
Zayn The Handsome Genius

Zayn is a child prodigy, and he comes from a special family. Since he was a child, he has separated from his parents to complete his education. At the age of sixteen, Zayn has been promoted to a young professor, and he falls in love with his own student. Meanwhile, Arunika also has the same feelings. Both of them don't express their feelings even though they feel the love between them. When Zayn had to return to Indonesia and Arunika had to go to America, they separated. Will they meet again, and will they be able to make love together? Follow his story in Zayn The Handsome Genius.

Sholikhatin_Nikmah · Fantasie
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155 Chs

Bad News

"Daniyal, later when the time comes, Papa and Mama will invite Sis Kirana and also Sis Hanan here. It's just that now is not the time." Daniyal nodded his head he then got off Zayn's lap and went to his mother. Daniyal then grabbed his mother's hand and led her into the room.

"Mama, Daniyal wants to take a nap, can Mama accompany Daniyal now?" Daniyal asked Arunika who immediately smiled and nodded her head. Arunika then asked permission from her husband and Papa to accompany Daniyal to his room.

In the room, Arunika lay with Daniyal but Daniyal didn't close his eyes but continued to talk to Arunika. At school, Daniyal met someone who was very similar to his father. "Mama, when I was at school last time, I made a new friend, he looks very much like Papa. Are you sure that Papa doesn't have twins?" Arunika shook her head. He looked at Daniel with a questioning look.