
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Ryuto's Path! (Dropped)

Kanazaki Ryuto, a depressed young man burdened by the circumstances life has dealt him, suddenly and without apparent explanation, finds himself in a strange reality where everything around him seems to exist in two dimensions, like in a cartoon. To make matters even stranger, the boy now attends some kind of remote academy in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, an institution where it's the norm to teach its students how to play a peculiar card game, a card game that Ryuto quickly recognizes as the one called "Duel Monsters" from the animated series: Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. In this rather anticlimactic manner, Ryuto, mostly a taciturn and negative being, discovers a new purpose in life apart from the pessimistic trope, 'everything is a disaster waiting to happen,' a spark to give it his all, to find his way back home, because if there's one thing Ryuto is convinced of, it's that escaping from reality is never the answer to anything, even if the fantasy he's experiencing may seem so grand. A/N: Read at your own risk. I recommend checking the tags below beforehand to avoid any misunderstandings. Disclaimer: I have no intention of profiting from this work, it is just a fanfiction that I write to practice my writing and want to share with like-minded individuals. Consequently, updates will be made at my discretion. [The distribution rights for Yu-Gi-Oh belong solely to Konami Digital Entertainment].

Azazel_0919 · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Scene 3.

[Nurse's Office of the Academy.]

Inside the intensive care rooms, several doctors and nurses were monitoring a patient's health.


This was the statement from a nurse close to the screens of the machines connected to the patient in question.

The nurse was a short, plump woman with blue eyes. Her face was covered by a blue mask, and she wore a matching blue medical cap.

"The temperature is starting to decrease," added the doctor in charge as he recorded some data on the patient's chart.

The doctor was a tall, slender man who, like his nurse, wore blue medical masks and caps. Only his eyes, dark as coal, were visible behind his round, gray glasses.

"At last," came the tired celebration from another one of the three doctors present in the room at that moment.

This last doctor, dressed similarly to the one in charge but with a shorter and more robust physique, had brown eyes and long, light red hair.

For several hours, the medical team had been dedicated to stabilizing Ryuto's condition. Unfortunately, it was only in the past fifteen minutes that their efforts had begun to show results.

"I've asked this before, haven't I? But, really, this is still very strange, isn't it? Have any of you ever seen anything like this before, guys?"

This was the sudden question from the last doctor among those present.

This doctor was a huge, muscular man with green eyes, and, like his counterparts, he was covered, face and head, by the respective medical accessories required by the regulations.

In response to his question, everyone in the room showed their negative response, either verbally, through gestures, or by remaining silent, respectively.

None of them knew what had caused such an ailment in the student lying on the gurney before them.

It was a complete mystery to them.

All these doctors and nurses, who could easily be considered elite among the elite in any hospital in the world, today and here, were silent, puzzled about the illness affecting a seemingly healthy teenager, except for his elevated body temperature.

On the other hand, outside the room, it was becoming evident that several important people had started to gather. These individuals could easily make each of them lose their well-paying jobs, at least that would be the case if they didn't provide a definitive answer as soon as possible.

"I'll go."

This was the sudden offer from the doctor in charge.

None of those present said anything in response to his offer. They simply lowered their heads and averted their gaze.

"What a bunch of cowards."

Complaints left the lips of the doctor in charge as a resigned murmur.

No one in their right mind would willingly offer themselves to the sharks. The doctor in charge was the only exception to that rule, and that was solely because such a task was considered an integral part of his job, nothing more. It wasn't his choice but rather a simple obligation that came with the position.

The doctor in charge finally left the room. Once outside, he found two people talking nervously. The first was Director Samejima, and the second was the professor in charge of Osiris Red Dormitories, Professor Daitokuji. Their conversation was about the expected topic: Kanazaki Ryuto, the mysterious patient in the emergency room.

Upon seeing the doctor in charge finally leave the room, both men approached him almost running.

Wisely, before a barrage of questions could be thrown at him, the doctor in charge decided to give them all the information at once.

"Calm down, gentlemen. First, student Kanazaki Ryuto is currently recovering satisfactorily. Second, no, you can't enter the room yet because the patient has not yet awakened. Finally, has anyone contacted his guardians? They should be informed according to the protocol."

Silence fell.

Apparently, in their haste to get to the location, both figures of authority had forgotten to address this particular issue.

As a result, the doctor in charge's question hung in the air for several seconds. Both men looked at each other, embarrassed and uncertain.

"I'll do it."

It was Director Samejima who finally decided to give in.

Both the doctor in charge and Professor Daitokuji watched the bald leader's back as he walked down the hallway to fulfill the previously assigned task.

After a few seconds, the conversation between the only two individuals present resumed.

"Uh, doctor, what caused Ryuto to be like this? What is the cause of all this?"

This was Professor Daitokuji's commendable question.

The doctor in charge sighed.

"Unfortunately, we still can't give a definitive answer to that question."

The disappointment in the doctor in charge's expression was transferred to Professor Daitokuji with that admission.

Both individuals sighed.


Thus, an uncomfortable silence engulfed the scene for a few more minutes until a short, plump nurse, the same nurse who had been working on Kanazaki Ryuto's case, suddenly emerged from the room.