
Yu-Gi-Oh DM: Re-Duel! (Dropped)

A man is forcefully taken out of his reality by an unknown entity. Follow his story as he tries everything in his power to return home, to be with his loved ones. A/N: Read at your own risk. I recommend checking the tags below beforehand to avoid any misunderstandings. Disclaimer: I have no intention of profiting from this work, it is just a fanfiction that I write to practice my writing and want to share with like-minded individuals. Consequently, updates will be made at my discretion. [The distribution rights for Yu-Gi-Oh belong solely to Konami Digital Entertainment].

Azazel_0919 · Anime und Comics
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23 Chs

Scene 20.

"Nezumi I."








[Domino City, Japan. Friday. 12/21/1990. Noon. Rintama High School, Cafeteria].

The boss sure knew how to mock people.

"Heh heh. I don't know why you're so desperate to meet Nezumi, Kurai. Heh. Frankly, curiosity is killing me right now. Hum, but anyway, the sooner we get this over with, the better for all parties involved. Ahem! Let's get to the point! I won't beat around the bush with this. What I want is for you to find a blond kid named Katsuya Jonouchi at Domino High School and then give him a little lesson on my behalf. Oh, yes. You're good at that, Kurai, aren't you? Breaking bones is definitely your thing! Hahaha!" He laughed exaggeratedly.

'Huh? Katsuya Jonouchi? Oh-oh! That guy!' I pondered.

Certainly, that idiot and his friends had caused us a lot of trouble back then. After that humiliation, many of the guys left the gang, and it had also become much harder to recruit members within the school. All the respect we had earned with so much effort had gone down the drain in a few days. Even now, almost a year after that event, the consequences were still giving us headaches. Especially to our fearless leader. Naturally, he bore all the responsibility for that fiasco and, to this day, he only maintained the gang leadership by force; otherwise, someone else would have likely taken his seat. All for wanting to recruit a foolish blond. Hirutani was an idiot, a strong idiot, but an idiot nonetheless. Indeed, there were many others more capable of taking his place. 'One day for sure...'. I imagined a better future, a future where the majestic me sat at the top of the school hierarchy.


Then, I was abruptly brought back to reality. 'Urgh.' I grunted, unsatisfied. The tight grip of the boss's lackeys on my shoulders made me realize immediately how far away my dream was from coming true.

'Woe is me.' I sighed dramatically.

On the other hand, diverting my gaze from the boss to Kurai, I noticed how the latter's face was now twisted in indignation, and no one could really blame him for that. Anyone in his situation would turn around and reject such a request. It was a clear humiliation, extortion in every sense.

'Hum.' However, knowing Kurai, things definitely wouldn't stay that way for long. The bastard had a really venomous silver tongue, after all.

And he didn't disappoint. "Hum. Seems like you've forgotten what happened last time, huh?" Kurai commented, narrowing his eyes dangerously.

Blood drained from my body at the implicit implications in that short question. I immediately remembered what I saw that day from the corner of the alley.

That beating was undoubtedly unforgettable. 'So much violence.' I visibly shuddered.

I looked at the guys, and they had similar expressions.

Their grips on my shoulders faltered, but not enough for me to make a tactical retreat.

"That-th-that's..." However, our fearless leader had taken the worst of it all. His face was now completely pallid, and if my eyes didn't deceive me, cold sweat was running down his forehead.

That's why it wasn't wise to step on anyone's toes too much, especially not on someone as eerie as Kurai.

His next words only confirmed that fact. "Let me ask you, kids: What's stopping me from doing to you what you did to me back then? Could I get creative, you know? Wait until you're alone and unprotected, far from the safety of your little gang. Hahaha, I think you can imagine the rest, right? So, I suggest you turn a blind eye to this matter, okay? It's best for everyone." Kurai concluded as he approached me very slowly.

A truly sinister smile painted his features simultaneously.

My heart quivered. 'No.' I got scared. I didn't know what Kurai wanted from me, but it couldn't be anything good, no, not if he was smiling in such a terrifying manner. I had to do something to escape his clutches, fast. "No! No! B-boss! Boss, please, do something!" I pleaded, clasping my hands in a gesture of supplication toward Hirutani.

By then, Kurai was only a few steps away from me.

The guys currently holding me immediately got on guard.

Kurai halted his advance, then.

"We're not afraid of you, Kurai!" one of them affirmed, stuttering.

He didn't sound very convinced of himself.

"Yeah, even if you're strong, we're more!" another added, gaining confidence in numbers.

"Right!" the other guys nodded at each other, determined, and then surrounded me protectively.

Even the boss didn't want to stay on the sidelines for this occasion and subsequently exclaimed, "If you don't want to fulfill my request, you bastard! Then just get lost already! There's no deal!" His face was twisted with rage.

A little relief flooded over me as I witnessed all their beautiful displays of camaraderie. 'Guys.' I cried internally, moved.

But that feeling wasn't meant to last long, unfortunately for me. "Ugh. You know what? Lately, I've been pretty stressed. Accidents happen, you understand? My hand might go too far with some of you. Heh. And as your bully in charge already reminded you, I love breaking bones. Hum. Think it over, okay? Is that kid there worth all that pain? I don't think so." Kurai added, warning about the possible consequences that awaited the guys if they didn't yield to his demands.


He then cracked his neck with his right hand.

"Tsk." A click of annoyance escaped his lips afterward.

Kurai advanced.

Consequently, all those present involuntarily took a step back.

Silence reigned in the place immediately after.

Then, the pressure on my shoulders abruptly disappeared.

The next instant, only Kurai and I were left in the place. "Huh?" I became disoriented.

'No-no-no, this can't be possible? O-o-or is it?' I went blank, confused, even in my thoughts I stuttered uncontrollably.

I found out that the guys had abandoned me without even thinking twice. 'Traitors.' I protested inwardly.

"As expected." Kurai muttered, snapping me out of my self-induced reverie.

'Run.' I knew what I had to do in that very moment.

I turned around, gathered momentum, and then let nature take its course.

"Stop right there! Where do you think you're going, shrimp?" I heard Kurai's voice behind me.

His hand now held onto the collar of my jacket tightly.

'This is the end!' I groaned inwardly.

Then, my legs went weak as I saw all too clearly what my fate held.

I was a dead rat, even if it sounded self-deprecating.







To be continued...