
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime und Comics
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76 Chs

CH 26: A good opponent

(Third person POV)

Seriously, at this point in time where Red Eyes doesn't have support cards, the Serpent Night Dragon could be even more powerful than Red Eyes.

But unfortunately, Serpent Night Dragon didn't get support cards even in Ali's time. Truly unfortunate.

Just one of Serpent Night Dragon's spell cards is this powerful, imagine what would happen if it had even more support cards.

It could probably compete with Red Eyes and Blue Eyes. But well, the sick ass dragon didn't get its support cards.

Seeing Ali's shock, Zane frowned as he asked with a raised eyebrow :"Ali? What happened? Why are you making that face?"

Ali blinked a few times without saying anything before leaned a little towards him and held the card so Zane could read it as well.

Zane was one of the few that saw the Red Eyes Black Dragoon, so he knew that if something shocked Ali to this degree, it must be something sick.

So he looked at the picture before reading its name and text. And once he did, he was as shocked as Ali.

Zane was a top class duelist, not just because most of the students here suck, but because he was actually good at dueling.

So once he read the text, he knew what it meant and just what kind of a bullshit the cards actually was :"geez..."

Sadie chuckled at their speechless faces before she winked at Ali :"you got really lucky, huh? I was shocked when I read it as well. You should also read the other one."

Ali gulped before he read the other card in his hand after putting the Revived Serpent Night Dragon card on the table.

Nightmare Sonic Blast: Normal spell.

Effect(s): You can activate this Skill while you control "Serpent Night Dragon". Once per turn, you can reveal the top 4 cards of your Deck, and use 1 of the following Skills, depending on the number of monsters revealed.

1: Add one of the revealed cards to your hand.

2: Destroy 1 card your opponent controls.

3+: Apply both effects.

Then, place the rest of the revealed cards on top of your Deck in any order.

This time, Zane also read it with him. And the shocked and speechless look on their faces wasn't hidden as a little sweat appeared on their faces.

Bro, even Red Eyes and Blue Eyes don't have this kind of sick ass cards, why didn't Serpent Night Dragon get even more supports???

The two handsome guys gulped at the same time before they looked at each other :"these cards are too powerful, right?"

Zane nodded with a face as confused as Ali before he gulped :"yeah, the effects of these cards are really unexpected.

Because of my Cyber Dragon deck, I didn't check out other cards because of wanting to complete my deck.

So I thought that Serpent Night Dragon didn't have any cards to support it. But seeing these two cards, I'm honestly shocked why no one plays it..."

Ali gulped as he nodded :"yeah, I knew that there were just a few support cards for Serpent Night Dragon, but I didn't expect them to be this powerful."

Sadie giggled as she winked teasingly :"so? Are you satisfied with the cards, handsome? Do you want to purchase them?"

The look of shock that was on Ali's face disappeared as a huge grin took over instead :"hell to the yeah, babes! I'm buying all of em! How much?"

Sadie thought about it before she smiled :"since you are buying quite a few cards, I will give you a discount for each.

Serpent Night Dragon is 700 DP originally, I will sell each of them to you for 500 DP instead. I will also sell the spell cards for 700 DP each. Tell me, how much DP do you have?"

Ali wasn't that good at remembering numbers And names, so he gave a wry smile as he held a finger up :"let me check for a sec."

He then took out his PDA before he checked his profile to see the amount of DP that he has :"I have a total of 4,800 DP."

Sadie tilted her head with a troubled look :"hmm... And with buying the two Serpent Night Dragons, that will only leave 3,800 DP.

With 6 cards, you still have 400 DP less... Ah whatever, since you are so handsome and have a silver tongue along with a polite personality, I will just take that 400 DP away. But your DP will reach 0 then."

Ali smiled happily as he winked at the cutie :"thanks, Sadie! Really appreciate it! Then I will buy them all.

No need to worry about my DP reaching 0, I will be dueling a shit ton, so it will be even more than what I already have!"

Sadie nodded with a smile as she held her hand up :"then please give me your PDA so I can take the DP."

Ali handed it gently to her with a smile of his own before she reduced his DP to 0 and then handed the PDA along with the 8 cards to him :"thank you for your purchase. I hope you have good luck with your new cards."

Ali nodded as he took the cards and then took out his deck before he put the cards in along with the other cards.

The bug, who was frowning all along while Sadie and Ali talked, walked towards them with a haughty face :"you finished yet? Let's duel already then. I will put you in your place."

Ali smirked as he snorted :"yeah, I'm ready, bug. I will crush you under my foot, that will put you in your place, little bitch."

After glaring at him for a second, the bug equipped his duel disk before he walked to a side of the store :"then let's duel!"

Ali knew this idiots intentions as he smirked in mockery :'this idiot wants to duel me in here because he thinks that he can win, huh?

Not only will he be able to show off because of beating the handsome me, but he will also humiliate me in front of Sadie.

Heh, but unfortunately for him, it will go the exact opposite of what he had hoped. Sorry, bud, no hard feelings, but that's what you get for dissing my duel spirits.'

Zane folded his arms in front of his chest as he nodded :"good luck, Ali. Show me what you've got."

Ali winked with a toothy grin on his face :"don't blink, you might miss something in the duel or something."

Zane shook his head in amusement as Ali walked to stand a few meters in front of the bug before he pressed the button on his ring to activate his bracelet.

As the bracelet unfolded and the Red Eyes duel disk appeared, the people other than Zane had the same expression as the students in the classroom.

Shocked, confused, amazed, frustrated and so on. Ali smirked at the bug who was gritting his teeth :"well, I hope you don't mind that I wanna go first."

Ali took his deck out of his deck holder before he told Red Eyes to tell the duel spirits what he wants :(Red Eyes, tell Serpent Night Dragon and Kidmodo Dragon to come to the top of the deck. Also, have them bring the three Revived Serpent Night Dragons with them.)

(On it, boss!) Red Eyes chirped before it got to sending Ali's message to the duel spirits, informing them of Ali's plan.

Serpent Night Dragon's graceful and beautiful voice came with a hum :"understood, master. Leave it to us."

The bug who was way to arrogant for Ali's liking snorted :"f-fine, it won't change anything anyway."

The malicious intent in Ali's eyes grew as he gave him his signature smirk :"alright then, let's begin!"

After the cards were shuffled, they both drew their first hand. Ali smirked at the cards that he told the duel spirits to bring before he drew another card :"alright, I draw.

First, I summon Kidmodo Dragon in defense position and I also set two cards face down. That's it, I end my turn."

Kidmodo Dragon: Dragon/ Effect/ Earth/ Lv 3/ 100 ATK/ 200 DEF.

Effect(s): If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster from your hand. You cannot Special Summon monsters, except Dragon-Type monsters, nor conduct your Battle Phase, the turn you activate this effect. You can only use this effect of "Kidmodo Dragon" once per turn.

Damn, brings back memories of when dueling was all about that, huh? Well, there aren't many cards to combo with here to begin.

But obviously, like any random bug, this bug also just looked at the card's ATK and DEF points before scoffing with a smug smirk :"tsk, your deck is even more of a trash than I thought.

You have seriously put that kind of card in your deck? It's not surprising that Serpent Night Dragon is your ace. I will show you how to really duel, trash!

I draw! I summon Lord Of D. in attack position. And then I activate Flute Of Summoning Dragon

Lord Of D.: Spellcaster/ Effect/ Dark/ Lv 4/ 1,200 ATK/ 1,100 DEF.

Effect(s): Neither player can target Dragon monsters on the field with card effects.

Flute Of Summoning Dragon: Normal spell.

Effect(s): Special Summon up to 2 Dragon monsters from your hand. "Lord of D." must be on the field to activate and to resolve this effect.

The bug smirked with smugness as he laughed :"hahahaha! With this, I can summon up to 2 Dragons from my hand!

And I summon, Curse Of Dragon and Parrot Dragon! Both in attack position at that. And then I activate Stamping Destruction!

Allowing me to destroy 1 spell or trap card on the field as long as I have a dragon monster on the field! And with it, I can inflict 500 damage to your life points!"

Curse Of Dragon: Dragon/ Normal/ Dark/ Lv 5/ 2,000 ATK/ 1,500 DEf.

Parrot Dragon: Dragon/ Normal/ Wind/ Lv 5/ 2,000 ATK/ 1,300 DEF.

Stamping Destruction: Normal spell.

Effect(s): If you control a Dragon monster: Target 1 Spell/Trap on the field; destroy that target, and if you do, inflict 500 damage to its controller.

Ali LP: 4,000 -> 3,500

Bug LP: 4,000

Zane who was watching from the side with a face that was a mix of calmness and seriousness narrowed his eyes :'good move.

That Kidmodo Dragon of Ali's should have an effect if Ali was willing to put it in his deck with how low its ATK and DEF points are.'

Ali nodded with a slightly impressed look on his face :"damn, son. That's a pretty good combo for a bug like you."

He wasn't lying. For someone of this academy, this bug was pretty good for being able to pull that combo.

And the said bug snorted with a smug and arrogant look :"I don't need you to tell me that. I choose the card that you set first!"

The trap card in the middle, Defense Draw, shattered into hundreds of pieces before fading away.

The bug raised his hand and pointed at Kidmodo Dragon :"now, Lord Of D., attack his little dragon!"

And at his order, the Lord Of D. attacked Kidmodo Dragon. The little dragon that was in a defensive position was struck and was destroyed before Ali snorted :"I activate Kidmodo Dragon's effect!

You really shouldn't underestimate a monster just because of its low ATK points, because if you do, you're gonna regret it!

You know why? It's because once Kidmodo Dragon is sent to the graveyard, I can special summon a dragon from my hand! And I choose the monster that you dared to mock! Arise, Serpent Night Dragon!"

A light shot towards Ali's hand from the fallen Kidmodo Dragon and lighted up Serpent Night Dragon's card before Ali put it on the duel disk!

Serpent Night Dragon: Dragon/ Normal/ Dark/ Lv 7/ 2,350 ATK/ 2,400 DEF.


DP: 4,800 -> 0