
Zachary and Odette’s 3rd Regression

This is the story about Zachary and Odette who, unfortunately, was kidnapped and tortured for days. Two weeks later, their bodies were found dumped in one of the isolated roads in Ravenhall City. Just when they thought they were dead already, they found themselves back two years prior to the murder. Anytime they die, they regress back as if on loop. It will only stop if they already had their retribution. But the drawback is that their mind gets twisted each time they regress. They’re already on their third regression and they meant to end the whole charade here. [NOTE!! Photo not mine!! CTTO]

bunnyrabbit · realistisch
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11 Chs


In one of the remote roads in Ravenhall City, two bodies are found. One is a man and the other is a woman, both around the age of twenty-two. The sight is definitely not for the weak. Their bodies were dumped there recklessly, still warm but stiff. Bluish-violet skin discoloration can be seen all over their limbs. Both gagged with packaging tape, their eyes were bloodshot.

But the most disturbing part is that their bodies were butchered in the most inhumane way possible. Some of their fingers and toes were dislocated, some were severed. An ice pick pierced through from the left to the right ear of the man. And as if it couldn't get even more disgusting, organs that can be sold at a very high price such as their hearts and kidneys were missing.

According to the investigation, the bodies belonged to Zachary and Odette. Twenty-two years old, and both going to college. It was said that they were lovers since middle school. Some who claimed to be their friends at school said that they were highly competitive students who excel in both academics and sports. They also said that they rarely missed school but suddenly stopped coming two weeks before their bodies were found.


"Oy! Zach! Sometimes I wonder if people really have free will or is everything premeditated." Odette said before taking a bite of her egg sandwich. They're currently at the cafeteria on a lunch break.

"Hmm? What's this getting philosophical all of a sudden?"

"I don't know, just suddenly entered my mind." Zach thought about it for a while before responding.

"Whatever. Whether it's premeditated or not, we just have to go along with it. It's not as if we can just cease existing if we knew the answer. What about you? Any plans for the future?"

"Nope, I haven't decided on it yet. You?"

"I'll marry you," he said nonchalantly which earned him a weirded look from Odette. 'You've finally gone crazy' is written all over her face which is why he added, "I'm serious." Not a sign of joking can be seen from him.

"Oh, really? Then, if you still think the same once we're successful then I'll happily marry you too."

Zach, as if he can't believe what he just heard suddenly stiffened. His eyes are wide, staring straight at Odette.

"Don't you dare back down when the time comes."

They sat through their whole boring afternoon lecture then went to the courtyard according to what their groupmates have agreed upon. They're supposed to film a short movie as their final requirement in one of their minor subjects, Introduction to Arts. They only have around half a month till the deadline but up until now, they're still debating on which genre should they choose.

"What about a forbidden romance between a teacher and a student?" said Vivi.

"Are you willing to be the female lead then? The topic is so controversial and don't forget that we're presenting it at school. I'd rather us do mystery." Roxy retorted without hiding her disgust, obviously still bitter about her breakup.

They continued bickering but in the end, settled with the genre of teenage romance. The story they've come up with probably has the most messed up plot there is. There's not even a proper climax and ending. It's basically about a masochistic teenager who fell head over heels with a narcissist guy just because he's handsome. Or so they said, but the masochistic and narcissistic tendencies of the leads were not even highlighted, they're just narrating it. After dating for a month they broke up with the woman pregnant. Just how messed up can it get?

Zach and Odette felt like they're having a headache just from listening to the discussion. They remained silent throughout though. Totally forgotten about the time, and before they knew it, the sun has already set.

They're now headed towards their apartment while walking side by side, they're the only ones on the street at that moment. When suddenly, a metallic silver minivan blocked their way, and two men wearing a hoodie came out. Without any warning, they yanked Zach and Odette towards the minivan and thrust them forcefully onto the seats before slamming the door shut. Of course, since they're in a state of shock, they weren't able to react. And when they finally came to their senses, they smelled something weird and everything went black.

Zach was the first one to wake up. He squinted his eyes to make clear of his surroundings. The whole situation still hadn't registered to him. He's lying on the cartoon laid flat on the floor, gagged, and his limbs were tightly tied. He tried breaking free from it but it only gets tighter every time he moves. He started panicking he didn't even notice the presence of the three men looking at him to their amusement.

One of them squatted in front of him taking out a pocket knife. Seeing what's on his hands, Zach started squirming, tearing up. He can't even muster up a muffled shout as he suddenly felt his throat parched. The man didn't seem amused that Zach is acting all scared of him so he reached for his forehead and started petting him. Obviously, it only made it worse as Zach started whimpering. Realizing that Zach is getting scared even more despite his effort of comforting him, he yanked his hair to make Zach look at his eyes. That's when they heard a movement from Odette.