
yu-gi-oh: I have a stand deck?!

Jonah kamijo was an avid lover of yugioh and all things anime ,he would go to tournaments and play to be the real life king of games,even winning a couple world championships,even winning the 2024 world championship. but like all good things come to an end,due to a scandal stating that he cheated in every tournament by the opponent in the finals who bribed the judges and staff,he was ousted by the world of competitive card games. three years have passed now feeling like he had no purpose he decides to off himself (don’t know if we are allowed to say kill himself or commit suicide),but decides to read the final chapter of his favorite manga series,jojo bizarre adventures. but before he could off himself after reading his manga,an earthquake happens throwing a teenage girl off the bridge they both were on,and in a final act of bravery he saves the girl not knowing she was a goddess,who decides to grant him a chance to play yugioh again,but she decides to give him a system that gives him stand cards instead of regular yugioh cards. but as he is about to be reborn she gives Jonah one final surprise,he gets the body of jotaro kujo. now watch as he makes friends,makes lovers(yandere oc characters),and shows the world what a true duelist looks like.

Thelostswordman · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

(12)breakfast with Pegasus,duel monster origins,and Rosaria’s request part 3

Before I begin,I fount a YouTube short about song names that should be stands and it got me thinking,should I make them actual cards for Jonah(they won't need a user and can come out on their own)?(also if you find any feel free to tell me what effect I should give them.)

Here's the link for the short,and I'll post any of the other shorts like this one if I find one.


Now with that out of the way,onto the chapter!


Pegasus looks at the ghost of his deceased wife with tears in his eyes,"C-Cynthia" he began as his butler sheds a tear in the background.

I look over and see nerancha crying silently at this touching reunion,and I watch as Pegasus calms down and smiles,"you're as beautiful as the day I lost you Cynthia." I hear him say as the ghost of Cynthia smiles at her husband before turning to me and speak.

"Thank you Mr.kamijo for giving me the chance to speak with my husband after so many years." She says as I nod my head before speaking myself.

"Would you and Pegasus like for me to give you privacy while the butler and I go check on Rosaria?" I ask them,and when they both nod their heads I decide to take my leave with the butler in tow,and soon they begin catching up.

As I get halfway down the hall I feel the butlers hand touch me on the shoulder,and I turn around before he begins speaking.

"I thank you for helping master Pegasus from the bottom of my heart,ever since his wife left him,he was never the same and did lots of different things to fill the void,I was only twenty and helping the former head butler,my father when he lost his wife,and he never sincerely smiled during that time." He explains as I nod my head.

"So with that in mind,I'd like to give you anything you request,name it and I'll be sure to ask Pegasus to give it to you on my behalf." He says with a bow,as I didn't know what to say.

'I mean I could ask for money,but I don't want to have monetary gain,maybe I can ask for a butler to keep an eye on my house while I'm away? I mean the home itself can house up to six people with maybe a dog,I'll give it a shot.' I think to myself before nodding my head.

"Well I live alone in a home meant for six people,so I was thinking of hiring a maid or butler to keep an eye on the house whenever I'm at school,so you know anyone who might be interested in doing that?"

The butler looks at me and smiles.

"I think I got just the people in mind,my grandson Walter C. donaise and his wife Lilly donaise,will they do jonah sir?" The butler asks while I'm frozen in shock.

'D-did he just say the name for the angel of death?!' I think to myself as I nod my head unknowingly,"I won't mind giving them a room in my home if they wish to be a live in maid and butler pair." I say but the old butler just shook his head.

"No need to go that far mister Jonah,I can find a home near yours for them,they would most likely prefer that." He says as I sigh,"alright then that will have to do,now let's go check on Rosaria." I say as the butler who's name was Walter C donaise senior followed closely behind.

After about a minut of walking we reach the medical room of the estate and meet with the now awake Rosaria and the doctor.

"Oh…hello ther Jonah…I-it's nice to see you." I hear Rosaria say as she starts blushing.

"It's good to see you're doing well rosaria,so how long will she need to recover doctor?" I say as i hear Rosaria muttering to herself.

"Luckily it wasn't a compound fracture,as long as she doesn't move that arm much she'll make a full recovery in about two months." The doctor says as I nod,acknowledging the good news,and I could have sworn I saw Rosaria blush even more as hearts soon form on her eyes looking at me.

"Hey Mr.donaise,do you think you can grab a plate of breakfast for Ms Rosaria? I'll stick around keep her company." I say to the butler as the doctor walks out of the room,soon the butler walks out as well and it only leaves Rosaria and myself.

"Um…Jonah can I tell you something?" Raosaria says catching Jonah's attention as he gives a nod giving her the go ahead.

Understanding what he said she began to speak,"well the reason I wished to retire was so I can settle down with someone,and well after I almost died only to be saved by you…I have a request,do you think I can be yours?" She says to Jonah,who couldn't believe his ears,a bombshell actually fell for him after he saved her life!

But before he could respond she continued,"I don't mind if you get other lovers of wives,in the underworld it's a common practice considering my line of work,so…are you fine with someone who's twice your age?"

She watched Jonah,waiting in anticipation for his answer,and after what felt like eternity he began to speak.

"I honestly don't mind dating older women,besides I did steal your heart so I hope you take care of me." Jonah says to her,and as Rosaria leans towards Jonah to kiss him,a familiar voice spoke up.

"Oh my! I never thought I'd see the day when enemies become lovers,I hope your romance blossoms Jonah boy and Rosaria girl!"

We both turn around and see Pegasus and the butler,who was holding a plate in his hand.

"Thank you Jonah boy,you finally gave me a chance to reunite with my Cynthia,im grateful." Pegasus says as the butler places the plate of food in front of Rosaria and myself.

"Now I heard from your butler you wanted to give his grandson and his wife a job looking after your home and tidy it up,I decided to give the okay,they will be coming with you after the tournament." He says before Jonah speaks.

"Hey Pegasus I got another thing to ask,do you think you can release the soul of Solomon and Mokuba?" I ask him,and after a minute he reaches into his dress shirt and pulls out two cards,"consider it done." He says as his millennium eyes shines and the cards become blank,and he orders the butler to bring Solomon to a spare room.

"I'll have mokuba boy stay with you,and with that,I'll let you two lovebirds get back to it." He says with a wink(blink?) before leaving the room,and soon I begin cutting the omelette and feed it to Rosaria.

And soon it was noon.


Well everyone I hope you all like this chapter,im planning on having the goddess meet Rosaria and give her the power as Jonah to see duel spirits .

Also I'm thinking of doing an r18 chapter after Jonah amd rosaria return to Jonah's home,so hope you all are ready for that.

But love you all and I'll see you next week,peace😁✌️

have a good night!

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