Zayn. Though they never met because they are family, and Ziyad's blood flows in Zayn. The two of them felt a strange feeling, which they couldn't explain. Is it as many people say that blood is thicker than water? Even though they don't know each other yet, are their feelings already connected?

After the plane landed, Ziyad's condition remained the same. Because indeed, Zayn has not done anything other than holding back the poison from spreading. Zayn took Ziyad to a nearby hotel, then he called someone, and soon a very beautiful young girl came with some herbs to offer Ziyad poison. The veiled girl who looks like an Indonesian-Middle Eastern mulatto deftly helps Zayn mix some herbs. The girl then boiled it, while Zayn then undressed Ziyad and did acupuncture. After he finished, he then took Ziyad into the bathroom.

The girl who helped him earlier had mixed the herbs she had boiled into the bathtub with water and was now ready to take a bath. Zayn put Ziyad's body into the bathtub and let it sit for a while. Then he and the girl waited outside while talking.