
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Meta Player

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

CH 8: Alexis Rhodes

Jaden :"So I was thinking-"

Alistair :"That's shocking. Never knew you could do that."

Jaden :"Hey, I think thonks all the time!"

Alistair :"-_-"


"Should we though?" Alistair questioned as they walked towards where the voices were coming from. Zane nodded :"Yeah, why not? We might see something interesting."

(A/N: Haaah typical white people act. Just investigating any place that a sound comes out of. Definitely something that I would do lol! Nah, I'd be faster than Usain Bolt while running the hell away.)

As they entered the duel arena with people present inside, Alistair heard a familiar voice :"You see, it's impossible for him to be the future king of games, because that's exactly what I'm gonna be."

Just as two Obelisk Blue students, Chazz's lackeys, started laughing, Alistair spoke up :"Yo, J, Sy, what are you two doing here? And what's this about the future King of Games?"

A new voice called out :"Oh, look, it's the other one that beat Dr Crowler in a duel." Looking up, Alistair saw Chazz and his whack ass spiky hair.

Jaden smiled at him :"Hey, Al! Well, these guys said that this guy, Chazz, will be the future King of Games, but that's impossible since I will be the King of games!"

Alistair smirked :"Sorry, pal, but neither of those are happening. Have you forgotten about yours truly?"

Zane crossed his arms :"Then you two have one hell of a competition, because while I'm around, that spot's mine."

One of the lackeys interrupted the staring contest :"Zane?! What are you doing here? And why are you hanging out with this Slifer slacker's friend?!"

Not liking the attitude, Zane looked at him coldly :"It's none of your business who I'm hanging out with."

While the lackey froze, Alistair snickered. Elbow on Zane's shoulder as he crossed his feet :"Damn, Zane, you can spit too, huh? Thanks for the look out. And while on the topic of looking out for a friend,"

He walked up the lackey, towering over him as his smirk dropped :"What did you just call my friend, Jaden? Slacker? I don't want to hear that from someone who nobody knows."

"Wha-" The lackey's face twitched into anger :"Now listen here, you little sh-" But stopped when Alistair nonchalantly tilted his head, cracking his neck and the lackey just noticed the physique difference.

Smiling leisurely, Alistair lowered himself a few inches to stand face to face, voice soft :"You wanna... finish that sentence, pal?" Not everybody was as tall as him and Zane in Japan, 6'0 (183 cm) and muscular, so there were even more methods of intimidation.

But as the lackeys gulped, tension in the air, a sweet and pretty voice interrupted :"This sure is a unique crew."

As Alistair turned to look, his eyebrows shot up and he mumbled under his breath :"Goddamn..." The newly arrived girl deserved his shock.

She was drop dead gorgeous, around 5'7 (170 cm), with dark brown hair and one hell of a voluptuous body. A big personality that made Alistair want to bury his face in it, a slim waist, one hell of a big booty, and beautiful long legs with thick thighs to match that booty.

(A/N: Let me share some knowledge with you as the booty sage. There are three stages of ass: butt, ass, and booty. Not booty though, spelled boo-deh! Because it scares you a bit when it shows up, as if saying "Boo!" Only the worthy booties get this honorable title. Can I get an amen?)"

And her clothes? Who designed this school's female clothes? He needed a raise. Especially with how he probably used only one hand since the other was occupied.

A white armless jacket with blue spots, which hugged her breasts nicely, and a blue short, SHORT skirt that fought for its life to hold back that booty (boo-deh). Seriously though, they might have just assigned short shorts instead, cause seeing beyond that skirt didn't look very difficult. It barely passed her cheeks for Pete's sake. The school was really looking out for the boys, huh?

Syrus blushed :"Whoa, who is that?" Other than him, nobody thankfully heard him. Zane nodded calmly :"Hey, Alexis. Good to see you."

"Well, hello there." A droopy smile etched onto Alistair's face, genuinely charmed :"Someone you know, Zane?" He did expect her to be beautiful, especially with how much she was hyped in the series, but damn, did he underestimate her looks.

Zane nodded :"Yes, I do. This is Alexis Rhodes, Alistair. Alexis, this is Alistair, as you already know."

Alexis nodded, smiling at the noiret :"Yeah, I do. I watched your match against Dr Crowler with Zane. I was seriously amazed by your duel. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Walking back with a smile, completely ignoring the lackeys, they shook hands :"The pleasure's all mine. Damn, Zane, you've scored one hell of a baddie. I guess I shouldn't have expected any less."

They were both taken aback by his assumption, Zane's head moving back as he groaned :"W-what? E-ew, no. No no no no, we're not like that. Geez, no. She's my friend's sister. I see her as MY sister. Please don't say something like that again. Ew."

"Hey." Alexis glared :"I share the same feeling, but you can go easy on the disgusted look, Zane."

He shrugged, frowning :"It's the truth. It's in the bro code, you don't go for your bro's sister."

She shook her head :"I don't get you boys at all sometimes." While Alistair smirked meaningfully at Zane :"So she's... not taken?"

Zane shook his head nonchalantly, the disgust leaving him with the subject :"Not as far as I know, no. Are you taken, Alexis?"

She shook her head :"No, I'm not interested in love right now. My only interest is in dueling."

Alistair wiggled his eyebrows, a droopy smile on his face :"Bet I can change that. What do you say?"

Alexis shook her head again, but this time with an amused chuckle :"That will only prove you not only have dueling skills, but also charming skills. But I'm sorry, I'm not looking for love right now."

He raised his arms in surrender :"Hey, I'm not confessing here. I was just asking for the green light, that's all. As you just said, the rest depends on my skills. Seriously though, jokes aside, it's a pleasure to meet another friend of Zane's. Hope we get along."

"I hope so too." She nodded with a smile. But the sight of them getting along didn't look pleasing to Chazz :"Hey~, Alexis, have you come to watch me mop the floor with my new little friends Jaden and Alistair here? They'll be short duels, but entertaining ones for sure."

Alistair would have barked back, but Alexis beat him to it :"I'm here to remind you about the obelisk welcome dinner. You're late."

"Oh, yeah. Come on, guys." Said Chazz, before leaving with his lackeys. She raised an eyebrow at Zane :"You too, Zane. Didn't expect you to be late."

Zane :"I was showing the place to Alistair and lost track of time."

Alexis turned to the Slifers :"Sorry if chazz rubbed you the wrong way. All of us obelisks aren't like that. He's just a jerk, especially with Slifers."

"Eh, it's no big deal." Jaden smiled dismissively :"Those types don't really bother me at all. Besides, I'd have beaten him in one turn!"

As Alistair laughed, Zane and Alexis looked surprised by his confidence. Syrus spoke sheepishly :"We're gonna have to work on that overconfidence."

Jaden grinned widely :"Ok, two turns. Maybe two and a half."

Seeing Alistair and Alexis chuckling at him, while Zane sighed in amusement, Jaden grew confused :"What?"

Alistair slapped his back gently :"It's nothing, J, you just know your way with words, that's all."

Alexis smiled :"The Slifer welcome dinner's about to start, too."

"Right, We better go, Sy!" Jaden said before running off. Syrus ran after him :"Hey, wait up! Bye, Alistair, Zane..." But the brunet stopped at the entrance, legs jumping up and down as he turned to the trio :"Oh, hey, what were your names again?"

"My name is Zane." He said calmly while Alexis smiled :"Alexis Rhodes. And yours?" He smiled back :"The name's Jaden! Alright, see you around!" Before both of them ran off, with Syrus's voice getting distant :"Aren't you going to introduce me?!"

As the two disappeared, Alexis turned to the boys :"We should go too. Don't want to be late. Well, any more late for the welcome dinner."

They nodded as Alistair's stomach growled :"Let's go then! I'm starving since I haven't eaten anything since I got here."

The three of them made their way out of the main building. Alexis smiled at the two :"So how did you two become friends? Did you know each other before?"

Zane shook his head :"No, I saw him for the first time with you in the entrance exam. We just happened to become next door neighbors, and one thing led to another and we got to know each other."

Alistair :"Yeah, especially since we were both headed for the gym, we figured our hobbies match. So we thought we might as well hang out when Zane proposed to give me a tour."

Alexis :"Oh? Zane made the first approach? That's surprising, Zane has never made the first move to become friends with others."

Zane frowned :"That's entirely because there's not a single decent person to approach in the Obelisk Blue dorm. All of them are obnoxious rich brats who are just all bark and no bite."

Alistair frowned as well :"Aww, man, you serious? I thought it was just those three we just met."

Zane :"Huh, the rest are even worse unfortunately. At least Chazz has skills to back up his arrogance, but just about everybody else is trash at the game. Worst part is, they're two faced assholes who act all chummy in front of you, but immediately curse you behind your back while you're not around."

Alistair snickered :"Whoaaa, Zane, language!"

Zane sighed :"Sorry, I just really hate people like them. You gotta be careful though, I feel like a lot of them will make problems for you, considering your personality."

Alistair :"Hey, what's wrong with my personality?"

Zane deadpanned :"Are you asking that?"

Alistair just snickered. (A/N: By the way, Alistair has the same snicker as that meme of Andrew Garfield lol!)

Alexis smiled :"You two sure get along for people that have met just today."

Alistair smirked smugly, flexing his bicep :"What can I say? Those who walk the path of self-improvement will always earn each other's respect, no matter how long they've walked that path."

"Preach." Zane nodded in satisfaction, their hands striking each other in a firm handshake as they flexed their arms :"Truer words haven't been spoken, brother."

Alexis giggled at their antics, her laughter sounding like a melody :"Seems like you've finally found someone who is into the same hobby, huh, Zane?"

Zane nodded, smiling :"Yeah, it feels nice. Working out in an empty gym without nobody else there for three years felt pretty depressing."

Alistair nearly teared up :"Damn, bro, I can't imagine your pain." Before grabbing his shoulders firmly :"Don't worry, I'll come with you to the gym every day from now on! You won't need to suffer anymore!"

Zane nodded sensationally, putting a hand on one of his :"I'm glad to hear that I've met a good comrade, Alistair. Don't worry, I'll make sure to always accompany you in the gym too."

Alexis chuckled, shaking her head in amusement before walking again :"You two sure get along. By the way, your duel against Dr Crowler was really amazing, Alistair."

As they followed her, he had a look of realization :"Right, you saw my duel with Zane that day."

She nodded :"That's right. And I have to admit, I was seriously fascinated! How you managed to make so many combos in just a single turn was mind-blowing! You made that legendary monster of Dr Crowler look like nothing."