
Zack And Ted

A boy Named Zack that has a mission in Earth...his friends trying to help him to save the world But Peter the son of the Future want to get him and take his friends he will help it to save! The Main Characters of the Story: Zack Ted Sarah Kristopher Charles Zack's Dad Peter Carl Cast of story Merriam Webster Kung Fu Kevin Zach Guards the in Story: Guard 3 Guard 4 Guard 2 Writed By: Jorge Joshua f. Casiple Posted By: JorgeComics1234 You can follow us in: Twitter: https://www.instagram.com/p/CLyHdUJgeH8/?igshid=m07aijmjnoi0 Fantasy, Action and Adventure! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CLyHdUJgeH8/?igshid=m07aijmjnoi0 Hope you like my Story don't forget to rate us!

Jorgecomics1234 · Fantasie
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Andrew: Anyways...let's go

Zack: He left at the room it's or time to go!

Ted: Wait before we go becareful because there's cameras around this building!

Andrew: Yeah

Zack: Again! a note its says "Clue for you" I'm in the dark but he help me to escape! Who I'm???

Sarah: Oh it's light right?

Zack: The clue is he in the light...

Ted: Ugh? maybe...let's find another clue!

Noah: A Genius Smart Hahaha nice Zack

Ted: What the you always here...get away here! you thinking we are scared because of you!

Andrew: Yeah you just keeping us to get the Magical Sword!

Noah: Huh what did you mean The Magical Sword!

Noah: Why you want that?

Zack: Because I'm *The Choosen One*

Noah: Huh? no way guards get this boy now! the choosen one!

Guard: Hey come back here,

Ted: Zack Why you said you the Choosen One! it's secretly"

Zack: Yeah I know but I didn't know what to say!

Andrew: Ahhhh! guys *Just Continue your Mission Forget me*

A Few Several Minutes Later...

Zack: Think we lost them!

Ted: Yeah...Noah is kind a Spy*

Sarah: Guys! Where are you?

Zack: Sarah We here,

Sarah: Oh...sadly Kristopher and Peter Trap!

Zack: What always...if you hear me you master mind of all this I just want to say that you cannot us stop us to save the world!

In the Son Redelo's building

Peter: Hey Dad you doing this Zack Just want to get the Sword!

Peter's Dad: I know son but we need to stop him...

Peter: What do you to Brayan?

Brayan: I'm here too*

Peter: Ohh!

Zack's Dad: I just doing this because Zack's Dad and Zack is our Enemy!

Zack: So about my Dad?

Zack: So finally I'm here"

Peter: What, Zack how did you get here*

Zack: So we know that you are not our team!

Andrew: Huh? guys I'm finally here too with Julie! so hard to get here*"

Zack: So Tell us where The Magical Sword!

Peter: We will not even tell you where it is...right dad"

Zack: What your dad!?

Zack: Just kidding we all know it because we time travel to the Future of 1 Day

Sarah: Yes Zack tell in the Future Zack to get the Sword to get revenge!

Andrew: So Peter and his Dad are late"

Zack: As a Chosen One of this Sword! I will promise that this country is now officially Freedom!

Peter: What"""

Andrew: Ugh what's happening? Peter and His Dad is gone forever?

Zack: Umm? Yes

To Be Continued...