
Yu-Gi-Oh DM: Re-Duel! (Dropped)

A man is forcefully taken out of his reality by an unknown entity. Follow his story as he tries everything in his power to return home, to be with his loved ones. A/N: Read at your own risk. I recommend checking the tags below beforehand to avoid any misunderstandings. Disclaimer: I have no intention of profiting from this work, it is just a fanfiction that I write to practice my writing and want to share with like-minded individuals. Consequently, updates will be made at my discretion. [The distribution rights for Yu-Gi-Oh belong solely to Konami Digital Entertainment].

Azazel_0919 · Anime und Comics
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23 Chs

Scene 22.


[Domino City, Japan. Saturday. 12/22/1990. Afternoon. Headquarters Building, District 4, Duel Arena].

On the platform, now visibly more adorned than a week ago, lay Mr. Tanaka, the event presenter. His expression was cheerful and fulfilled. A fake smile defined his lips as he concluded his speech.

In the room, besides him, there were several other people, including journalists, event staff, some participants' family members like Takaido in our case, and finally the participants themselves: Kotsuzuka, Satake, a boy whose name I didn't know, and lastly, myself.

"... You four represent the best of the best in the game in this district! With that said, the semifinals can begin! Let the games commence!" With that said, Mr. Tanaka stepped away from the platform and then, refining his politician's expression, headed towards the many journalists who would cover the event today; probably, with the goal of publicizing the matter and himself additionally. Men like him didn't know how to do anything else after all.

Subtly, I shifted my gaze to my fellow competitors who were currently present in the venue.

Satake and Takaido were engrossed in an uninteresting conversation about their respective part-time jobs.

On the other hand, Kotsuzuka looked quite nervous, standing tremulously by my side; beads of sweat ran down his face. He couldn't stop constantly checking his deck. Clearly, social matters weren't his forte. 'And here I thought his paleness was natural. Ha!' I sardonically weighed.

Then there was the boy whose name I didn't know; he was shyly talking to a middle-aged woman, probably his mother. Judging by his appearance, he was undoubtedly the youngest among us.

As for me, I just wanted everything to get started already.

"Huh? Well, look who it is." Suddenly, a man approached us whom I recognized almost immediately; Mr. Matsumoto, my observer during my first duel in the competition. His expression was as serious and rigid as I remembered.

"Good afternoon, guys. If you could please follow me this way? I'll take you to your respective places. Oh, by the way? If any of you have any last-minute needs, please speak up now, if possible. Once the duels start, you won't be able to do anything until they're concluded." After finishing his clarification, Matsumoto stared at us, awaiting a response.

After several consecutive denials, including mine, the man in question led us to two tables located in the center of the venue. The necessary equipment for the game was set up on these tables, as expected. Besides that, two men, most likely our observers, given their matching black suit attire, stood behind each table respectively.

Seeing the expressions of doubt on some of our faces, Matsumoto explained, "Participants Satake and Umemaru, to table two, please. Participants Kurai and Kotsuzuka, to the other table. With that said, please perform the pre-game procedures. Here, your observers will assist with any doubts you have during the process. The game will begin in five minutes and counting!"

After finishing his speech, Matsumoto headed towards Mr. Tanaka, who was currently chatting with a dozen visibly excited journalists; his goal seemed to be to inform about the completion of his corresponding task.

As for us, each participant took their designated seat and then, without wasting time, we proceeded to perform the routine activities before the game; shuffling the opponent's deck and then deciding who would start the match by flipping a coin.

On the other hand, family members and journalists were directed to take seats prepared in advance several meters from our positions. Naturally, several honor seats were placed among these seats. Some of the event sponsors, including Mr. Tanaka, took these seats. Matsumoto positioned himself between both tables, like a sort of third observer and announcer.

Subsequently, my attention was fully on my opponent, Kotsuzuka. "Nervous, shorty?" I casually remarked.

Five cards now lay in my hands. Kotsuzuka had won the draw before the duel's start. Consequently, he would be the one to initiate our match.

As expected, Kotsuzuka looked at me with obvious annoyance on his features. However, paradoxically, a subsequent nod on his part definitively confirmed my earlier assertion. "A little, yeah."

As a result, a faint smile graced my lips. Words left my mouth in challenge and also as a sign of encouragement. "Heh. Though you'll probably lose. I know you'll do well, kid."

After our brief exchange of words, Mr. Matsumoto smiled and then, loudly exclaimed, "Begin!"







To be continued...